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Myldron Grom LN
Character Name Alignment
Helmsman(Themistoclien) 12 , Bloodfuser 5 , Ringbearer // 1 , Stormbound(Herald of Spring) 6 , Fisherking 1 , Incanter(original) 1 , Amplifier 1 , Evangelist 9 , Mythic Spheremaster 2
Character Level
Dwarf M
Race Size
Male 327
Gender Age
4'9" 234
Height Weight
Greyed Deep Blue
Hair Eyes
Won Truth
Mystral Whitebeacon <E1-F>
Deity Homeland
Mystral -
Domain/Oath/Patron/School XP

Ability Score Mod T.Adj T.Mod
11 +0 16 +3
5 -3 10 +0
11 +0 16 +3
22 +6 ( +0 ) +0
36 +13 ( +0 ) +0
11 +0 ( +0 ) +0
 Change in tracker!
HP Total
Dam Red
Spell Res
+13 / +8 / +3
Total AC
Flat Footed
Flat Footed + Touch
Save Total Base Ability Magic Misc Temp
Fortitude +20 +9 CON +3 +0 +1 +7
Reflex +21 +8 DEX +0 +0 +0 +13
Will +30 +10 WIS +13 +0 +0 +7
Combat Maneuver Bonus CMB
CMB BaB STR Size Misc
+26 / +21 / +16 +13 / +8 / +3 +3 +0 +10
Combat Maneuver Defense CMD
CMD Base BaB STR DEX Size Misc
36 / 31 / 26 10 +13 / +8 / +3 +3 +0 +0 +10
115' (Perfect)


  1. Dwarf
  2. Common
  3. Giant
  4. Orc
  5. Undercommon
Gift of Tongues
  • Sphinx
  • ???
  • Linguistics
    1. Terran
    2. Auran
    3. Aquan
    4. Draconic
    5. Treant
    6. D'ziriak
    7. Sphinx
    8. Goblin
    9. Elven
    10. Cyclops
    11. Aklo
    12. Grippli
    13. Halfling
    14. ???
    15. ???
    16. ???
    17. ???
    18. ???
    1. Celestial
    2. Ignin
    3. Sylvan
    4. Infernal
    5. Abyssal
    6. Gnoll
    7. Aboleth
    8. Dark Folk
    9. Elainn
    10. Necril
    11. Gnome
    12. Necril
    13. Protean
    14. ???
    15. ???
    16. ???
    17. ???
    18. ???

    Per Day
    Spell List

    Conjuration Sphere
    Veilweaving Sphere
  • Veils Shaped/day: 19
  • Essence Capacity: 7
  • Essence: 62+102g
  • Veil List
    Dark Heart, Helmsman List, Vizier List, Fisherking List, Stormbound List, & all Blood Veils
    Binds Known
    Belt, Blood, Feet, Hands, Head, Interface, Shoulder, Storm, Wrists
  • Condense Essense
    As a swift action, you can spend any number of spell points to gain half that many points of temporary essence (rounded down, minimum 0). You may only ever have a total amount of temporary essence using this ability at any time equal to your caster level with this sphere. These points of temporary essence persist until you rest to recover your spell points.
    Draw Essence
    Additionally, as a swift action, you can choose to burn any number of points of temporary essence granted by this ability to gain a number of temporary spell points equal to the amount of temporary essence burned. These temporary spell points last for 1 minute.
  • Veils
    BeltCincture of the Dragon - 7g Essence
    +8 enhancement bonus to natural armor.
    BloodDaevic Aspect (Fixation) - 7g Essence
    You gain a +8 insight bonus on ranged attack rolls and to AC and a constant 20% miss chance as the blur spell in addition to increasing the critical threat range of any ranged weapon you are wielding by 1 (this is applied after effects such as the Improved Critical feat or keen weapon property).
    BodyT:Bindings of the Immortal - 3v Essence
    +3 insight bonus to saves vs. death effects. Do not take damage from strenuous actions taken while at or below 0 HP. Treat Constitution as 74 points higher when determining the point at which you die. while at 50% or lower HP, gain 4 Hardness. while at 0 or less HP, gain an additional 4 hardness.
    ChestDark Heart - 7g Essence
    Once per round as a free action, you may activate this veil’s power. While this veil is active, your essence containers have their capacity improved by 2 and you gain 14 temporary essence. When activating this veil, you lose hit points equal to twice your total Hit Dice. At the beginning of each of your turns while this veil is active, you can choose to deactivate it, or take lose hit points equal to twice your total Hit Dice to allow it to remain active. This choice can be made even if you cannot take actions. Hit point loss from this veil ignores temporary hit points, and cannot be mitigated or redirected in any way.
    FeetDance of Daggers - 7g Essence
    This veil does not suffer penalties to enhancement bonuses for creating multiple weapons. Daggers created by this veil have their range increment increased by 20 feet and disappear at the end of your turn instead of when they leave your grip. Each time you move 10 feet, you may create a dagger using this veil and make a thrown weapon attack at your highest base attack bonus with this dagger. This must be your movement; movement from a mount, ship, or similar aided movement does not count. A creature may not be attacked more than four times per round by daggers created by this veil, and you may not make more attacks this way than your veilweaver level per turn.
    HandsStormking's Vambrace - 7 Essence
  • When this veil is shaped you gain the ability to manifest a bolt of crackling electricity into an open hand as a free action. This acts as a +5 Impacting, Shocking, Shocking Burst trident sized appropriately for you, but instead of dealing piercing damage like a normal trident, it deals electricity damage as if it were 3 sizes larger. Additionally, it is treated as if it were a light weapon. If this trident is disarmed, or otherwise removed from your person against your will, it dissipates and can be reformed as a free action on your turn. You can create as many tridents as you have free hands, if you wish. If thrown, it dissipates after hitting or missing its target and can be reformed as normal thereafter. This Trident deals 6d6 additional electric damage and has a range increment of 110'
  • Trident can be used as a ranged touch attack, losing the trident's base damage die and the strength bonus to damage.
  • When striking a foe, an additional target, which is wearingmetal armor within 30' also takes the minimum damage.
  • T:Deathgrip Gauntlets - 0 Essence
    While you have this veil shaped, whenever you would deal damage, you may deal 1 point of damage to yourself to gain a +2 insight bonus to damage for that attack. Damage dealt to you this way cannot be reduced or mitigated by any means, and ignores temporary HP. You may only use this ability once per hit. Additionally, you gain the benefit of the Diehard feat. While at or below 50% hit points, you gain a +2 insight bonus to attack. When you damage yourself to gain an insight bonus to damage using this veil, the damage bonus increases by 50%. While at or below 0 hit points, you instead gain an insight bonus to attack equal to your veilweaving level, and when you damage yourself to gain an insight bonus to damage using this veil, the damage bonus increases by 100%. You are immune to the staggered condition while at or below 0 hit points.
    T:Cerulean Bow - 0 Essence
    This bow has a strength rating equal to your strength modifier. This veil produces its own mundane ammunition. Whenever you make an attack, after the roll is made but before the effects are applied, you may negate that attack. If you do, that attack is stored within the quiver of this veil -- Record its d20 result. (You may negate attacks this way in response to missing due to miss chance, spells and effects, attacks that would negate it, and so on). At the end of each of your turns, recorded attacks you have stored in your quiver gain a +1 bonus to attack.
    As a swift action you may combine the attacks stored into your bow in a powerful, singular arrow known as a coalescent shot. Choose any number of stored attacks. This coalescent shot used the highest d20 out of all the chosen attacks. Then, roll damage for each of the attacks. (Damage granted from other sources other than yourself is not added into this roll). The damage of this coalesced shot is equal to the sum of rolled damage total damage. You may fire a coalescent shot as a standard action. The coalescent shot doesn’t count against your total number of stored attacks, but you may only have one at a time. The coalescent shot expires after 1 minute, until used, or when initiative is rolled. You may continue to merge attacks into your coalescent shot, increasing its damage. Coalescent shots cannot critically hit.
    HeadMask of Elemental Adaptation - 7g Essence
    When shaping this veil, choose one energy type from the following list: Acid, Cold, Fire, Electric, Sonic. The veil gains that descriptor. Whenever you would take damage from an effect which deals damage of one of the above types other than the chosen energy type, the first 40 points of damage is converted to the chosen energy type. Whenever a creature with the elemental subtype attempts to attack you with a melee attack, they must make a Will saving throw. If the creature’s subtype also matches the energy type chosen at the time this veil was shaped (creatures with the air subtype), the attacking elemental takes a penalty to their saving throw equal to the amount of essence currently invested in this veil. If the attacker fails the save, they cannot complete their attack and the action is wasted. Once an attacker has successfully saved against this veil’s effects, they no longer need to make any further saving throws against it for the next 24 hours.
    HeadbandCaustic Veil - 7 Essence
    +8 acid damage, ignore up to 40 ER acid, when a creature takes acid damage from one of my effects, they make a fortitude save to negate a -4 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks as a pain effect until the end of my next turn.
    Voltaic Circlet - 7 Essence
    +8 lightning damage, ignore up to 40 ER lightning, when a creature takes lightning damage from one of my effects, they make a reflex save to negate being flat-footed until the end of my next turn.
    InterfaceDogfighter's Third Eye - 7g Essence
    While using veil, you receive a +8 dodge bonus to your AC and blindsense out to 100 feet. In addition, any time that an attack misses you, you may move 5 feet as a free action. This action does not provoke attack of opportunity.
    Neckno thanks, they're all dogshit
    RingBand of Fortune
    Whenever I or an enemy with 30' rolls a d20, as an immediate action I can impose another d20 roll, choosing my favorite of the two rolls for the result. This can be done up to 16 times each day, and the natural die roll is adjusted by up to 7 in a direction of my choice, altering the natural die roll to a maximum of 20 and a minimum of 1.
    ShouldersAdmiral's Regalia - 7g+1A Essence
    While this veil is shaped, any vehicle or mech the veilweaver is piloting--and up to 8 other mechs, vehicles, or constructs the veilweaver can percieve--gains the ability to ignore 50 feet of difficult terrain, reduce any miss chance from concealment by 50%, and gains 3 mech enhancements.
    Gorget of the Wyrm - 7g+1A Essence
    You gain a 15-foot cone breath weapon that deals 15d6 Electric damage, which can be used as a standard action. You also gain a pair of pearlescent wings which grant you a Fly speed of 100 feet (perfect maneuverability)
    T:Treant Plate - 3v Essence
    Once per round when you take damage, you can recover 18 hp. If this damage was electricity damage, you instead heal twice as many hit points. You cannot heal more than the damage dealt to you by the triggering damage using this ability. You gain immunity to electricity. Whenever you would take electricity damage, you are healed instead, healing 1 point of damage per 5 points of electricity damage you would have taken.
  • 585' range: The Energization - 7+3C Essence
  • Ally Benefits:
    • If within 140', +25 to movement speed. This benefit reduces in potency by -5' at 145', and by an additional -5' every 140' thereafter
    • If within 70', +6 insight to reflex saves. This benefit similarly reduces in potency by -1 at 75', and by an additional -1 every 140' thereafter.
  • Foe Detriments:
    • If an enemy begins their turn within 70' of Grom or his boat, they must make a fortitude save (DC 31) or be imposed with -25' penalty to movement speed (minimum 5') and a -6 penalty to reflex saving throws.
    • This speed detriment reduces in potency by 5' at a range of 145', and by an additional 5' every 140' thereafter, while the save penalty reduces in potency by 1 at 75', and by an additional 1 every 140
  • All benefits and detriments are calculated at the start of your turn. Grom and his Ship are always at full benefit.
  • The Rime - 7+3C Essence
    If within 70' incur 20 electricity damage and gain 20 temp HP, which is ignored by cold damage (said cold damage applying to normal HP or other temp HP, but not this temp HP). Your tHP from this source stacks up to 40 temp HP. The damage and temp HP incured and gained each round decreases by 2 at 75' and every 70' thereafter. As a reminder, you may choose to treat the electric damage as 0, if you are under the effects of Blessing of Spring. Grom and his Ship instead heals for 54 HP and gains 20 tHP
  • 55 mile range: Totem: The Sweltering - 7T+3C Essence
  • light levels are increased by +4 to a limit of bright light. It does not however counter or suppress supernatural darkness.
  • Whenever a creature ends their turn within this storm, they must attempt a DC 32 fortitude save (which decreases as creatures get further away, but what combat takes place over a 10 mile expanse?), which increases by +1 DC every round after the first that a creature is exposed to the storm. creatures which fail this save are afflicted with 10d6+16 nonlethal Electric damage and are fatigued until all damage from this veil is healed.
  • Foe Detriments:
    • Once a creature has failed their first save against this effect, at the end of each of their turns--while they remain within the storm--they take 27 points of non-lethal electric damage (no save). These creatures must still attempt the original fortitude save, taking 10d6 more damage and escalating their fatigue to exhaustion upon a failed save.
    • Creatures which are negatively affected by sunlight or take penalties from bright light take all of this damage as lethal damage and increase the damage by 50%. Such creatures do not benefit from immunities to effects which call for fortitude saves, nor do they benefit from immunities to the fatigue or exhaustion caused by this storm.
  • Grom and his Ship heal for (10d6/5+18)*1.5 at the end of his turn.
  • VoiceDeclaraion to War - 7 Essence
    You and a number of allies within 60 feet equal to your veilweaving modifier, selected as a free action during your turn, gain a +4 morale bonus to attack rolls and +8 morale bous to weapon damage rolls.
    WaistDrunkard's Sash - 0 Essence
  • While this veil is shaped, the veilweaver takes no penalties from drinking alcohol or being drunk.
  • Whenever this veilweaver takes a drink (from a potion, alcohol, alchemist extracts, etc), the veilweaver gains temporary hit points equal to twice their character level. These temporary hit points can only be gained once per round, last for one minute, and stack with themselves up to half of the veilweaver’s maximum hit points.
  • WristsSpring's Resurgence - 7+3A Essence
  • You can use this veil to call upon up to two blades that can take the form of Elven leafblade or Elven thornblade in any combination. Half of the physical damage dealt by these blades is instead dealt as electricity damage and these weapons also deal an additional 9d6 of electricity damage. This weapon may only be enhanced with weapon special abilities that can be applied to both of those weapons.
  • The first time each round a creature is struck by one of these blades--or when a creature ends their turn within 30' of Grom or his Ship after having taken electric damage from Grom or his Ship during the last round--they must make a Reflex saving throw or have electrically charged flowers bloom from the wound. These blooms persist until the end of your turn in 11 rounds, or until the affected creature pulls them from their wounds as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Multiple applications of this ability stack, and each new application resets the duration of all previous applications to their maximum duration.
    • A single standard action to remove the blooms removed all applications of this effect.
    • At the beginning of each of the affected creature’s turns the blooms spark with electricity, dealing 12 points of electricity damage to them per application of this ability they are suffering from.
    • whenever you attack a creature using the weapons produced by this veil who is affected by at least one bloom, that attack deals 1 additional point of electricity damage per bloom affecting them.
    • If a creature suffering from one of the veil’s blooms has fewer than 75% of their maximum hit points, the blooms feed upon their life energy and cause them to entangle that creature for as long as it is affected by the blooms, causing them to suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls, AC, CMB, CMD, and Reflex saving throws.
    • If they have fewer than 50% of their maximum hit points, the above penalties worsen by -1 and the creature cannot run or charge. If the affected creature attempts to cast a spell that requires somatic components, they must make a success concentration check (DC 15 + the spell level) or lose the spell.
    • If they have fewer than 25% of their maximum hit points, the above penalties are worsened by an additional -2 (-4 total), the affected creature moves at half speed, and if the affected creature was standing upon solid terrain the blooms temporarily bind them to the ground when they are applied, causing them to be unable to move from their space until the end of your next turn or until the blooms are removed (whichever happens first). This ability does not negate a creature’s ability to teleport.
  • Autumn's Decay - 7+3A Essence
  • Shaping this veil allows you to call upon an elven branched spear imbued with the decay of autumn. Half of the physical damage dealt by this spear is instead dealt as acid damage. Unlike a normal reach weapon, the weapon produced by this veil is formed of mostly-fluid rot, allowing itself to shorten to attack adjacent creatures without penalty.
  • The first time each round a creature is struck by this spear--or when a creature ends their turn within 30' of Grom or his Ship after having taken acid damage--they must make a Fortitude saving throw or have their flesh begin to rot away due to the veil’s acidic decay. Until the end of your turn after 11 rounds, the creature suffers a -1 penalty to their natural armor (to a minimum of 0), a -2 penalty on one source of damage reduction they possess (to a minimum of 0, affecting the highest form of damage reduction if they possess multiple). Multiple applications of this ability stack, and each new application resets the duration of all previous applications to their maximum duration. Undead creatures and constructs are not immune to the effects of this ability.
    • Any creature afflicted by this rot cannot be healed of the acid damage dealt by this veil without a DC 29 CL or VL check.
    • objects and veils can recieve rot is sundered, which reduces their hardness instead of their DR. Veils additionally have their maximum hp reduced by the amount of acid damage dealt to them. A veilweaver must make a DC 29 VL check at the start of their turn to heal their veils to maximum HP. If a veil's maximum hp is reduced to 0, it is suppressed until the rot's duration expires or the veilweaver succeeds on their VL check. If the final damage to reduce the maximum Hp to 0 was part of a sunder attempt, the veil is additionally suppressed for 1d4 rounds after the suppression due to this rot is alliviated.
  • T:Thurston's Bladewards - 3v Essence
    gain DR 5/bludgeoning and +5 shield bonus to AC.
    Blessed LandMy Enemies Will Suffer - 7g Essence
    Within 65' of Grom, enemies take a -4 penalty to Reflex Saves and a -5 penalty to Acrobatics and Fly checks; the skill penalties double to -10 when moving through threatened squares.
    BoatManeuvers 5+9g Essence
    Caged Sun - 5+2g Essence, Noblesse Oblige - 7g Essence
    Artillery - 7g Essence
    +7 insight to attack, damage, and DC of weapons.
    Discipline Specialty (Radiant Dawn) - 7g Essence
    +7 insight bonus to DC of Radiant Dawn Maneuvers
    Endurance - 7g Essence
    +7 resistance bonus to all saves made by the Boat
    Meshed Veil EffectsVeils - 7 Bound Essence
    Autumn's Decay, Caustic Veil, Springer's Resurgence, The Rime, The Sweltering, Voltaic Circlet, the Energization; DC 45 or 33+1/r (46 at round 14, so mostly pointless, but it's there)
  • Select among Reflex and Fort saves. The selected save type does not affect immunities.
  • Regardless of a successful save, all creatures within 70' incur 36 damage of the selected type and gain 20 temp HP which can stack with itself up to 40. This damage and temp hp decreases by 2 for every full increment of 70' while within a maximum range of 700'. This damage disregards up to 40 points of ER, but creatures who are immune are still immune.
  • Enemies within 70' who fail their saves are imposed with a -25' penalty to their movement speed (to a minimum of 5') and a -6 penalty to reflex saving throws. targets are still effected when further away, but to lesser detriment. the slowing effect is reduced by 5' at a range of 145' and every 140' increment thereafter, while the penalty to reflex saves decreases by 1 at 75' and every 140' increment thereafter.
  • 10d6+16 non-lethal points of the selected damage type, and while any amount of this damage remains the target is fatigued. If a creature fails a 2nd save, and thus becomes exhausted, they cannot be healed of this damage while in the storm. Creatures immune to fortitude saves are immune to this effect.
    • Creatures that take penalty from bright lights or which are negatively impacted by sunlight take 1.5 times as much damage as lethal damage instead of the non-lethal damage; furthermore, they are subject to this effect of the meshed veil, even if they are normally immune to fortitude saving throws, fatigue, or exhaustion.
  • enemy creatures within 30' of Grom or his ship are afflicted with 1 Bloom and 1 Rot for 11 rounds. These can stack with no upper limit. Such creatures are inflicted with 12/bloom+16 of the selected damage type, a penalty to natural armor equal to their rot, and reduce their DR by increments of 2 for each application of this effect, affecting their greatest DR at the time of application. Bloom can be cleared from a creature as a standard action.
    • If a creature suffering from blooms has fewer than 75% of their maximum hit points, the blooms feed upon their life energy and cause them to entangle that creature for as long as it is affected by the blooms, causing them to suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls, AC, CMB, CMD, and Reflex saving throws.
    • If they have fewer than 50% of their maximum hit points, the above penalties worsen by -1 and the creature cannot run or charge. If the affected creature attempts to cast a spell that requires somatic components, they must make a success concentration check (DC 15 + the spell level) or lose the spell.
    • If they have fewer than 25% of their maximum hit points, the above penalties are worsened by an additional -2 (-4 total), the affected creature moves at half speed, and if the affected creature was standing upon solid terrain the blooms temporarily bind them to the ground when they are applied, causing them to be unable to move from their space until the end of your next turn or until the blooms are removed (whichever happens first). This ability does not negate a creature’s ability to teleport.
  • On a failed save, target becomes flat-footed and suffers a -4 penalty to ability checks for 1 round. Creatures immune to foritude saves or pain effects are immune to the -4 penalty; similarly, non-living creatures which are not vulnerable to the selected damage type are immune to this effect.
  • Spellcasting Notes

    29 (16+Wis) spell points/day

    Casting Tradition
  • Casting Type: Divine
  • Casting Modifier: Wis
  • Consciousness Linked, Emotional Casting, Focus Casting, Magical Signs, Verbal Casting, Imbued Power
  • Boon: +1+1/6cast-lvl spell points, +1 essence per level
  • Martial Tradition
  • Equipment: Armor Trainingx2: proficient in all armor, but also the 2nd one is pointless and something I'll have to change with a complete reversion;, Firearm Proficiency: proficient will all firearms, save for siege weapons, also gain the gunsmithing feat for free
  • 1 pilot sphere talent
  • CL
  • Conjuration Sphere: 21+5 (11 talents)
  • Power Spheres: 18 - (veilweaving 6 talents)
  • Pilot: 18 - (6 talents)
  • Other Might Spheres: 13 - (beastmastery 1 talent)
  • Veilweaving Level: 17
  • Initiator Level: 14
  • Beastmastery Sphere
    Base Sphere (Companionship - Pet; Zuellone)
    Conjuration Sphere
    base (Mage <Magical Companion, Implement Bearer>; Ocxiuus), Lingering Companion (Ocxiuus->all), Spell Conduit x2, Greater Summoning, Extra Companion (Mage <Magical Companion, Implement Bearer>; ) x5, Channel Companion, Possessive Companion
    Pilot Sphere
    Naval Package, Cruise Control, Autopilot, Companion Vessel x2, Remote Piloting, Bonus Customization x3
    Veilweaving Sphere
    Base Sphere, Entwined Allocation, Twin Veil x4

    Radiant Dawn
    Staunching Strike, Healer's Bane, Decree of Death, Shatter Spell, Noblesse Oblige
    Piercing Thunder
    Bronze Lancet Charge, Oaken Shield
    Solar Wind
    Steady Hand
    Spoils of War, The Caged Sun, Armaments of the Empire, Stance of the Sunlight Shield

    Adventuring Skills
    CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
    Acrobatics +8 (STR)  +3 +0 +5
      Bluff +4 (CHA)  +0 +0 +4
    Climb +9 (STR)  +3 +0 +6
    Diplomacy +23 (CHA)  +0 +18 +5
      Disguise +4 (CHA)  +0 +0 +4
      Escape Artist +4 (DEX)  +0 +0 +4
    Fly +6 (DEX)  +0 +0 +6
    Heal +18 (WIS)  +13 +0 +5
    Intimidate +21 (CHA)  +0 +18 +3
    Knowledge: Arcana +28 (INT)  +6 +18 +4
      Knowledge: Dungeoneering +10 (INT)  +6 +0 +4
    Knowledge: Local +10 (INT)  +6 +0 +4
    Knowledge: Nature +29 (INT)  +6 +18 +5
    Knowledge: Planes +12 (INT)  +6 +0 +6
    Knowledge: Religion +29 (INT)  +6 +18 +5
      Knowledge: Psionics +10 (INT)  +6 +0 +4
      Knowledge: Martial +10 (INT)  +6 +0 +4
    Perception +34 (WIS)  +13 +18 +3
      Ride +4 (DEX)  +0 +0 +4
    Sense Motive +22 (WIS)  +13 +0 +9
    Spellcraft* +27 (INT)  +6 +18 +3
      Stealth +4 (DEX)  +0 +0 +4
    Survival +35 (WIS)  +13 +18 +4
    Swim +28 (STR)  +3 +18 +7
    Use Magic Device* +7 (CHA)  +0 +4 +3
    Background Skills
    CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
    Appraise +6 (INT)  +6 +0 +0
    Craft: Alchemy +27 (INT)  +6 +18 +3
    Craft: Brewing +27 (INT)  +6 +18 +3
    Craft: Other +10 (INT)  +6 +0 +4
      Knowledge: Engineering +10 (INT)  +6 +0 +4
    Knowledge: Geography +28 (INT)  +6 +18 +4
    Knowledge: History +10 (INT)  +6 +0 +4
    Knowledge: Nobility +10 (INT)  +6 +0 +4
    Linguistics* +27 (INT)  +6 +18 +3
    Perform: All +4 (CHA)  +0 +0 +4
    Profession: Sailor +35 (WIS)  +13 +18 +4
    Custom Skills
    CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc

    * only usable when trained (rank 1 and higher)
    Skill Notes
    +2 appraise for non-magical gem or metal items
    +4 sacred on untrained checks.
    Class Skills
    Vocations: Apothecary, Athlete, Dragon Envoy, Explorer, Medium, Mystic, Philosopher, Pirate, Sailor, Translator, ???
    Evangelist: Skilled - Diplomacy, Knowledge Nature

    non-leveling featsRace) Toughness
    +1 HP per HD
    Martial Trad) Gunsmithing
  • If you have access to a gunsmith’s kit, you can create and restore firearms, craft bullets, and mix black powder for all types of firearms. You do not need to make a Craft check to create firearms and ammunition or to restore firearms.
  • Crafting Firearms: You can craft any early firearm for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the firearm. At your GM’s discretion, you can craft advanced firearms for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the firearm. Crafting a firearm in this way takes 1 day of work for every 1,000 gp of the firearm’s price (minimum 1 day).
  • Crafting Ammunition: You can craft bullets, pellets, and black powder for a cost in raw materials equal to 10% of the price. If you have at least 1 rank in Craft (alchemy), you can craft alchemical cartridges for a cost in raw materials equal to half the price of the cartridge. At your GM’s discretion, you can craft metal cartridges for a cost in raw materials equal to half the cost of the cartridge. Crafting bullets, black powder, or cartridges takes 1 day of work for every 1,000 gp of ammunition (minimum 1 day).
  • Restoring a Broken Firearm: Each day, with an hour’s worth of work, you can use this feat to repair a single firearm with the broken condition. You can take time during a rest period to restore a broken firearm with this feat.
  • Flaw) Spell Focus (Conjuration)
    +1 DC on Conjuration Spells
    Flaw) Varisian Tattoo
    +1 Caster Level on Conjuration Spells and 3/day Acid Splash SLA
    Major Drawback) Bloatmage Initiate
    +1 Caster Level on Conjuration Spells; however, under a permanent medium load with encumbrance penalties.
    Background) Extra Combat Talent
    Gain the Cruise Control talent of the Pilot Sphere.
    Leveling Feats1) Extra Combat Talent
    Gain the Autopilot talent of the Pilot Sphere
    3) Biomech Pilot
    Grant mech the Biomech template and the options of the following mech enhancements:
    • Adrenaline Surge: The mech gains the ferocity universal monster ability.
    • Accessible Physiology: For the purpose of spells and powers, the mech pilot may treat their mech as either a humanoid, aberration, plant, or construct, whichever is most beneficial.
    • Bonded Interface: The mech gains either the share spells ability of an animal companion or the share powers ability of a psicrystal, chosen at the time this enhancement is added.
    • Extreme Acclimation: The mech has adapted to some form of extreme environment, gaining immunity to either fire or cold damage. This enhancement can be selected up to two times, but the mech pilot must be at least 9th level to select it.
    • Feral Mech: The mech treats all integrated weapons as natural attacks for the purpose of feats and other abilities.
    • Gushing Fluid: When damaged, the mech violently pours forth vitriolic fluid that hoses its attacker. When the mech takes damage from a slashing or piercing weapon, all creatures adjacent to the mech must succeed at a Reflex save (DC = 10 + the mech’s hit dice) or take acid damage as its caustic fluids spray forth. A mech deals an amount of acid damage in this way based on its size (1d4 points of acid damage for a medium mech, 1d6 for a Large mech, and so on).
    • Improved Feral Mech: The mech gains the pounce ability, but only with integrated weapons. The pilot must be at least 9th level and must have given the mech the feral mech enhancement to select this enhancement.
    • Instinctive Action: If the mech’s pilot becomes unconscious, stunned, or otherwise unable to pilot the mech, the mech continues to repeat the last action that it performed, attacking the nearest creature if it attacked or running if it ran. The mech is considered to have an intelligence score of - and a Wisdom score of 10 while acting in this way.
    • Oxygen Supply: The mech possesses onboard mechanisms that supply atmosphere to the pilot. While inside the mech, the pilot does not take pressure damage and has an infinite supply of air. The pilot must be at least 9th level and have the nautical superiority enhancement to select this enhancement.
    • Resilient Build: The mech gains a 25% chance to negate critical hits and precision damage. This enhancement can be taken a second time to increase the chance to 50%, and a third time to give the mech immunity to critical hits and precision damage.
    • Tissue Regeneration: The mech gains fast healing equal to half its HD, its biological components pulling themselves together under stress. The mech pilot must be at least 9th level to select this enhancement
    5) Extra Combat Talent
    Gain the Base Sphere talent, disregarding packages in favor of the Companionship (pet) drawback of the Beastmastery Sphere
    7) Extra Magic Talent
    Gain the base conjuration sphere with the Magical Companion+implement bearer archetype.
    9) Spell Channel
    While your companion is within range of your Spell Conduit ability, you can treat it as the point of origin for any spell that you cast.
    11) Ability Channel
    While your companion is within range of your Spell Conduit ability, you can treat it as the point of origin for any class ability that requires a melee or ranged attack.
    13) Deific Obedience
    There are no benefits of this feat, lmao. Feat tax funny.
    15) Homogenous Companions
    All Conjuration Companions benefit from the Lingering Companion Form Talent.
    17) Extra Combat Talent
    Gain the Companion Vessel talent of the Pilot Sphere
    Class Feats6&12) Extra Combat Talent x2
    Gain the Remote Piloting and Companion Vessel talents of the Pilot Sphere.
    Mythic Feats1) Paragon
    treat mythic teir as 2 high for mythic features.
    2e) Advanced Magic Training
    non high-casting classes are midcasting classes.
    3) Mythic Combat Talents
    gain the Bonus Customization talent of the Pilot sphere 3 times.

    Special Abilities

  • Oath: You must carry weights or alter your body such that you are always encumbered by at least a medium load, taking encumbrance penalties as normal.
  • Defiance Penalty: Removing your burden creates an unfamiliar, unstable sensation, causing you to take a penalty on Reflex saves equal to half your character level (minimum 1).
  • Atonement: In addition to taking up the physical burden again for at least one day, you must perform some great physical feat while carrying your burden. This may be climbing a mountain, swimming across or river, or performing some other physically taxing feat.
  • Honor
  • Oath: You have sworn to uphold your good name and maintain an air of dignity in your actions. You must select a code of honor (Chivalric) and maintain an honor score (see Ultimate Campaign) of at least 3 x your character level at all times. When you first swear this Oath or when you level up, your honor score is increased to 3 x your character level if it is lower.
  • Defiance Penalty: Your dishonorable actions weigh physically on you. You are constantly considered sickened, and this effect ignores any immunity to the sickened condition you may possess.
  • Atonement: You must see your honor restored in the face of your community, and must reach an honor score of at least 4 x your character level.
  • Ritual
    -1 HP/HD
    Oath BoonsMagical Gleaning
    Gain the Advanced Magic Training feat
    Accelerated Recovery
    Fast Healing 8


    Race60' Darkvision
    Slow and Steady
    Speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
    Gain Toughness as a bonus feat and a +1 racial bonus on Fortitude saves.
    Spell Smasher
    +1 to attack rolls against creatures that are currently casting spells
    Rock Stepper
    Can 5' step on difficult terrain formed of rubble, broken ground, or steep stairs
    Dwarf Weapon Familiarity
    Proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.[/small
    traitssocial) Seafaring Reputation
    You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against sailors.
    magic) Internal Compass
    You maintain a sense of direction, even on planes where direction is relative. If you are on a plane that has no analogue to north, you automatically know the direction toward the plane’s major dominating feature (for instance, Pharasma’s Spire in the Boneyard, or the sun in Nirvana). If there is no such dominating feature, you instead know the direction of the closest feature significant to one of the plane’s divinities or demigods.
    combat) Steel Body
    Your physique is far more difficult to damage than others. You gain +1 hit point; for every two additional hit dice you possess, you gain +1 hit point.
    akashic) Natural Essence
    You gain 1 point of essence.
    Flaws / Major Drawbackflaw) Slow
    Your base land speed is halved (round down to the nearest 5-foot interval).
    flaw) Unreactive
    You take a -6 penalty on initiative checks.
    MD) One Leg
    Even with a peg leg, you lose 10 feet from your race’s normal speed.
    drawback) Entomophobe
    -2 to attack vermin, -2 save vs. swarm distraction

    Name AB Critical Type Range Ammo Dmg
    Stromking's Vambrace vs Touch +31 19-20x3 Piercing 90' no 9d6+35
    Stromking's Vambrace vs Touch +26 x2 Piercing 90' no 1d6+30
    Name ACB Type Check Penality Spell Failure Weight Properties
    Treantplate+8Heavy Veil-420%50Heal like a jackass
    Medium Load+0encumbrance-30%0Bloatmage Initiate
    House of Grom

    Ancestral Regression
    1/day; Standard; Grom and all allies within 30' gain a +6 enhancement bonus to physical scores for 13 rounds, affected creatures also gain one of the following:
  • 54 temporary HP
  • Grom gains 2d6 of the selected damage type to every attack and his allies gain 1d8 of the selected damage type to each of their attacks. the boat specifically, because of its being written by a fool, gains 2d6+1d8 as it somehow stupidly benefits from both. lmao.
  • ER 30 against the selected damage type
  • Dominion Over Dragons
    1/week; standard; Grom lets forth a terrifying roar, which affects all creatures within a 100' radius for 13 rounds. All allies gain a +4 morale bonus to attack, damage, and saving throw rolls, and they become immune to fear for the duration. All dragons within the radius must succeed a DC 31 will save or become paniked for 1d4 rounds. dragons who succeed are shaken instead.
    Finally, during the duration of the dominon, Grom can issue a command as a swift action as per the Command spell with a DC of 31. If the target is an ally, they may spend an immediate action to perform a single attack or move to accomplish the command. Dragons do not benefit from their immunities or SR with resgards to this function of Grom's Dominion Over Dragons.
    Nemesis of the Dragons:after the duration of Grom's dominion ends, he is fatigued, takes a -4 penalty to strength and constitution, and halves his movement speed for 1 hour. if he was already fartigued, he is instead exhausted and the penalty to strength and constitution is doubled.
    Curse of the Dwe'yar
    Ancestral Echoes: The power of Grom's dragonblood lineage sometimes overwhelms his senses with echoes of his ancestors' past battles and experiences. When Grom uses a veilweaving ability, there is a cumulative % chance that he becomes disoriented by these echoes at the end of his turn. For each veilweaving effect used in the same round, this chance increases by +1%. If he successfully avoids becoming disoriented, the percentage chance is halved (rounded up) and added to the following round's base chance. If he fails, he receives a penalty on all attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws equal to half (rounded down) the total chance he had to fail, lasting for 1 round. Additionally, he must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + level of the spell + 1/2 the penalty) to use any spells during this time. A failure resets the percentage back to 0.
    Arcane Instability: The raw draconic power within Grom sometimes destabilizes his spellcasting. If one of Grom's veils is destroyed or unraveled, he suffers essence burn equal to the amount of essence invested in that veil. This essence burn cannot be recovered for 24 hours. If this would exceed his currently available essence pool, he must select other veils to remove investments from to cover the cost of this burn.
    Elemental Vulnerability: Due to the mutagenic plague of Tiamat, Grom has a vulnerability to an energy type opposite to the one he chooses at the start of the day (Acid opposes Fire, Cold opposes Electric, etc.). He takes an additional 50% damage from this energy type.

    Arms & Equipment

  • 5 Dragoon Muskets with 44 Cartridges
  • Greater Stormbinder's Crook
  • +5 Imbuement Gem
  • Akashic CatalystsLesser: Shoulder Slot; Greater: Wrist Slot
    Headband+6 Int/Wis
    Totem of Storms
  • 7 Essence Totem
  • Class Features

    Helmsman, BloodfuserBoat
  • At 1st level, the helmsman chooses to gain either a companion mech or a companion vehicle. His effective pilot level is equal to his helmsman level. In addition, the helmsman's bonded vessel gains the benefits of all feats, veils, and chakra binds that the helmsman is using, even if it would not have the corresponding components to use a veil. If a veil creates a weapon, the weapons manifest somewhere on the bonded vessel and may be used in addition to other weapons that the vehicle or mech possesses. However, if the weapon is explicitly wielded in your hands, it takes up one weapon slot for each weapon created. The weapon can take up multiple weapon slots if its size is increased beyond medium.
  • Whenever the themistoclien initiates a boost or assumes a stance, he may choose to have his bonded vessel gain the benefits rather than himself. In addition, the themistoclien may perform a martial maneuver through his bonded vessel rather than himself.
  • Starting at 3rd level, a helmsman gains the ability to sacrifice essence to momentarily enhance the abilities of his bonded vessel. At 3rd level and every other odd-numbered level thereafter, the helmsman learns one hypercharge. As an immediate or swift action, the helmsman may activate one of his known hypercharges by taking the listed amount of essence burn. Essence that has been burned to activate an ability cannot be used again for any other purpose until the helmsman has had a chance to meditate. Essence burn recovers at a rate of 1 point of essence per minute spent in meditation. Each hypercharge last for a number of rounds equal to the helmsman's veilweaving modifier unless otherwise specified. Starting at 8th level, whenever the themistoclien initiates a boost, they may activate a single Hypercharge as part of the same action.
    • 3) Overload (1 point): Choose one akashic armament or veil that the bonded vessel has essence invested in. For the duration of this hypercharge, the effective amount of essence invested is increased by 6, even if this would normally exceed the maximum number of allowed essence invested in the armament.
    • 7) Hardware Augment (3 points): The bonded vessel gains the benefits of 4 mech enhancements for the duration of this hypercharge.
    • 11) Software Augment (2 points): The bonded vessel gains the benefits of 4 combat feats that they or the helmsman meet the prerequisites for for the duration of this hypercharge.
  • Starting at 1st level, a helmsman gains the ability to imbue essence into his bonded vessel just as he would a veil. When investing essence into his vessel, he is limited by his veilshaper level as to how many points of essence he may invest into any one of the vessel's armaments, but no limit exists regarding how many total points of essence may be invested into the vessel itself. If the vessel is destroyed, all of the essence invested in the mech is destroyed as essence burn.
    • Agility: The bonded vessel gains an insight bonus to AC equal to the amount of invested essence.
    • Artillery: the vessel gains an insight bonus to attack and damage rolls on all of its weapons and increases the DC of any saving throw imposed by its weapons by the amount of invested essence.
    • Propulsion: For every point of essence invested in this armament, the bonded vessel's movement speeds all increase by 5 feet. If at least 2 points of essence are invested in this ability and the bonded vessel possesses a fly speed, the maneuverability is increased by 1 step.
    • Discipline Specialty: the themistoclien's bonded vessel receives a insight bonus to the save DCs of maneuvers when using maneuvers of a specific discipline equal to the amount of invested essence.
    • Expanded Maneuvers: For every point of essence invested in this ability, the themistoclien gains the ability to ready an additional maneuver and regains one additional maneuver when regaining maneuvers as a full-round action. This essence cannot be reallocated save for at the beginning of the day.
    • Endurance: the vessel gains a resistance bonus on all saving throws equal to the amount of invested essence.
    • Repletion: the vessel's fast healing increases by an amount equal to the amount of invested essence. If it does not possess fast healing, it gains fast healing equal to the amount of essence invested in this armament.
    • Resilience: the hardness of the vessel increases by an amount equal to the amount of invested essence.
    • Targeting: the penalty from firing in multiple range increments or for making called shots with the vessel's weapons decreases by twice the amount of invested essence.
  • Starting at 4th level, whenever the bonded vessel takes enough damage to destroy it, the helmsman can sacrifice any number of hit points. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage done to the vessel.
  • At 12th level, a helmsman can infuse a vessel with a bind that they are not capable of normally utilizing, enhancing the machine dramatically at a cost. The helmsman's bonded vessel gains the ability to gain the benefit of one additional chakra to which a veil of any kind can be shaped. However, every round that this chakra remains active, the helmsman takes an amount of essence burn equal to the amount of essence invested in this chakra.
  • Blood Infusion
    each day, as part of shaping veils for the day, create 2 temporary potions which expire after 24 hours. These potions each grant the imbiber the shape and blood bind effects of a single blood veil, as if it had 6 essence invested in it, for 7 hours.
    Blood Control
    At 5th level, the bloodfuser gains increased control over their blood. Whenever they would take bleed damage, they can immediately heal half the damage taken (rounded down).
    Stormbound, Fisherking, Incanter, Amplifier & EvangelistStorm Veil Mods
  • The herald of spring gains an additional veil each day that must be used to shape a Storm veil. Unlike a normal stormbound, a herald of spring may freely invest their essence to or from their storm veils. The electric currents of spring storms imbues the herald of spring's soul, allowing them to call upon unique and devastating winter storms from beyond the mortal realms. Whenever the herald of winter shapes a Storm veil with the Acid, Cold, or Fire descriptors, they can choose to shape that veil with the Electricity descriptor instead. Any acid, cold, or fire damage dealt by this veil instead deals electricity damage.
  • At 2nd level, when the herald of spring rolls initiative, or at the beginning of each of their turns, they can choose to take 2 points of essence burn to unshape a single shaped Storm veil, and immediately shape a new one in its place. If the Storm veil they unshaped was bound to their chakra, the new Storm veil they shape in its place is also bound. If the unshaped Storm veil and the newly shaped Storm veil both have one of the following properties the herald of spring can use this ability without taking essence burn: the Air descriptor, Electricity descriptor, Healing descriptor, Water descriptor, or Storms that have no capability of dealing damage.
  • For each point of essence invested in your Storm veils beyond the first, their radius increases by an amount equal to their base radius (normally Close range). These range increases function similarly to a range weapon’s range increment. For each increment beyond the first, you treat the effects of the Storm veil as if it was invested with 1 fewer point of essence when determining its effects and saving throw DCs. At the farthest increment it is treated as being invested with 1 essence, the next closest would be treated as being invested with 2, and finally, the closest would be invested with 3. You may choose whether or not you wish to utilize the effects of this storm power each time you invest essence into a storm veil, or when you spend an action to reinvest your essence.
  • Weatherproofing
    A strombound can grant themselves and 11 other creatures the following
  • You get a fun pool of 9 temp HP (WOW!) which regens at a rate of 1/minute... so it's basically useless.
  • You also, when effected by any one of my veils, may choose to do any of the following things as relevant (or not, I don't judge): automatically pass the saving throw, have the attack roll automatically miss, reduce the damage to 0.
  • Clear Skies
  • As a standard action, you can attempt to disrupt a single Storm veil or spell that alters or controls the weather in Medium range (160'). Make a veilweaving check (1d20 + your veilweaving level) and compare that to a DC of 11 + the veil’s veilweaving level or the spell’s caster level. If successful, you suppress the effects of that veil or spell for 1d4 rounds, or for one minute if you beat the opposed check by 10 or more.
  • In addition, if you choose to willingly suppress your Storm veils, you can choose to unsuppress them on your turn as a free action instead of as a move action, or as an immediate action outside of your turn.
  • While you have all of your Storm veils willingly suppressed, the natural weather in an area equal to the area of your suppressed Storm veils becomes calm and of a normal temperature for the current season. This is a supernatural effect.
  • Blessed Land
  • As a swift action the fisherking can activate a 30-foot radius aura centered on themself that causes the world around them to reflect their inner nature. This effect ends if the fisherking is knocked unconscious or if they choose to end it as a swift action. When shaping their veils for the day, the fisherking can select one of the following effects for this ability. Creatures within this area, other than the fisherking, gain bonuses or take penalties depending on the effect selected, as indicated below:
    • My People Will Flourish: The world around the fisherking seems bright and full of hope. Allies within the fisherking's aura gain a +1 luck bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, or Will saving throws, selected by the fisherking when shaping veils for the day. In addition, allies within the area gain a +5 feet enhancement bonus to their base land speed. Increases to land speed last until the end of a creature's turn if it leaves the radius of this effect. At 5th and 13th levels, the bonus to saving throws increases by an additional +1, and the bonus to land speed increases by +5 feet.
    • My Enemies Will Suffer: The territory is a place of bleak desolation and clinging shadows. Enemy creatures within the fisherking's aura take a –1 penalty to their Fortitude, Reflex, or Will saving throws, selected by the fisherking when shaping veils for the day. Additionally, enemies take a –2 penalty on Acrobatics and Fly checks and this penalty is doubled against attempts by enemies to move through threatened squares. At 5th and 13th levels, the penalty to saving throws and skill checks increases by an additional –1.
    • This ability may be invested with essence, increasing the radius by 5 feet for each point of essence invested. For every two points of essence invested in this ability any bonuses or penalties to d20 rolls caused by this ability are increased by 1.
  • At 1st level, as a free action, the fisherking can surround themself with a number of spectral servants up to their veilweaving modifier. These servants function as if they were created by the unseen servant spell, except as follows. The range of this effect is equal to the current radius of your blessed land ability. The servants created by this ability cannot take the aid another action. They are visible though translucent, taking on the form of generic members of the fisherking's race and are dressed in livery the color and markings of which are selected when the fisherking shapes their veils for the day. The fisherking's royal attendants can cast prestidigitation as an at-will spell-like ability. The fisherking can direct their royal attendants to use any spell-like ability they possess as a free action. Royal attendants always use the fisherking's class level as their caster level and determine their saving throw DCs and their bonus on concentration checks using the fisherking's veilweaving modifier. This ability can be invested with essence, for each point of essence invested in this ability the number of attendants increases by 1 and the Strength score of all created attendants increases by 2.
  • Sphere Specialization
    +1CL to conjuration sphere
    Akashic Amplification
    Whenever an amplifier casts a spell or manifests a power of 5nd level or lower whose descriptor or subtype matches the descriptor of any of his veils, he can utilize that veil to amplify the power of his spell in one of the following ways:
  • Amplify: He may spend a move action to increase the caster level or manifester level of the power by 2. This can only be used on spells with a casting time of 1 standard action or less.
  • Energize: He may use a swift action to disperse the energy of the spell or power directly into a veil with a matching descriptor, increasing its effective invested essence by 1. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 4 + the level of the dispersed spell.
  • Vivify: The amplifier may cast the spell as part of a special full-round action, using his control of akasha to convert the energy of the spell or power into restorative energy, healing himself for a number of hit points equal to 7 times the level of the converted spell or power.
  • Protective Grace
    +2 dodge bonus to AC
    Mythic GiftedMythic Spell Pool
    Once per day as a free action, you can spend one mythic power to regain a number of spell points equal to your mythic tier (5). This does not count for any effects that trigger when you regain spell points normally. Any spell points above your maximum become temporary spell points that last for one minute per tier.
    Eternal Youth
    Ignore the physical pentalies of being middle aged (-1 accross the board). As a full round action, change apparebt age as a permanent polymorph effect, this is suppressed when another polymorph effect is used; this polymorph costs 1 mythic power.

    Creatures & Mounts

    WaveskimmerBiomech Template, +3 Mech Enhancements (Admiral's Regalia), ignore 50' of difficult terrain, reduce miss chance from concealment by 50%

    The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

    The statblocks of your class features

    Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.


    Vehicle Biomech Companion: The Waveskimmer

    Token Art

    Pilot Level 18 Boat Companion - C+5 Aberration
    Initiative: +2 Senses: Blindsense 140', Darkvision 90', True Seeing 120'; Perception +34

    A great ship formed of wood with not a single nail, detailings of mythril and a dark metal twist and warp around it like veins.


    AC: AC 57, touch 21, flat-foot 46 (+23 armor, +5 shield, -8 size, +3 Dex, +8 natural, +8 insight, +8 dodge
    HP: 294 14d10+154 ( +85 max; death at -104 HP )
    Fortitude: +27 Reflex: +28 Will: +37 ( +3 insight against death effects )
    Defensive Abilities: 20% miss chance Immune: selected energy type, first 35 points of other energy types, Construct Traits Aura: 700' Storms DR: 5/B, Hardness 17


    Speed: 105' (over water), 125' Fly (perfect)
    Melee: 12 Stormking's Vambrace - Dark Storm Trident: +57 ( 10d6+50+1d6 /x3+2d10), 1 Spring's Resurgence: +53 ( 1d4+46 /18-20)
    Ranged: 10 Stormking's Vambrace - Dark Storm Trident: 160' +43 vs. touch ( 10d6+39+1d6 /19-20, x3+2d10)
    Special Attacks: up to 12 Dancing Daggers: 60' +44 ( 1d4+40 /18-20, x2)
    Space: 130'x80' Reach: 5'


    Str 46, Dex 16, Con 30
    Base Attack: +13 CMB: +39 CMD: 51
    Feats: Uses Pilot Feats (Toughness, Gunsmithing, Spell Focus/Varisian Tattoo/Bloatmage Initiate [Conjuration], Paragon, Advanced Magic Training, Biomech Pilot, Deific Obedience)
    Skills: Uses Pilot Skills

    Mech Enhancements

    1. Weapon Slot
    2. Transformation
    3. Weapon Slot x3
    1. Weapon Slot x3
    2. Resilient Build x3
    1. Size Increase x2
    2. Accessible Physiology
    3. Extra Seating x2
    4. Weapon Slot x2
    1. Shielded Cockpit
    2. Nautical Superiority
    3. Oxygen Supply
    The ship can safely carry up to 30 Medium creatures in addition to the driver without counting them against its carry capacity. Increase this number by 10 every time the ship increases in size. In addition, the ship has twice the normal carrying capacity, which doubles with every size increase. (90 medium creatures and carry capacity of 15,040,512 light, 30,130,176 medium, 45,219,840 Heavy, 226,099,200 Drag (x49152))


    Familiar Companion: Zuellone

    Token Art

    Familiar (Protector) 14 N T Animal
    Initiative: -1 Senses: low-light vision, scent; Perception +18


    AC: AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (–1 Dex, +7 natural, +2 size)
    HP: 161 17
    Fortitude: 10 Reflex: 13 Will: 11


    Speed: 10', 20' Swim
    Space: 2.5' Reach: 0'


    Str 4, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 6
    Feats: Agile Combatant, Spring Attack (Su), Bodyguard, Combat Reflexes, In Harm's Way
    Skills: Craft (Alchemy, Brewing) +18, Diplomacy +15, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (Arcana, Nature, Religion, Geography) +18, Linguistics +18, Perception +18, Profession (Sailor) +18, Spellcraft +18, Survival +18, Swim +24, Use Magic Device +2
    Racial Modifiers: +8 swim
    Languages: Speak with Master

    Special Abilities

  • Shell (Ex): As a move action, a snapping turtle can pull its extremities and head into its shell. It cannot move or attack as long as it remains in this state, but its armor bonus from natural armor increases by +4 as long as it does.
  • Share Spells: The wizard may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on himself. A wizard may cast spells on his familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type (magical beast).
  • Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his familiar to a 1 mile distance. The master can communicate empathically with the familiar, but cannot see through its eyes. Because of the link's limited nature, only general emotions can be shared. The master has the same connection to an item or place that his familiar does.
  • Loyal Bodyguard (Ex): A protector gains Bodyguard and Combat Reflexes as bonus feats. If the familiar is sharing its master’s square, it can use Bodyguard to aid another to improve its master’s AC even if it doesn’t threaten the attacking foe, though it still needs line of effect to its master and the attacker.
  • Shield Master (Su): At 5th level, whenever a protector or its master takes hit point damage, as long as the protector and its master are touching, its master can split the damage evenly between them as if under the effects of shield other.
  • Speak with Master (Ex): If the master is 5th level or higher, a familiar and the master can communicate verbally as if they were using a common language. Other creatures do not understand the communication without magical help.
  • Able Defender (Ex): At 11th level, a protector gains In Harm’s Way as a bonus feat. In addition, the familiar’s hit points are now equal to its master’s total hit points (not including temporary hit points), regardless of its actual Hit Dice.
  • Scry on Familiar (Sp): If the master is 13th level or higher, he may scry on his familiar (as if casting the scrying spell) once per day.

    Conjuration Companion 1: Ocxiuus of Helfath

    Token Art

    TCL 21 Conjuration Companion CE M Outsider, Extraplanar
    Initiative: +3 Senses: Perception +16

    A roiling orb of the ocean's waves floats in the breeze as if foam upon the seas.


    AC: AC 23, touch 13, flat-foot 20 (+10 natural, +3 Dex)
    HP: 112 16d6+16
    Fortitude: +7 Reflex: +15 Will: +13 ( +4 moral to will saves vs. charm or enchantment effects )
    Defensive Abilities: Evasion


    Speed: 15' hover, 30' (average)
    Space: 5' Reach: 5'
    Spell-like Abilities: Casting Tradition
  • Casting Type: Divine
  • Casting Ability Modifier: Charisma
  • Drawbacks: Consciousness Linked, Emotional Casting, Focus Casting, Magical Signs, Imbued Power
  • Boon: +1 essence per level <17 essence>
  • Veilweaving Sphere
    Base Sphere, Entitled Veil, Shape Additional Veil x4 (HD 5, 7, 13, & 15), Kheshig Tradition, Gifted Essence


    Str 7, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 25
    Base Attack: 8 CMB: +5 CMD: 18
    Feats: Extra Magic Talent (8x)
    Skills: Perception +17 , Swim +14
    Languages: Aquan

    Ocxiuus appears as a floating mote of tumultuous water, like a giant's raindrop frozen in time on its long descent to the ground. Occasionally what could be recognized as a face may bubble up to the surface, before the current drags it back below. The outermost layers of this being seem to be a glass-like layer of magical thin ice, containing its flowing form from spilling out all over the ground.

    Ocxiuus is a great ocean spirit, born of the many sailors who have sunk beneath the sea of Helfath E1-F, their regrets coalescing into her cold shell and their jealousy of the living, entwining with the wrath of the sea, shaping her natural dispositions. Ocxiuus is a being of wrath and of the world, weaving the natural chaos into tools of death as a evil spirit of the oceans.


    Conjuration Companion 2: Maaryth, Dweller in the Deep Rift

    Token Art

    TCL 21 Conjuration Companion LN M Outsider, Extraplanar
    Initiative: +3 Senses: Perception +1

    A serpent of the deep, a being of older days.


    AC: AC 25, touch 13, flat-foot 22 (+12 natural, +3 Dex)
    HP: 112 16d6+16
    Fortitude: +7 Reflex: +15 Will: +12 ( +4 moral to will saves vs. charm or enchantment effects )
    Defensive Abilities: Evasion Immune: Trip


    Speed: 20'
    Space: 5' Reach: 5'
    Spell-like Abilities: Casting Tradition
  • Casting Type: Divine
  • Casting Ability Modifier: Charisma
  • Drawbacks: Consciousness Linked, Emotional Casting, Focus Casting, Magical Signs, Imbued Power
  • Boon: +1 essence per level <17 essence>
  • Veilweaving Sphere
    Base Sphere, Essence Binder Drawback- Gifted Essence
    Alteration Sphere: CL 12+5=17 (6 traits)
    Base Sphere, Greater Changes, Extreme Changes, Mechanical Customization, Dragon Transformation, Lingering Transformation, Permanent Transformation


    Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 25
    Base Attack: +8 CMB: +9 CMD: 22
    Feats: Extra Magic Talent (8x)
    Skills: Swim +18
    Languages: Aquan


    Environment: The Sea of Helfath, in deep sea trenches

    The serpent Maaryth appears as a wretched mix of a dragon and purple worm, taking much a similar shape to the later, but displaying dull blue-green plate-like draconic scales along its body. Spinal fins trace along the creature's massive back, as if once they were to support a great dragon's sail. It additionally seems as if scars have welded the creature's eyes shut.

    Born as a horrid experiment by Aboleth arcane scientists through the corruption and transmutation of a dragon egg laid while the world was still young, the wretched leviathan of the deep grew deformed and animalistic. After many centuries, the creature finally met its end... but beings so old never truly die beneath the stars of Whitebeacon.   Since his end of days, Maaryth's soul slowly transformed into a lingering spirit upon the material plane. As he did in life, so too did he do in death, eat and grow; now Maaryth resides as the single most powerful mortal soul in the 12 seas, as a spirit of violent evolution.   Maaryth grants power to those with shamanistic potential whom he encounters along his way, feasting upon the power they gain as they grow with the gifts he indiscriminately gives.


    Conjuration Companion 3: Vran'Sil, Spirit of the Ancestral Ways

    Token Art

    TCL 21 Conjuration Companion LN M Outsider, Extraplanar
    Initiative: +1


    AC: AC 21, touch 11, flat-foot 20 (+10 natural, +1 Dex)
    HP: 112 16d6+16
    Fortitude: +11 Reflex: +6 Will: +10
    Defensive Abilities: improved evasion


    Speed: 30'
    Space: 5' Reach: 5'
    Spell-like Abilities: Spell Points: 23/day Casting Tradition
  • Casting Type: Divine
  • Casting Ability Modifier: Charisma
  • Drawbacks: Consciousness Linked, Emotional Casting, Focus Casting, Magical Signs, Imbued Power
  • Boon: +1 essence per level <17 essence>
  • Veilweaving Sphere
    Base Sphere, Essence Binder Drawback- Gifted Essence
    Time Sphere: CL 12+5=17
    Base Sphere, Improved Haste, Mass Time, Second Chance, Ranged Time x2 (Medium), Reversion


    Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 25
    Base Attack: +7 CMB: +10 CMD: 21
    Feats: Extra Magic Talent (8x)
    Languages: Draconic

    Conjuration Companion 4: Tiai'lystra, The Celestial Starlight

    Token Art

    TCL 21 Conjuration Companion CG M Outsider, Extraplanar
    Initiative: +3


    HP: 112 16d6+16


    Speed: 20', 15' Fly (average)
    Space: 5' Reach: 5'
    Spell-like Abilities: Spell Points: 23/day Casting Tradition
  • Casting Type: Divine
  • Casting Ability Modifier: Charisma
  • Drawbacks: Consciousness Linked, Emotional Casting, Focus Casting, Magical Signs, Imbued Power
  • Boon: +1 essence per level <17 essence>
  • Veilweaving Sphere
    Base Sphere, Essence Binder Drawback- Gifted Essence
    Light Sphere: CL 12+5=17
    Base Sphere, Lingering Glow, Everglow, Shining Arsenal, Encompassing Light, Black Light, Dual Light


    Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 25
    Base Attack: +8 CMB: +9 CMD: 22
    Feats: Extra Magic Talent (8x)

    Conjuration Companion 5: Vitysdron, Heart of the Vyldin Forest

    Token Art

    TCL 21 Conjuration Companion NG M Outsider, Extraplanar
    Initiative: +3


    AC: AC 23, touch 13, flat-foot 20 (+10 natural, +3 Dex)
    HP: 112 16d6+16
    Fortitude: +7 Reflex: +15 Will: +13 ( +4 moral to will saves vs. charm or enchantment effects )
    Defensive Abilities: Evasion


    Speed: 15' hover, 30' (average)
    Space: 5' Reach: 5'
    Spell-like Abilities: Spell Points: 23/day, Casting Tradition
  • Casting Type: Divine
  • Casting Ability Modifier: Charisma
  • Drawbacks: Consciousness Linked, Emotional Casting, Focus Casting, Magical Signs, Imbued Power
  • Boon: +1 essence per level <17 essence>
  • Veilweaving Sphere
    Base Sphere, Essence Binder Drawback- Gifted Essence
    Life Sphere: CL 12+5=17
    Base Sphere, Restore Health, Deeper Healing, Greater Invigorate (41 thp for 17 hours), Mass Healing, Resuscitate, Transfiguration (85hp)


    Str 7, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 25
    Base Attack: 7 CMB: +4 CMD: 1
    Feats: Extra Magic Talent (8x)
    Skills: Perception +16 , Spellcraft +18
    Languages: Sylvan

    Conjuration Companion 6: Jin'Veil, Blood Remnant

    Token Art

    TCL 21 Conjuration Companion LN M Outsider, Extraplanar
    Initiative: +1


    AC: AC 21, touch 11, flat-foot 20 (+10 natural, +1 Dex)
    HP: 112 16d6+16
    Fortitude: +11 Reflex: +6 Will: +10
    Defensive Abilities: Improved Evasion


    Spell-like Abilities: Casting Tradition
  • Casting Type: Divine
  • Casting Ability Modifier: Charisma
  • Drawbacks: Consciousness Linked, Emotional Casting, Focus Casting, Magical Signs, Imbued Power
  • Boon: +1 essence per level <17 essence & 8v essence>
  • Veilweaving Sphere
    Base Sphere, Entitled Veil, Shape Additional Veil x2 (HD 5, 7 Eyes of the Hawkguard, Behemoth's Flesh, Admiral's Regalia), Gifted Essence, Binder of Titles x3 (HD 11, 13, & 15)


    Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 25
    Base Attack: +8 CMB: +11 CMD: 22
    Feats: Extra Magic Talent (8x)
    Languages: Draconic

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