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((Source: Lankhmar: Savage Seas of Nehwon, Jones, 2018)),

Drowner of the Deep CR: 1/2

Medium aberration, chaotic evil
Armor Class: 10
Hit Points: 15hp (3d8) 3d8
Speed: 30 ft , swim: 60 ft


15 +2


13 +1


13 +1


12 +1


10 +0


17 +3

Saving Throws: CHA +5
Damage Vulnerabilities: Psychic, Thunder
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities: Acid, Cold
Condition Immunities: Blinded, Charmed, Frightened, Grappled
Languages: Common
Challenge Rating: 1/2 ( 100 XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Drowner from the Deep by Chad Watson via Midjourney

Death Grip.
Though slim and lovely, the drowner's arms are far more powerful than they appear, and a trapped victim must break free from their grip or be grappled  
Haunting Eyes.
The drowner's gaze is hypnotic and alluring. Those who experience it must make a Wisdom (Insight) check vs. DC 18 or succumb to the desire to taste the drowner's lips.


Drowning Kiss.
The kiss of a drowner inflicts 2d10 damage each round until the victim succeeds a Wisdom (Insight) check at -2 each round to awaken to danger and break the spell.  

A drowner appears as a comely youth in flimsy garments who seeks out lonely individuals along the seashore or dock, beckoning for help. Once their prey comes close, the drowner uses powers of seduction to lure them into their embrace, then kisses them. At first the kiss is like the sweetest wine, but then the prey feels his or her lungs filling with water. Unless the victim breaks free, their life force is consumed by the dr  Those killed by a drowner are usually found with a trickle of water escaped from their lungs.   When slain, the drowner transforms into a pool of sweet-smelling water prized by sorcerers.    

Suggested Environments

Near shorelines, docks, and other watery environs where humanoids reside.

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