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Fast Talk

Type :
Prerequisites :
Bluff 5 ranks

Description :
Benefit: You can distract a creature with a confusing barrage of words, causing it to be surprised at the beginning of combat. You can use this ability only on a creature you are able to converse with (it must be able to see or hear you and understand your words) prior to the beginning of combat, and you must continue to converse with it until combat begins. You can’t use this ability if you are the one to instigate combat or if you are unaware at the start of combat.   When the GM declares that combat has begun, but before initiative is rolled, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to attempt a Bluff check against a single creature that this ability can affect. The DC is equal to 15 + the target’s total Perception skill bonus, or 20 + 1-1/2 × the target’s CR, whichever is higher. If your check is successful, the target creature is considered unaware at the start of combat, allowing other creatures (including yourself) to act in a surprise round. Once you have attempted to use this ability on a creature, whether or not you succeed, it is immune to this ability for 24 hours.

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Statblock Type

Starfinder Features
