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Wand of Puddles

Wondrous Item


Charges. The wand has 5 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn.   Sprinkle. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend one charge to activate the wand's ability. This creates up to 10 gallons of clean water that gently sprinkle down over a 10-foot square area within 30 feet. This water can extinguish small flames within the area, dampen the ground to make it muddy, or provide enough water to fill small containers.

The wand is crafted from a twisted piece of driftwood, smooth and subtly aged, giving it a natural, timeless look. Delicate carvings of small water droplets spiral along its shaft, while the handle is wrapped in soft blue leather, enhancing its mystical allure. The tip of the wand features an iridescent blue gem that seems alive with tiny swirling currents, reminiscent of a miniature aquatic world. When active, the wand exudes a cool mist, adding to its enchanting presence.

Cost: 150g
Weight: 1 lb

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