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Animali Example

As an Kitsune, you are a humanoid creature with distinct vulpine features. You possess the head and fur of a fox, including its pointed ears and bushy tail. However, your body and limbs are humanoid in shape, and you stand upright like a human. Your fur can range in color from red, orange, and brown to gray, white, and black, and your eyes are often bright and intelligent, reflecting your sharp wit and cunning nature. With your agility, quick reflexes, and keen senses, you are well-suited for a variety of professions, from cunning rogues and quick-footed rangers to mystical druids and wily bards.
ability score increase: Your dexterity increases by 2, wisdom score increases by 1, strength decreases by 1.
age: Kitsune have a relatively short lifespan, living for approximately 65 years. They reach maturity at around 14 years of age, at which point they are considered young adults and are expected to take on more responsibilities within their communities.
alignment: Kitsune are a race that tends towards the chaotic side of the alignment spectrum. This is due in part to their mischievous and playful nature, as well as their tendency to be fiercely independent and resist authority. Kitsune value freedom and spontaneity, often preferring to live life on their own terms rather than adhering to strict rules and structures. However, this does not mean that Kitsune are inherently malicious or immoral, many Kitsune possess strong moral compasses and seek to do what is right, even if it means going against the grain.
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice.
race features:
Varying sizes. Kitsunes can have varying heights and builds, ranging from barely 3 feet to well over 5 feet. However, regardless of where you fall in that range, you can either be Small or Medium in size.   Dark vision. Your keen fox senses are particularly sharp in low light. You can see up to 60 feet in dim light as though it were bright light, and in total darkness, you can see in shades of gray as though it were dim light. However, you cannot perceive colors in darkness.   Vupline Fur. As a kitsune, your luscious fur coat is not only a defining feature of your appearance but also an essential defense mechanism against the cold. The dense fur provides insulation, keeping you warm even in the harshest winter weather. However, this protective layer can also cause you to overheat quickly in warm environments. You gain resistance to cold damage, but become vulnerable to fire damage. Additionally, you have the option to further develop your natural abilities. Choose to improve your natural agility or charm by increasing either your Dexterity or Charisma score by 1.   Vupline senses. As an Kitsune, you possess an array of natural instincts and heightened senses, which enable you to be adept at observing your surroundings and moving silently through them. You possess a natural proficiency in the Perception and Stealth skills, making you an excellent scout and hunter. You can detect and locate hidden enemies, traps, and other dangers with ease, and you can move stealthily through even the most challenging terrain without being detected. These senses are essential for survival in the wild, and they make you an invaluable member of any adventuring party.   Vupline claws. Your sharp claws grant you a climbing speed of 20 feet, and can also serve as natural weapons for unarmed strikes. When you hit with your claws, you deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier in slashing damage, instead of the usual bludgeoning damage for unarmed strikes.


Kitsunes are known for their love of music and dance. They value artistic expression and creativity, often using music and dance as a way to communicate and bond with others. They tend to be sociable creatures, enjoying the company of others and forming tight-knit communities. They have a strong sense of loyalty to their family and friends, and will go to great lengths to protect those they care about. They have a reputation for being clever and resourceful, able to adapt to new situations and find solutions to problems. Many Kitsune are also skilled in the art of illusion, using their natural talents for deception and trickery in both playful and serious situations.

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