Fate Link
6-level Telepathic
The target must have a Open Mind to the telepath.
PSP Cost
Time to Invoke:
1 action
2 miles
Perceivable Actions:
Psychic (P)
In the mindscape the telepath will attempt to attach some kind of connection between him and his target. Like a rope or chain attached to both.
This power enables the telepath to intertwine his
own fate with that of a contacted creature. The creature must succeed on a
Charisma saving throw to resist the power.
If either being experiences pain, both feel it. When
one loses hit points, both lose the same amount. If
either dies, the other must immediately make a
Constitution saving throw to avoid the same fate.
This link will stay active till death of one of the two, or the telepath stops the link, or through psychic surgery, or any spell able to remove a curse.