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You were a grave digger, a caretaker tasked with digging graves for burials. This sullen responsibility forced you to work with death and the dead regularly, allowing you to develop a thick skin and repellent demeanor. Most gravediggers choose the profession out of necessity. Still, perhaps you are drawn to its morbidity or enjoy taking the last possessions of the dead before laying their bodies to rest. You may also be a gravedigger to uncover what was lost, digging up the deceased out of historical curiosity or a grave robber’s greed. Nevertheless, the eyes of the community look away as you approach out of superstition, disgust or fear.

Skill Proficiencies History, Intimidation
Tool Proficiencies Vehicles (land)
Languages One of your choice
Equipment A cart, shovel, a set of common clothes including a hood, and a belt pouch containing 5 gp.


Six Feet Under

The souls of nonhostile creatures can reach out to you thanks to your time spent with the dead. During downtime, you can attempt to reach out to a specific soul or any soul who may be listening by asking a specific question. This might grant you occasional information or roleplay opportunities at the DM's discretion.

Suggested Characteristics

You often appear gloomy, reclusive or brooding. Constantly facing what many perceive as horrifying and grotesque experiences could cause you to come off as cold, excessively blunt or eccentric. They merely fear what they don’t understand. Embrace the motley assortment that makes you unique.


d8Personality Trait
1I find the dead easier to understand than the living.
2I show almost no emotion, even in the most difficult times.
3I am secretive about how my past led me to this profession.
4I feel a strange connection when I uncover buried mysteries.
5I am secretly appalled by my choice of work.
6I am constantly keeping notes of my historical finds.
7The dead are gone, but their valuables need rescuing.
8I carry charms for protection against angry spirits.


1Good. The dead should be honored and undisturbed.
2Comical. Rotting bodies and the idea of death is hilarious.
3Vengeance. I will dig up and rob every deceitful cultist.
4Generosity. I'm happy to share the knowledge I uncover.
5Respect. Respect for the dead is a courtesy to the living.
6Acceptance. This line of work allows me to be myself.


1I am a caretaker for the dead as they pass into the beyond.
2I hate all undead and must prevent their existence.
3My faith is unshakeable as a perform an important duty.
4I escaped a life of poverty by pillaging a noble's grave.
5I am pursuing the creation of flesh golem and need parts.
6My family was taken by a plague passed by rotting remains. It will never happen to another.


1A lifetime of social detachment has made me suspicious of the living.
2I am obsessed with preventing my own death. I don't want my remains to end up in a grave.
3No matter how often I clean myself, I smell of death.
4I'm on the run after digging up a lich's phylactery.
5I have trouble viewing the living as "alive."
6I get irritated when the dead refuse to talk back during a conversation.

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