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Blayze Angelf D'Eath NE
Character Name Alignment
Promethean(Malformed Mimic) 6 , LegendaryAlchemist(Chirurgeon) 4 /Barbarian 1/Black Blood Cultist 1 (Prestige Class)
Character Level
Azlanti Human (lol) M
Race Size
men can drink
Gender Age
malleable rude!
Height Weight
hot cool
Hair Eyes
Eldwen|Astralaria STATS: 18/8/12/16/8/10
Murda~! NDA| Hero Points: 1
Deity Homeland
Spell Points: 10 Essence: 7 Quintessence: 9 Milestones System (tracked in discord)
Domain/Oath/Patron/School XP

Ability Score Mod T.Adj T.Mod
22 +6 N/A +6
10 +0 N/A +0
14 +2 N/A +2
26 +8 N/A +8
10 +0 N/A +0
12 +1 N/A +1
 Change in tracker!
HP Total
Dam Red
Spell Res
Total AC
Flat Footed
Flat Footed + Touch
Save Total Base Ability Magic Misc Temp
Fortitude +29 +27 CON +2 +0 +0 +0
Reflex +14 +14 DEX +0 +0 +0 +0
Will +28 +28 WIS +0 +0 +0 +0
Saving Throw Notes


Combat Maneuver Bonus CMB
CMB BaB STR Size Misc
+16 +4 +6 +0 +6
Combat Maneuver Defense CMD
CMD Base BaB STR DEX Size Misc
26 10 +4 +6 +0 +0 +6

Common, Undercommon, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial

Per Day
Spell List

Level 1:
Comprehend Languages
Enlarge Person
Enlarge Tail
Heightened Awareness
Long Arm

Level 2:
Alchemical Allocation

Adventuring Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
Acrobatics +9 (DEX)  +0 +6 +3
Bluff +17 (INT)  +8 +6 +3
Climb +6 (STR)  +6 +0 +0
Diplomacy +1 (CHA)  +1 +0 +0
Disable Device* +4 (DEX)  +0 +1 +3
Disguise +10 (CHA)  +1 +6 +3
Escape Artist +9 (DEX)  +0 +6 +3
Fly +10 (STR)  +6 +1 +3
Heal +17 (INT)  +8 +6 +3
Intimidate +10 (CHA)  +1 +6 +3
Knowledge: Arcana +17 (INT)  +8 +6 +3
Knowledge: Dungeoneering +12 (INT)  +8 +1 +3
Knowledge: Local +17 (INT)  +8 +6 +3
Knowledge: Nature +17 (INT)  +8 +6 +3
Knowledge: Planes +17 (INT)  +8 +6 +3
Knowledge: Religion +17 (INT)  +8 +6 +3
Perception +15 (STR)  +6 +6 +3
  Ride +0 (DEX)  +0 +0 +0
Sense Motive +17 (INT)  +8 +6 +3
Spellcraft* +12 (INT)  +8 +1 +3
Stealth +0 (DEX)  +0 +0 +0
Survival -6 (WIS)  +0 +0 -6
Swim +6 (STR)  +6 +0 +0
Background Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
Appraise +8 (INT)  +8 +0 +0
Craft: Alchemy +17 (INT)  +8 +6 +3
Knowledge: Engineering +12 (INT)  +8 +1 +3
Knowledge: Geography +12 (INT)  +8 +1 +3
Knowledge: History +17 (INT)  +8 +6 +3
Knowledge: Nobility +8 (INT)  +8 +0 +0
Lore*: Murda +12 (INT)  +8 +1 +3
Perform: Sex +1 (CHA)  +1 +0 +0
Profession: Whore -2 (WIS)  +0 +1 -3
Sleight of Hand* +9 (DEX)  +0 +6 +3
Custom Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc

* only usable when trained (rank 1 and higher)
Skill Notes
Subterfuge Sphere for Disguise ranks
Body Control Sphere for Escape Artist
Scoundrel Sphere for Slieght of Hand
Background 2 free class skills: Diplomacy and Disable Device

6+int from L:Aclhemist levels -- 40 points
4+int from Barbarian level -- 8 points
35 points, +10 Background, +15 from spheres skills
83 total skill points.

Drawback Feat 1: Muscular Reflexes (combat)
You rely on muscle memory and strength to enhance your reflexes.
Benefit: You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Strength bonus. With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.
Normal: A character without this feat can make only one attack of opportunity per round and can’t make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.
Special: The Muscular Reflexes feat does not allow a rogue to use her opportunist ability more than once per round. The attacks of opportunity from this feat do not stack with those granted by Combat Reflexes or similar feats, but Muscular Reflexes counts as Combat Reflexes when meeting the prerequisites for feats.

Drawback feat 2: Feral Combat Training (Combat)
You were taught a style of martial arts that relies on the natural weapons from your racial ability or class feature.
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus with selected natural weapon.
Benefit: Choose one of your natural weapons. While using the selected natural weapon, you can apply the effects of feats that have Improved Unarmed Strike as a prerequisite.
Special: If you are a monk, you can use the selected natural weapon with your flurry of blows class feature.

Flaw Feat 1: Weapon Focus (Natural Attacks) (Combat)
Choose one type of weapon. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple (or ray, if you are a spellcaster) as your weapon for the purposes of this feat.
Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.

Background Feat 1: Track (General, 3.5)

Feats from levels and Oaths:

2: Extra Discovery
You have made a new alchemical discovery.
Prerequisite: Discovery class feature.
Benefit: You gain one additional discovery. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this discovery.
Special: You can gain Extra Discovery multiple times.

6: Extradimensional Gullet (Combat)

Prerequisites: Swallow whole, Alteration sphere (Serpentine Transformation (transformation)), or Death sphere (Tomb Of Flesh Warp sphere (Extradimensional Room (space)).

Benefit: When you swallow a creature whole or entrap them using Tomb Of Flesh, you may shunt it into your extradimensional room or into a seemingly endless maze of entrails rather than your stomach. You may choose whether or not a creature in your extradimensional room takes damage as if swallowed whole, but either way a creature may attempt to cut their way out of your extradimensional room as if you had swallowed the creature whole. If a swallowed creature successfully cuts its way out of you, it must attempt an Intelligence check (DC 10 + 1/2 your Warp or Alteration sphere caster level) as it crawls out of the hole. If the victim is successful, it escapes you, but on a failure, the victim merely crawls from one extradimensional intestine to another and must endure another round of being swallowed whole. You still take damage from being cut regardless of the creature’s success. You may have four times the number of creatures swallowed with this ability that you normally could, although this does not allow you to swallow larger creatures.

You can continue to use swallow whole even after a creature cuts its way out. When under the effects of an ability which would impede extradimensional travel, you lose this ability but your swallow whole or Tomb Of Flesh ability functions normally.

If you die, the extradimensional space contracts, disgorging any swallowed creature into your corpse’s space.






Special Abilities

2: Hedgewitch Secret - Amature Hedgewitch (Arcane Path)
The alchemist may gain a hedgewitch secret, having an effective hedgewitch level equal to his alchemist level. The alchemist cannot gain a secret associated with a Path he does not have access to. He may select this alchemist discovery multiple times, each time selecting another hedgewitch secret.
Amateur Hedgewitch (Arcane)
The hedgewitch gains the path benefit (but not the path power) of a path she does not possess. She counts as possessing that path when qualifying for secrets. This secret can be gained multiple times. Each time it is taken, she selects another hedgewitch path.

2: Hedgewitch Secret - Academic Training: Knowledge is Power (ex)
The alchemist may gain a hedgewitch secret, having an effective hedgewitch level equal to his alchemist level. The alchemist cannot gain a secret associated with a Path he does not have access to. He may select this alchemist discovery multiple times, each time selecting another hedgewitch secret.
Academic Training: Knowledge is Power (ex)
Academic Training: The academian gains an arcane discovery, treating her hedgewitch levels as wizard levels when meeting the prerequisites of or determining the effects of arcane discoveries.
Knowledge Is Power (Ex): Your understanding of physical forces gives you power over them. You add your Intelligence modifier on combat maneuver checks and to your CMD. You also add your Intelligence modifier on Strength checks to break or lift objects.

4: Ooze Mutagen (Evolution)
Quintessence Cost: 2
Benefit: Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen with this discovery applied, their physical form becomes soft and rubbery, like an ooze. The alchemist is treated as two sizes smaller for the purpose of squeezing through tight spaces and can convert an amount of damage equal to their Intelligence modifier taken from any source into non-lethal damage (if the alchemist is immune to non-lethal damage, this ability does not function) and gains blindsense 30 feet. In addition, they can choose to secrete acid as a free action (being able to end this effect as a free action), causing their natural weapons to deal an amount of acid damage equal to their Intelligence modifier; this acid does not damage anything they wear.

Special: If an alchemist possesses this discovery, whenever they imbibe any mutagen, they can choose to take on a vaguely oozelike appearance, gaining blindsense 30 feet.





3: Reshaped Mind (Ex):

A mortal mind would never do… you need a mind of the beings that first uncovered these secrets to truly comprehend them.

You have utilized forbidden rituals to reshape your mind into a form better designed to understand the ancient works you study. You gain a nearly eidetic memory, allowing you to take 10 on Knowledge checks, even if you are in immediate danger or distracted. This reshaping also changes your willpower to be more focused on raw intellect, causing you to use your Intelligence in place of your Wisdom when determining your bonus on Will saving throws.

Investing essence in this piece of forbidden knowledge further improves your memory and your resistance against affects that would alter your mind. For each point of essence invested, you treat your effective roll when taking 10 on Knowledge checks as 1 higher (11 for 1 essence, 12 for 2 essence, to a maximum of 20 at 10 essence) and you gain a +1 insight bonus on your Will saving throws against mind-affecting effects. When you have 10 essence invested, you gain immunity to mind-affecting effects.





Favored Class Bonus: Promethean: Drow
Add +1/10 to the number of 1st level abilities you can grant with your fleshsculpting ability. Also add +1/4 to the essence capacity of the Warper of Flesh forbidden knowledge.

Meaningful Drawback: Occult Bargain (Non-Disclosure Agreement)
You draw magical power from a source, such as a mysterious eidolon, shame-filled phantom, or First World patron, who insists that its identity remains secret. You take a -1 penalty on concentration checks, and you must invoke the entity’s name by word or text each day or be unable to regain spell slots that day. You must be able to cast 0-level and 1st-level spells as a class feature to select this drawback.

Major Drawback: Animal Animosity
Bane: You suffer a -2 penalty on all Handle Animal and Ride skill checks, and cannot take 10 with these skills. Additionally animals and magical beasts select you as a target in preference of other targets (as long as doing so does not put the attackers in some obvious additional risk), and such creatures gain a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls made against you.

Flaw 1: Poor Reflexes
You often zig when you should have zagged.
Effect: You take a -3 penalty on Reflex saves.

Flaw 2: Vulnerable
You are not good at defending yourself.
Effect: You take a -1 penalty to Armor Class.



COMBAT: Reactionary
You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly. You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.

SOCIAL: Wicked Leader
You gain a +1 trait bonus on Charisma checks against evil creatures. If you select the Leadership feat or the Vile Leadership feat (see page 14) at any point when you meet the prerequisites for that feat, you can recruit a cohort who is up to 1 level lower than you (instead of the normal requirement that your cohort must be 2 or more levels lower than you are) as long as your cohort is evil.

RACE: Bred for War (Human)
You tower above most other humans and possess a physique of hard, corded muscle. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks and a +1 trait bonus on your CMB because of your great size. You must be at least 6 feet tall.

REGIONAL: Suck in Your Gut
Because of the frequent need to move through the tight tunnels and other narrow spaces surrounding your tribe’s lair, you’re able to move normally when squeezing and take only a –2 penalty on attack rolls and to AC.


Casting Tradition Spheres: Veilweaving and Warp

General casting drawbacks: 11 total drawbacks

Incompatible Energies - 1 drawback

The magic of your foes adversely affects yours to an extreme degree. When calculating your MSD, you use half your casting class levels instead of your full casting class levels. Whenever a spell you create is successfully dispelled, you cannot spend spell points for 1 round. In addition, if you possess the Alien Source boon, this drawback does not apply against other casters who draw from the same Alien Source as you.

Mental Focus - 1 drawback

Your magic requires you to have a focus that is not always possible to achieve. You normally have focus, but lose it whenever you fail a save versus mind-affecting magic, have a critical hit confirmed on you, or a condition causes you to lose the ability to concentrate (such as being nauseated or helpless or failing a forced concentration check such as from being entangled). Using magic without your mental focus requires you to attempt a concentration check (DC 20 + 1/2 caster level) to produce the desired effect. Failure means time (and any spell points) are spent, but no effect happens. If focus is lost, the caster can refocus by meditating as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Narcoleptic Casting - 2 drawbacks
Your magic has a pacifying effect that can lull you to sleep. At the end of any round in which you spend 1 or more spell points you must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw with a DC of 10 + 1/2 your magic skill bonus (minimum DC 11) or fall asleep standing up for 1 round. Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature without dealing damage is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). Creatures immune to sleep cannot gain this drawback; if a creature later becomes immune to sleep after gaining this drawback, they must immediately retrain it for another drawback or lose it, recalculating their spell points as appropriate.
This counts as 2 drawbacks when determining the number of spell points gained.

Oathbound Casting - 1 drawback, Loyalty Oath
Your magic derives from a covenant created with yourself or some other powerful entity. Select an Oath you have sworn. In the event that you break that Oath, forsake it, or have no Oaths to upkeep, you lose your spellcasting abilities until you atone, or select a new Oath to be the focus for your spellcasting in a ritual that takes 8 hours to complete.
Your oaths connections to your magic leaves openings for others to exploit, even without forcing you to break your oath. Creatures that succeed at a Spellcraft check to identify your magic become aware of the Oath sworn as well as the vulnerabilities to exploit. By succeeding at a Spellcraft check as a move action, they gain a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws against your magical effects for 1 minute. The DC of this check is equal to 15 + your magic skill bonus.
The Oaths that you can select for this drawback are the following: Oath against Harm, Oath against Mercy, Oath of Loyalty, Oath of Secrecy, and Oath of Silence. These count as a number of drawbacks equal to the number of oath points they are usually worth. With GM permission, other Oaths or paladin/antipaladin codes can be selected as well.

Rigorous Concentration - 1 drawback
Your magic requires intense amounts of concentration to use. When attempting a concentration check (such as to cast defensively or while taking damage), the DC increases by +10. You may increase the casting time by one step to take extra time focusing and negate this penalty.

Somatic Casting - 2 drawbacks
You must gesture to cast spells—a process that requires you to have at least 1 hand unoccupied. When using magic, you cannot wear armor heavier than light without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure.
You may select this drawback twice. If taken a second time, you cannot wear any armor or use a shield without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure.

Unstable Storage - 2 drawbacks
The methods you have developed to store your magical potency are improperly practiced, dangerous, or otherwise fragile to others. You have some sort of obvious indicator of the levels of your magical reserves that alert any creature who can see you of how many spell points you have in reserve. The exact indicator varies across different casters, ranging from crystalline growths on their body that fade after magical use, to their skin color and tone draining the lower their spell point pool is.
Additionally, your spell point pool also serves as a bridge to your vitality. When you have less than 1/2 of your total capacity of spell points (rounded down), you are fatigued. When you have less than 1/4 of your total spell point capacity, you are exhausted. When you have no spell points remaining, you must attempt a concentration check (DC 15 + your caster level, +2 for every check succeeded, which resets when you rest to regain spell points) every hour and when you cast sphere effects or otherwise fall asleep. These conditions may only be cured by gaining spell points (including temporary ones) above the thresholds whether via use of Mana sphere, consumables, or rest. This drawback counts as 2 drawbacks when determining the number of spell points gained. The fatigued, exhausted and sleep conditions caused by this drawback bypass any immunities you may have. You can be woken up from sleep normally unless a different effect would prevent you from waking.
Author's Note: The exhausted, fatigued, and sleep conditions caused by this drawback bypass any immunity to those conditions. You can be woken up from sleep normally unless some other effect prevents that.

Witchmarked - 1 drawback
Some aspect of your visage is a dead giveaway about your magical nature. This could be any purely cosmetic modification or sensation that is hard to hide such as a vestigial tail (or tails), glowing eyes, an aura visible to the naked eye or the stench of death clinging to you. The intensity of this trait grows proportional to your power. Anyone who sees you may attempt a Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 20 - your MSB, minimum DC 0) to learn your magic skill bonus, caster level and what base magic spheres you possess.
You may attempt to hide your witchmark trait, but doing so requires a successful Disguise check (DC 10 + your MSB, roll is hidden). Alternatively, if attempting to hide your witchmark as part of a more elaborate disguise, this gives a penalty to that Disguise check equal to your MSB. Using an illusion, shapechange, or other magical disguise to hide your witchmark automatically succeeds, but any use of magic that does not explicitly hide your witchmark instead immediately reveals your witchmark to all observers.
You may not select this drawback if you possess the Magical Signs drawback.

Casting Tradition Boons:

Essence Pool: 5 points spent
Your magic gathers within your body, allowing you to utilize it to fuel your akashic abilities. Rather than the normal cost of exchanging 2 general drawbacks, you may exchange between 1 and 5 general drawbacks for this boon, gaining a pool of essence based on the number of general drawbacks exchanged (see Table: Essence Pool Boon). If you have the Advanced Magic Training feat, treat half your combined total racial Hit Dice not granting spherecasting and levels in non-spherecasting classes as levels in casting classes for the purposes of this boon (rounded down, minimum 1).
5 +1 per level in a casting class

Alien Source - Alteration Sphere, Source: UR

You draw your magic from an unusual location, such as technology or an alternate matrix of magic (the specifics of this source should be determined by the player and GM together). Those who do not understand the mechanics of your powers struggle to resist them. Casters take a -2 penalty on any attempts to counterspell your abilities. Spell resistance against your abilities is reduced by 2. In addition, you gain a bonus to MSD equal to half your character level against effects which would suppress your magic (such as the Spell Ward talent of the Protection sphere) and do not take the penalty to MSD from Incompatible Energies when resisting such effects. These abilities can be ignored by a caster if they possess the same Alien Source as you from this boon, the Harmonic Counter feat, or a certain magic sphere that you possess (the magic sphere is chosen by you at the time you select this boon).

Backdoor Arcana (Drawback)
Your strange magic grants a degree of consistency in tumultuous situations.
Prerequisite: Incompatible Energies drawback.
Benefit: By spending an additional spell point, you may ignore any dead magic (but not antimagic) or wild magic zones you are in for the purpose of the talents’ effect.

Witchwarped (Drawback)
Benefit: You are infused with the traits of something else other than just your being.
You gain the Witchmarked general drawback (even if you are not a spherecaster) unless you already have it, using your Hit Dice as your caster level to determine its effects (if you are not a spherecaster a successful Knowledge (arcana) check successfully identifies the abilities from this feat rather then your spheres and caster level). You do not gain any bonus spell points from possessing the drawback gained exclusively from this feat.
Choose one trait from the Blank Form ability of the Alteration sphere or another trait deemed appropriate to your witchmark by the GM. You may not select a trait that carries an additional spell point cost. You gain that trait as a permanent supernatural ability. This trait only functions while your witchmark traits are not suppressed (such as with the Hidden Heretic feat). Treat your Hit Dice as your caster level for the purposes of this effect.
Special: The trait obtained this way counts towards the number of traits you may possess when under the effects of Blank Form, but is not considered a polymorph effect.
You may only take this feat as a drawback feat if you already possess the Witchmarked drawback from your casting tradition. In which case you still gain the extra spell points (or boon) from the drawback, and substitute your magic skill bonus for your Hit Dice when calculating the abilities of this feat and may use your casting ability modifier for any effects that would require one, such as determining saving throw DCs.
Swallow Whole:The target gains the swallow whole ability, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage + an additional 1d6 acid damage per 3 caster levels. The target may swallow creatures up to one size smaller than themselves. This trait may be taken twice; the second time allows the target to swallow creatures up to their own size and grants a bonus to CMB and CMD equal to 1 + 1 per 3 caster levels on grapple checks made to swallow creatures or to prevent them from escaping once swallowed. More than one creature may be swallowed at a time, but may not exceed the maximum total size that can be swallowed, counting two Tiny creatures as one Small creature, two Small creatures as one Medium creature, etc. A swallowed creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon, or it can just try to escape the grapple. The amount of cutting damage required to get free is equal to 1/10 the creature’s total hit points. This damage is inflicted on the swallowing creature as normal. The AC of the interior of a creature that swallows whole is 10 + 1/2 its natural armor bonus, with no modifiers for size or Dexterity. If a swallowed creature cuts its way out, the swallowing creature cannot use swallow whole again until the damage is healed. If the swallowed creature escapes the grapple, success puts it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be bitten or swallowed again. (You must possess a bite attack with the grab ability to gain this trait.)

Sphere Specific Drawback:
You can only target yourself with your shapeshift ability. You cannot gain the Mass Alteration nor Ranged Alteration talents.
Incompatible: Fleshwarper, Rebound

Martial Tradition section:

Equipment: Critial Genius (Natural Attacks)
You may select 1 weapon with which you are proficient (including unarmed strike), treating that weapon as though its critical threat range was 19-20 (unless it would be higher) and its critical multiplier as though it was x2 (even if it would normally be higher). In addition, when you confirm a critical hit with the chosen weapon while using the attack action, you deal additional damage equal to your base attack bonus; this additional damage is applied after other modifiers and is not multiplied by the critical hit. At +10 base attack bonus, the chosen weapon’s critical threat range is instead treated as 18-20.
Author's Note: The change in critical threat range and critical multiplier from this talent is applied before other modifiers, such as the keen weapon property or the weapon mastery class feature.

Martial Sphere opened: Wrestling
Second Sphere opened: Scoundrel

Trade talents:
Athlete (trade) [utility]
You gain Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, and Swim as class skills. You may use the better of your Dexterity or Strength modifier instead of the normal ability modifier for one of Climb, Acrobatics, Fly, or Swim, chosen when you select this talent. You may select this talent a second time, in which case you may use the better of the two ability score modifiers on all of the chosen skills.
Con Artist (trade)
You gain Bluff, Disguise, Knowledge (local), and Linguistics as class skills. You may use the better of your Charisma or Intelligence modifier when attempting either Bluff or Knowledge (local) checks, chosen when you select this talent.
Philosopher (trade)
You gain Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (religion), and Sense Motive as class skills. You can use the better of your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier when attempting Sense Motive checks.
Monster Hunter (trade)
You gain Appraise, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), and Survival as class skills. You do not take penalties on Intimidate checks for being smaller than your target.
Anthropologist (trade) (Gestalt)
You gain Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), and Knowledge (religion) as class skills. When you appeal to precedent, reduce any DC modifiers for relevance to motivation by 5 (to a minimum of -15). You must decide to use this ability after the first roll is made but before the results are revealed.
Archaeologist (trade) (Multiclass)
You gain Appraise, Knowledge (history), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device as class skills. When attempting a Spellcraft check to identify the properties of a magic item, you may attempt as many checks as you wish per day rather than just one (which allows you to take 20 on such checks).
Skill Sphere: Body Control
Skill Talent: Circle Dodge (clarity, control)
You meditate on an opponent’s movements, moving as one with it. While you meditate, as a (control) talent you can end your movement in that creature’s space. While you are in an opponent’s space, you and the opponent each can determine cover as if in whichever part of the space is most advantageous to yourself or itself; neither of you has cover from each other or against attacks that hit both of you. If you are the same size or one size apart, you both take penalties for squeezing. If you attack the creature whose space you share, you are effectively flanking it with yourself unless it has all-around vision. You have positional concealment from the creature as long as you are in its space and have not attacked it since the start of your last turn (which gives you concealment unless it has all-around vision).

While you meditate, you can ready an action to move with your target as a move action. This readied movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from the target opponent as long as you end your movement within its threatened area. When an opponent moves and either of you is in the other’s reach, you can abandon your meditate approach as a (clarity) talent to move up to your speed to follow it. Your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from the moving opponent but you must end your movement in a space they threatened during their movement. If you do not end your movement in their threatened area at the end of their movement, you provoke an attack of opportunity from them when they move beyond reach of you as if you had moved out of their threatened area.

Name AB Critical Type Range Ammo Dmg
Bite attack +12 19-20x2 Piercing Melee Special: Grab 1d6+6
Claw attack +12 19-20x2 Slashing Melee X 1d6+6
Claw attack +12 19-20x2 Slashing Melee X 1d6+6
Tentacle attack +7 19-20x2 bludgeoning Melee X 1d4+3
Tentacle attack +7 19-20x2 bludgeoning Melee X 1d4+3
Oaths and Madness


Forbidden Knowledge (see text) 4 Oath Points

Oath: The secrets you carry weigh heavy on you. You are constantly affected by a single madness which never goes dormant no matter how much sanity damage is recovered. Whether this madness represents constant stress from your burden or a perfectly logical path given some horrible secret you are aware of is up to you. Lesser madnesses are worth 2 Oath points while greater madnesses are worth 4 Oath points. A character may only possess one instance of this Oath.
Defiance Penalty: The only method by which you may come to terms with your knowledge is by erasing it from your mind. If you ever cure yourself of this madness, you take a penalty on Intelligence checks and skill checks equal to half your character level.
Atonement: To regain this forbidden knowledge, you must rediscover what nightmarish secrets you have forgotten, which involves at least 3 days worth of research or exploration into the source which once fueled your forbidden abilities. After this time, you regain the madness associated with this oath.

Oath against Artifice (1 Oath Point)

Oath: You have sworn off the use of anathematic armaments and technologies. You must revere nature and may not wear metal armor or use metal shields. In addition, you may not use firearms or any technological devices which use charges. In games where advanced technology is quite common, this Oath may be worth up to three Oath points.
Defiance Penalty: Your abilities are weakened due to your use of impure implements. Your caster level and base attack bonus are reduced by half your character level (minimum 1).
Atonement: To re-establish your commitment to the natural world, you must destroy a number of technological items or other centerpieces of civilization such that the total value of destroyed materials is worth at least 100 gp x your character level squared.

Oath of Honor (2 Oath Points) Criminal

Oath: You have sworn to uphold your good name and maintain an air of dignity in your actions. You must select a code of honor and maintain an honor score (see Ultimate Campaign) of at least 3 x your character level at all times. When you first swear this Oath or when you level up, your honor score is increased to 3 x your character level if it is lower.
Defiance Penalty: Your dishonorable actions weigh physically on you. You are constantly considered sickened, and this effect ignores any immunity to the sickened condition you may possess.
Atonement: You must see your honor restored in the face of your community, and must reach an honor score of at least 4 x your character level.
Special: Codes of honor and honor scores are detailed in Ultimate Campaign

Oath of Loyalty (1 Oath Point) NDA

Oath: You have sworn your service to a god, nation, or leader (hereafter referred to as your patron). Your alignment must remain within 1 step of your patron’s, and you must adhere to the moral tenets of your patron while remaining in their good standing. Paladin or antipaladin codes provide a framework for what moral tenets might mean for a character who pledges an Oath of Loyalty. Minor infractions may be overlooked, but a gross defiance (such as disobeying a direct order from your patron or acting in a way that directly contradicts your patron’s teachings) is sufficient to break an Oath of Loyalty. A patron may revoke the benefits of an Oath of Loyalty at any time.
Defiance Penalty: Breaking an Oath of Loyalty is not something a patron easily forgets, and those who break an Oath are likely to be pursued and cast out by the patron’s other followers. You are constantly shaken so long as you still benefit from this Oath, and this condition cannot be removed nor can it be averted by an immunity to fear. In addition, others who have sworn Oaths of Loyalty to your former patron are likely to know that you have broken your Oath.
Atonement: Atoning for betraying your patron’s trust requires you to spend 3 days beseeching your patron for forgiveness and making 50 gp x your character level squared worth of offerings to them. Patrons are not required to forgive you if you have offended them. Alternatively, you may spend 3 days seeking out a new patron, paying the cost as a sign of your dedication to this new patron.

Oath of Ritual (1 Oath Point) HP

Oath: You must perform a specific physical or magical ritual every day to maintain your abilities. This ritual takes one hour to perform and can be performed anywhere, but requires that you either spend 5 gp per character level or reduce your maximum hit points by an amount equal to your character level for 24 hours every time you perform the ritual.
Defiance Penalty: Any day which you do not perform the ritual, all of your ability scores are treated as being 2 lower for all purposes.
Atonement: To atone, you must perform the ritual once again every day for at least 3 days, making an additional sacrifice worth 100 gp x your character level squared on one of those days.

Oath of Secrecy (1 Oath Point)

Oath: You have sworn to keep your identity secret from all others, and may neither speak your real name nor reveal your real face to anyone.
Defiance Penalty: Those who know your true self hold dangerous power over you. You take a penalty to AC and saving throws equal to half your character level (minimum 1) against creatures who have seen your face or know your name.
Atonement: To atone, you must permanently alter yourself so that your new identity remains as obscure as you wished your old one to be. This process deals 1d6 points of Charisma drain plus an additional 1d6 per 5 levels you possess (maximum 5d6 at 20th level). This cannot reduce your Charisma score below 1, but ignores any immunity to ability drain.


Bonus Feats (see text) (4 points)

FEAT LEVELS: 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th
You gain a number of bonus feats depending on the number of Oath points you spend on this Oath boon, to a maximum of 4 (see Table: Bonus feats per Oath point).
These feats should be thematically associated with the idea of bonding with some force or making a physical or spiritual commitment towards some entity. Some acceptable bonus feats which could be selected with this Oath boon include Teamwork feats, Damnation feats, item creation feats, Story feats, Circle Casting, Desensitized, Dragon’s Tattoos, Eternal Transformation, Exotic Heritage, Favored Prestige Class, Hardened Psyche, Magical Inurement, Noble Scion, Zodiac Tattoos, any feat with Obedience in the name, and any feat which would use a feat with Obedience in its name as a prerequisite. You do not need to meet the ability score prerequisites for these feats. Others may be available at GM discretion.

Enhanced Abilities (Su) (2 Oath points)

Your Oath grants you strength and acuity beyond that of your kin. At 4th level and every even-numbered level thereafter, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to one of your ability scores. These bonuses do not stack with each other until you are at least 10th level, at which point they may stack up to a maximum of +4. This improves to a maximum of +6 at 13th level. From level 13 onwards, you gain two +2 ability score bonuses at every level rather than just one at even-numbered levels.

Maneuver Expert (1 Oath Point) (Grapple)

At 3rd level, you receive a +1 competence bonus to your CMB to perform a combat maneuver of your choice and to your CMD to resist that maneuver. This bonus increases by 1 at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5 at 15th level. This Oath boon may be selected multiple times, each time applying to a different type of combat maneuver.

Spell Resistance (Su) (3 Oath points)

You gain the ability to shrug off magical effects, gaining spell resistance of 11 + your character level. If you already possess spell resistance, you increase this existing spell resistance by 6. You may lower or raise this spell resistance as a standard action.

Dissociated Identity
Source Horror Adventures pg. 187, GameMastery Guide pg. 251
Type greater madness; Save DC 20
Onset 2d6 days
Effect –6 penalty on Will saving throws and Wisdom-based checks, and disassociated identities (see below)
Dormancy Effect –2 penalty on Will saving throws and Wisdom-based checks
This is a complicated affliction that manifests as two or more distinct and different personalities in the same mind. The number of personalities is up to the GM, as is the nature of the personalities. Should the affliction worsen in some way (such as by gaining dissociated identity again), the number of additional personalities might increase as well.

Each morning upon waking and each time the afflicted character is revived from unconsciousness, she must succeed at a Will save, or one of the character’s other personalities takes hold. If the afflicted character has more than one personality because of this madness, the manifested personality is either randomly chosen or chosen by the GM. If the afflicted character succeeds at all her saving throws against manifesting alternate personalities for 3 consecutive days, there is a 10% cumulative chance each night thereafter that another personality takes control during the character’s sleep, returning to bed afterwards and leaving the character with less sleep than expected; if the afflicted character fails a saving throw, the cumulative chance resets. The afflicted character’s memories, skills, and other abilities are unaffected by the personality shift, but typically the various personalities have no knowledge of each other and will deny, often violently, that the other personalities exist.


Mythic Tier: 2 (god help me)
The Gifted:
Mythic Sphere Focus: Fate Sphere (Tug Fate)
Ability 1: Unfocused Focus (Ex) (Alchemist Discoveries)

If you have more than one class, you may select a single class ability (other than spellcasting) from one of your classes (such as wildshape, channel energy, or sneak attack). You may treat your class level for that ability as up to 4 higher than your class level in that class, up to a maximum equivalent class level equal to your Hit Dice.

Arms & Equipment

Veils from Veilweaving sphere:
Tauric Brace Essence invested: 1
While manifesting this veil the user’s lower body is occasionally obscured by the fleeting image of a four-limbed beast.
The wearer is treated as one size category larger when determining the maximum size creature he can affect with any of his combat maneuvers.

Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil, your effective size for determining who you can target with your combat maneuvers increases by one additional category.

Chakra Bind (Belt): When this veil is bound to your Belt chakra the tauric aura about your lower extremities becomes even more constant and noticeable. The enhanced power of this bound veil gives you the ability to crush your foes underfoot, gaining the trample ability.

As a full-round action, you can overrun any creature that is the same effective size or smaller than yourself. This works like the overrun combat maneuver, but you do not need to make a check, you merely have to move over opponents in your path. The creatures take 1d6 points of damage (1d8 if Large, 2d6 if Huge, etc.), plus 1–1/2 times your Strength modifier. Targets of the trample can make attacks of opportunity at a –4 penalty. If a target forgoes the attack of opportunity, it can make a Reflex save for half damage.

Chakra Bind (Feet): When this veil is bound to your Feet chakra you gain some of the steady might of the tauric races. You gain a +2 insight bonus to your combat maneuver bonus to perform a bull rush or overrun per point of essence invested.

Body of Magic Essense: 1

Descriptors: None

Class: Eclipse, Helmsman, Huay, Kheshig, Lunar, Nexus, Promethean, Stormbound, Vizier, Volur

Slot: Body

Saving Throw: None

Arcane runes swirl and shift over the veilweaver’s body.

You gain a +2 insight bonus to Spellcraft checks.

You gain spell resistance equal to 6 + your veilweaving levels. If you already have spell resistance, that spell resistance instead improves by +3. Your spell resistance is selective -- You may choose whether or not your spell resistance applies to each spell as it affects you. Choosing does not take an action.

When you identify a spell as it is being cast within Close range (25 feet plus 5 feet per two veilweaver levels) of you, you may attempt to counter it by burning an amount of essence equal to the spell’s level as an immediate action. When you do, roll a 1d20 plus your veilweaver level vs a DC of 11 plus the effect’s caster level. If you succeed the roll, the spell is negated.

As an immediate action, whenever an individual uses a veil ability within Close range, you may attempt to counter it by burning an amount of essence equal to the amount of essence invested into the individual’s veil.

When you do, roll a 1d20 + your veilweaver vs a DC of 11 plus their veilweaver level. If you succeed the roll, the effect is negated, and the individual takes essence burn equal to the amount of essence you burnt.

Essence: Each point of essence invested in this veil increases the insight bonus to Spellcraft checks and spell resistance by 1. Additionally, each point of essence invested in this veil increases your veilweaver level by 1 for the purposes of countering a spell.

Chakra Bind (Body): Your spell resistance applies to all spells that target you, even if they don’t normally allow for spell resistance.

Class Features


Promethean Obsession:
Prometheans begin their journey seeking an answer to a hidden truth or piece of forbidden knowledge that slowly begins to consume their waking and dreaming thoughts, continuously pushing them further and further down a path of obsession. The knowledge and goals each promethean seeks are different, but they often follow one of several paths of madness-laced obsession.

At 1st level, the promethean selects a promethean obsession. Their obsession grants them two unique abilities at 1st level and as the promethean pursues their obsession they uncover further insights, granting them additional abilities or improvements at 5th, 9th, 13th, 17th, and 20th level.

Chakra Binds: At 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter, the promethean gains the ability to bind veils directly to their chakra, unlocking potent new abilities. The promethean gains the ability to bind chakra slots in the following order: Hands, Feet, Head, Wrists, Shoulders, Headband, Neck, Belt, Chest, Body.

Forbidden Knowledge: The promethean’s study of the eldritch and forbidden unlocks deep and troubling secrets which they can exploit, providing them access to fearsome and strange abilities that are normally feared and hidden. This forbidden knowledge was not meant for the minds of mortal beings, and the studying of such things slowly begins to warp the body and mind of those foolish enough to learn and exploit them. These abilities are mostly beneficial to the promethean, but such exploitations of the forbidden often come with a cost to mind or body.

At 3rd level, and every four levels thereafter, the promethean learns a piece of forbidden knowledge. If a piece of forbidden knowledge emulates a spell, the promethean uses their class level as their caster level for that spell. If a piece of forbidden knowledge has a saving throw, the DC is equal to 10 + the promethean’s veilweaving modifier + the number of points of essence invested in the forbidden knowledge.


Malformed mimics are proficient with simple weapons, as well as light armor and bucklers. In addition, if this is this character's first level in any class, they may select a martial tradition of their choice.
This modifies the promethean's armor and weapon proficiencies.

The malformed mimic may combine spheres and talents to create magical effects. The mimic is considered a Mid-Caster. (Note: All casters gain 2 bonus talents and may select a casting tradition the first time they gain the casting class feature.)
This replaces the promethean's veilweaving and improved essence capacity class features.

Spell Pool:
The malformed mimic gains a small reservoir of energy they can call on to create truly wondrous effects, called a spell pool. This pool contains a number of spell points equal to their level + their casting ability modifier (minimum: 1). This pool replenishes once per day after roughly 8 hours of rest.

Reduced Essence:
The malformed mimic gains 1 fewer point of essence at each class level.
This modifies the promethean's essence pool. This ability does not conflict with other archetypes that reduce the promethean's essence pool as long as the total reduction doesn't cause the promethean to gain a negative amount of essence at any given level.

Malformed Training:
Malformed mimics use their casting ability modifier as their practitioner modifier, and in place of their Intelligence and their veilweaving modifier for their promethean class features.

Mimic's Training:
At 1st level, a malformed mimic gains both the Alteration and Scout spheres as bonus talents. The malformed mimic uses their class level as their caster level with the Alteration sphere. This stacks normally with caster levels gained from other sources.

Malformed Mimicry:
At 1st level, the malformed mimic gains the ability to study living or dead creatures to instill within themselves a perfect memory of that creature's form and abilities. Studying a creature takes 10 minutes of uninterrupted study and a Knowledge check with a DC appropriate to identifying that creature. The mimic may make a Perception check with a DC of +5 higher instead, if they wish. Living or undead creatures must be willing or helpless to be studied by the malformed mimic. If they fail this check, they can try again at a -1 penalty by spending another 10 minutes. This penalty stacks with itself, and Knowledge and Perception do not share penalties. For example; if the malformed mimic fails a Knowledge check they could try a Perception check at no penalty. If they then fail the Perception check, they would have a -1 penalty to both. These penalties only reset when the malformed mimic gains a permanent increase to their Knowledge or Perception skill (appropriate for each penalty).

When the malformed mimic successfully studies a creature they can choose to store the memory of that creature's form within themselves. The malformed mimic may only store a number of memories equal to their Intelligence modifier + 1 per three class levels. If the malformed mimic successfully studies a creature and has the maximum number of memories stored, they may replace one of their old memories with the new one.

Whenever the malformed mimic uses their shapeshift ability of the Alteration sphere on themselves they can choose to take the form of one of their memorized forms. When doing so, the malformed mimic is considered to have both the Perfect Imitation talent and whichever (transformation) or (body) talent most appropriately fits the memorized form. If a creature has no appropriate (transformation) talent, the form uses the blank form instead. If they choose to take a form using this ability, their shapeshift costs no spell points to cast and persists until the malformed mimic chooses to end the form as a free action on their turn. The malformed mimic perfectly resembles the form of the studied creature, and the bonuses provided by Perfect Imitation to malformed mimic that form are doubled to +20. Additionally, the malformed mimic may combine the effects of this special transformation with other polymorph effects granted by their promethean class features.

When selecting traits for their forms taken using this ability, the malformed mimic may only select traits granted by blank form, or the appropriate (transformation) or (body) talent granted by that form.

Blended Training:
At 2nd level and each level thereafter, the malformed mimic gains a combat or magic talent every time they gain a level.

Monstrous Malformities:
At 2nd level, the malformed mimic gains the ability to monstrously alter their mimicked forms. Whenever the malformed mimic takes a form using their mimicry ability their form gains a single monstrous trait. Unlike normal traits applied to their malformed mimicked form, this trait does not suffer from any restrictions on its selection. A malformed mimic can suppress or unsuppress any of their form's monstrous traits as a free action, even if it isn't their turn. Suppressed traits cannot be used, but are perfectly hidden within their transformation.

At 6th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the malformed mimic's mimicked forms gain an additional monstrous trait.

Forbidden Capacity:
At 3rd level, and again at 9th and 15th level, the malformed mimic increases the essence capacity of their pieces of forbidden knowledge by 1. This increase does not stack with the improved essence capacity class feature, the Capacity Increase talent, or other similar abilities.

Improved Mimicry:
At 4th level, the malformed mimic learns to further modify their studied forms. The malformed mimic gains the effects of a single Alteration talent for each of their forms. This talent is chosen when the form is first gained, or retroactively applied to forms the malformed mimic already knows when they gain the effects of a talent from this ability.

The malformed mimic may only use the chosen Alteration talent to determine the effects of the form it is chosen for. The malformed mimic can choose the same Alteration talent for multiple forms, have unique talents for each of their forms, or any combination of the two. Talents the malformed mimic is benefitting from using this ability cannot be used to meet prerequisites, save for advanced talents selected for that specific form.

At 8th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the malformed mimic gains the effects of an additional Alteration talent to apply to their forms.


Alchemy (Su)

When using Craft (alchemy) to create an alchemical item, an alchemist gains a competence bonus equal to their class level on the Craft (alchemy) check. In addition, an alchemist can use Craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using detect magic. They must hold the potion for 1 round to make such a check. In addition, whenever an alchemist uses an alchemical item as a weapon or otherwise, its DC is increased to 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier (unless it would normally be higher). An alchemist can draw alchemical items (such as alchemist’s fire) as a part of making an attack with them, rather than requiring a move action to do so.

An alchemist can spend 1 point of quintessence as a swift action to cause an alchemical item to deal an additional die of damage (an alchemist fire would deal 2d6 damage, while bottled lightning would deal 2d8 damage), this effect lasts until the end of the alchemist’s next turn. At 5th level and every five levels afterwards, whenever the alchemist spends quintessence for this ability, they increase the damage by an additional damage die, up to a maximum of five additional damage dice at 20th level.

Extracts (Su)
Alchemists are not only masters of creating mundane alchemical substances such as alchemist’s fire and smokesticks, but also of fashioning magical potion-like extracts in which they can store spell effects. In effect, an alchemist prepares their spells by mixing ingredients into a number of extracts, and then “casts” their spells by drinking the extract. In many ways, extracts behave like spells in potion form, and as such their effects can be dispelled by effects like detect magic using the alchemist’s level as the caster level. Unlike potions, though, extracts can have powerful effects and duplicate spells that a potion normally could not.

An alchemist can create only a certain number of extracts of each level per day. Their base daily allotment of extracts is given on Table 1-1: Alchemist. In addition, they receive bonus extracts per day if they have a high Intelligence score, in the same way a wizard receives bonus spells per day. When an alchemist mixes an extract, they infuse the chemicals and reagents in the extract with magic siphoned from their own magical aura. An extract, once created, remains potent for 1 day before becoming inert, so an alchemist must re-prepare their extracts every day. In addition, an extract can be used by any creature who possesses it. Mixing an extract takes 1 minute of work—most alchemists prepare many extracts at the start of the day or just before going on an adventure, but it’s not uncommon for an alchemist to keep some (or even all) of their daily extract slots open so that they can prepare extracts in the field as needed.

Although the alchemist doesn’t actually cast spells, they do have a formulae list that determines what extracts they can create. An alchemist can utilize spell-trigger items if the spell appears on their formulae list, but not spell-completion items (unless they use Use Magic Device to do so). An extract is “cast” by drinking it, as if imbibing a potion—the effects of an extract exactly duplicate the spell upon which its formula is based, save that the spell always affects only the creature who drinks the extract even if it would normally be able to target multiple creatures (although alchemists with the inhaled extracts discovery can affect multiple people with their extracts, regardless of if it would normally only target a single creature). The alchemist uses their level as the caster level to determine any effect based on caster level. Creating extracts consumes raw materials, but the cost of these materials is insignificant—comparable to the valueless material components of most spells. If a spell normally has a costly material component, that component is expended during the consumption of that particular extract. Extracts cannot be made from spells that have focus requirements (alchemist extracts that duplicate divine spells never have a divine focus requirement). An alchemist can prepare an extract of any formula they know.

To learn or use an extract, an alchemist must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the extract’s level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an alchemist’s extract is 10 + the extract level + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier. An alchemist may know any number of formulae. They store their formulae in a special tome called a formula book. They must refer to this book whenever they prepare an extract but not when they consume it. An alchemist begins play with two 1st level formulae of their choice, plus a number of additional formulae equal to their Intelligence modifier. At each new alchemist level, they gain one new formula of any level that they can create. An alchemist can also add formulae to their book just like a wizard adds spells to their spellbook, using the same costs and time requirements. An alchemist can study a wizard’s spellbook to learn any formula that is equivalent to a spell the spellbook contains. A wizard, however, cannot learn spells from a formula book. An alchemist does not need to decipher arcane writings before copying them. An alchemist is treated as a spellcaster for the purpose of taking item creation feats, using their class level as their caster level. They are not treated as knowing any spells for the purpose of prerequisites of magic item creation.

Quintessence (Su)
While the majority of the alchemist’s research is based upon science, to truly tap into the unknown, the alchemist needs to put a part of themselves into their research in the form of quintessence. The alchemist uses this mystic resource as a catalyst to bridge the gap between the supernatural and science, allowing them to create something more powerful than the sum of its parts. An alchemist possesses an amount of quintessence equal to their Intelligence modifier; at 2nd level and every three levels afterwards, they gain an additional point of quintessence. Some class features and discoveries will require the alchemist to spend a listed amount of quintessence. An alchemist’s quintessence pool refreshes each day, typically after they get a restful night’s sleep.

Alchemical Discipline (Su)

At 1st level, an alchemist must focus on a particular path of alchemy, devoting their time and resources towards mastering it. Each discipline possesses its own unique abilities and discoveries, allowing for the alchemist to expand upon their abilities in interesting and unique ways.

Discoveries (Ex)
At 2nd level, and then every two levels thereafter (up to 18th level), an alchemist makes an incredible alchemical discovery. Unless otherwise noted, an alchemist cannot select an individual discovery more than once. Some discoveries can only be made if the alchemist has met certain prerequisites first, such as uncovering other discoveries. The DC of any saving throw called for by a discovery is equal to 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier.

Swift Alchemy (Ex)
At 3rd level, an alchemist can create alchemical items with astounding speed. It takes an alchemist half the normal amount of time to create alchemical items, and they can apply poison to a weapon as a move action.

Quintessence Surge (Su)
At 4th level, the alchemist can spend 1 quintessence as a free action. If they do, they gain a +1 alchemical bonus on all attack rolls for 1 minute. At 8th level and every four levels afterwards, this alchemical bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level).

Alchemical Study (Ex)
At 5th level, an alchemist gains the skill unlock for Craft (alchemy).

Discipline Breakthrough (Ex)
At 5th level and every six levels afterwards, a alchemist experiences an incredible breakthrough in the field of their discovery. An alchemist gains the listed benefit for their discipline.

Discipline Defense (Ex)
At 9th level and again at 19th level, an alchemist gains a unique defensive ability based on their chosen discipline.


Sneak Attack (Ex)
At 1st level, a chirurgeon gains the sneak attack ability as a rogue of the same level. If a character already has sneak attack from another class, the levels from the classes that grant sneak attack stack to determine the effective rogue level for the sneak attack’s extra damage dice (so an alchemist 1/rogue 1 has a +1d6 sneak attack like a 2nd- level rogue, an alchemist 2/rogue 1 has a +2d6 sneak attack like a 3rd-level rogue, and so on).

This ability replaces bomb. The chirurgeon cannot select bomb discoveries.

Disease Resistance (Ex)
At 2nd level, a chirurgeon gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against disease. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level, and then again to +6 at 8th level. At 10th level, an alchemist becomes completely immune to disease.

This ability replaces poison resistance and poison immunity.

Skilled Hands (Ex)
The chirurgeon may use their Intelligence modifier when making Heal checks instead of their Wisdom modifier. At 2nd level, a chirurgeon adds half their level on Heal skill checks. At 5th level they gain the skill unlock for Heal.

Makeshift Bandages (Ex)
Starting at 3rd level, when the chirurgeon uses the last use of a healer’s kit there is a 20% chance that they are able to stretch the medicaments and plasters, leaving the kit with one use only they or another chirurgeon can use. This remaining use can potentially be stretched in the same manner. At 7th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, this chance increases by 20%, to a maximum of 100% at 19th level.

This ability replaces multi bomb, empowered bomb, flurry bomb, and ultimate bomb.

Rogue Talents
A chirurgeon can select a rogue talent that adds effects to sneak attack in place of a discovery. At 10th level they can select an advanced rogue talent that adds effects to sneak attack in place of a discovery.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Alchemists are proficient with all simple weapons, crossbows, and weapons with ‘alchemical’ in their name. They are not proficient in any armor or shields. In addition, they gain the following class feature:

AC Bonus (Ex): When unarmored and unencumbered, the alchemist adds their Intelligence bonus (if any) to their AC and their CMD. In addition, an alchemist gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every four alchemist levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the alchemist is flat-footed. They lose these bonuses when they are immobilized or helpless, when they wear any armor, when they carry a shield, or when they carry a medium or heavy load.

Polymath (Ex): The legendary alchemist gains 2 additional skill points per level.

Vigilante Talent (Ex) At 3rd level, the legendary alchemist can select a vigilante talent as though they were a vigilante of their class level (they do not have a vigilante specialization). Each time they gain a level, they can choose to change this talent.

Potion Grenade (Su): At 3rd level, a alchemist can spend 1 point of quintessence to infuse explosives into a potion; doing so takes 1 minute. The alchemist may throw a potion prepared in such a manner as a splash weapon. Any target hit with the potion takes 1d6 piercing and slashing damage and is affected by the potion as if they had drunk it. This preparation lasts 24 hours, after which it reverts to a normal potion.


Class Features

All of the following are class features of the barbarian.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A barbarian is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Lion Totem (Replaces Fast Movement):
Regal and intimidating, the powerful lion is a
symbol of nobility among the races of the wild. By selecting
him as your spiritual totem, you gain the pounce ability
(MM 313).

Rage (Ex)
A barbarian can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess. Starting at 1st level, a barbarian can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, she can rage for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from rage and spells like bear's endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a barbarian can rage per day. A barbarian can enter rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.

While in rage, a barbarian gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the barbarian 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.

A barbarian can end her rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death.

Creatures & Mounts

SPHERE TALENTS: Blended Training
Drawback: Greater Changes
Increase the number of traits you may apply with your shapeshift by 1.

2: Open Warp sphere

3: Retain Ability
Choose a number of extraordinary or supernatural abilities dependent on your target’s base form (darkvision, scent, racial breath weapon, etc.). You may choose to allow the target to retain these abilities in place of trait you would normally grant them as part of your shapeshift, at a cost of one trait per ability.
Catmera Form:You may spend 1 additional spell point as part of granting a shapeshift to one or more targets, causing the resulting shapeshift effect to blend with the target’s natural form. The resulting shapeshift causes the target to assume a hybrid form, gaining all limbs, natural attacks, special abilities, and movement moves of the shapeshift without changing the target’s base form or melding any of their equipment. The target may choose to retain limbs and movement speeds from their base form if the shapeshift lacks them or has lesser versions and may choose to forgo any additional limbs or heads when receiving this shapeshift and are able to effectively choose their body make-up resulting from this shapeshift. A shapeshift effect granted this way does not cause the target’s equipment to meld with this hybrid form.
If the shapeshift would grant the target additional legs, the target may instead gain them as arms, although they are treated as arms gained with the Additional Limbs “two secondary arms” trait.
Example: This talent is similar to the Hybrid Transformation feat, allowing a shapeshifted target to pick and choose their resulting form’s qualities. A humanoid being subject to a shapeshift modified by this talent could choose to keep their arms when assuming a hybrid form based on Serpentine Transformation or add legs to Aquan Transformation. A winged creature could retain their wings under an Animalistic Transformation.
4: Shape Additional Veil
Prerequisites: Caster level 3rd
When you rest to recover spell points for the day, you may shape an additional veil you know. If you do not have a (tradition) talent, you learn an additional veil of your choice as well. You may take this talent an additional time at 6th caster level and every 3 caster levels thereafter; the effects stack. If you have the ability to shape veils from a non-sphere source, this talent cannot be taken if it would allow you to shape more veils than 1 + 1 per 3 Hit Dice you possess. This restriction does not apply if you only have the ability to shape a specific veil from a racial trait or class feature, or a subset of veils from a class feature, such as the sphere daevic’s passions class feature or the stormbound’s stormweaving ability.
If you take a (tradition) talent, you lose knowledge of the veils you selected with this talent if they are not part of your (tradition).
5: Extreme Changes

Prerequisites: Alteration sphere (Greater Changes), caster level 5th.
Increase the number of traits you may apply with your shapeshift by 1. This stacks with the increase from Greater Changes. This talent may be taken once, then one additional time at 10th caster level and every 10 caster levels thereafter. Its effects stack.

6: Extradimensional Room (space)

You may create a small pocket dimension, accessible through a shimmering portal that either appears in the air before you or on a touched, reasonably flat surface. This pocket dimension measures one 10-foot cube per caster level, arranged as you wish so long as the space is continuous. You can make the entrance as small as 5-foot square or as large as 10-foot square. You can select its light level and temperature (from -40° F to 120° F, -40° C to 50° C), but otherwise it is a featureless location.

This space does not exist until you enter the portal, and continues to exists as long as you are inside. However, you may spend a spell point to create the space without entering, and allow it to remain for up to 1 round per caster level regardless of whether or not you are inside it. If the portal is placed on the ground or in some other way an unwilling creature might fall in, the creature is allowed a Reflex save to evade. Climbing the walls of this room requires a DC 20 Climb check. When this ability expires or is dispelled, all objects and creatures within this space are harmlessly ejected through the portal.

You may take this talent two times; when taken a second time you gain greater control over your room. As long as you concentrate, the room remains even if you are not inside it.

You do not need to continue concentrating while inside the room, but must begin concentrating again if you exit for the room to remain. In addition, as a standard action or as part of concentration, you can bar the portal and prevent anything from crossing it. Anyone inside can reopen the door as a standard action, while anyone outside can force the portal open with a Strength check or slip through with an Escape Artist check (with the DC being equal to 10 + 1/2 caster level + casting ability modifier). While barred, the portal can still be seen and the room dispelled from the outside. Lastly, if you also possess the Extradimensional Storage talent, you may withdraw any number of items from your Extradimensional Storage and place them on any stable surface in the room when it is created.

When the room expires or is dispelled, you may have any unattended items inside of it be placed directly into the space of your Extradimensional Storage talent rather than ejected so long as they do not exceed its weight limit.
7: Fate Sphere open (drawback for tug fate)

GUILE TALENTS: (u designates utility)

1u:Decrease Mass (control)
Prerequisite: Body Control sphere.
You can decrease your mass while you meditate, which reduces your weight by 50%, granting you the following benefits:
You may spend 1 use of skill leverage as an immediate action to reroll a failed Climb check, Swim check, or Acrobatics check to balance.
You are always considered to have a running start for Acrobatics checks to jump. When you high jump, you can clear a distance equal to half your Acrobatics result. When you long jump, you can clear a distance equal to twice your Acrobatics result (but not farther than the maximum distance you can move in the round).
Wind effects and location-based traps treat you as if you were one size category smaller; if you have a fly speed, you can use your Escape Artist modifier in place of your Fly modifier if it is better.
Falling damage you take is measured in d4s.
You do not sink in quicksand, lava, thin ice, or snow (although you are not protected from any harm that you might take for simply standing on the substance). If you were already under the surface of quicksand or lava, you float 10 feet upward at the end of each of your turns, up until your whole body breaks the surface (allowing you to stand on it).
You do not sink in water, acid, oil, or other liquids if you charge or run across it. If you turn or otherwise walk on a liquid, you sink immediately.
If you would come under the effect of Decrease Mass and Increase Mass at the same time, they cancel each other out.

2: Subterfuge Opened

3u: Prestigious Disguise (disguise)
Your disguise marks you as someone of obvious importance. You seem influential to anyone fooled by your disguise. Your presence in an exclusive location is generally assumed to be justified by NPCs who work or visit there (except by someone who is the only person who can grant or approve such permission). You can make requests of unfriendly creatures while you wear this disguise, although the DC is higher as normal for using Diplomacy on such a target. You can use your Disguise modifier in place of your Intimidate modifier to demand cooperation from people, and their attitude does not worsen until they realize you are disguised or 1 day passes.
Your disguise ensures anyone who sees you remembers you.

4: Open Bluster
5u: Authoritative (Approach)

You adopt this approach as a swift action. As long as you are not a known enemy, your presence in a secure location is assumed to be justified by anyone you do not interact with unless there’s no reasonable way you could have permission without their knowledge. This does not prevent anyone noticing your actions that would be cause for alarm or a sign of possible betrayal even if you belonged.

In addition, your orders are hard to refuse. If you fail an Intimidate check to demand cooperation by 4 or less, the target gives unnecessarily detailed reasons for refusing, which typically includes a clue as to how else the request might be fulfilled or which of the target’s motivations is most relevant to them refusing. A creature’s first refused demand does not increase the DC of subsequent demands you make of the creature.
6: Subjective Gravity (control) (Su)

Prerequisites: Associated skill 5 ranks or Knowledge (planes) 5 ranks, Body Control sphere.

While meditating, you can control your effective direction of gravity, as if you were on a plane with subjective directional gravity. You also negate any height bonuses opponents above you would receive if you are standing on a horizontal surface. You can calculate the distance of your high jumps as if they were long jumps oriented in any direction. (As mentioned in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GameMastery Guide, you can move normally along a solid surface by imagining “down” below your feet.

If suspended in midair, you fall in a straight line 150 feet in the first round and 300 feet in each succeeding round. To stop, you must change the designated “down” direction to counteract your fall, reducing your falling speed by one step each round.)

You can choose this talent a second time if you possess at least 10 ranks in the associated skill or Fly. When you do, you gain a supernatural fly speed of 30 feet with poor maneuverability while meditating.

Possessions & Property

Orb of Dragonkind - Gold
Aura strong enchantment CL 20th
Slot none; Price —; Weight 5 lbs.
Each of these fabled Orbs contains the essence and personality of an ancient dragon of a different variety (one for each of the major ten different chromatic and metallic dragons). The bearer of an Orb can, as a standard action, dominate a dragon of its particular variety within 500 feet (as dominate monster), the dragon being forced to make a DC 25 Will save to resist. Spell resistance is not useful against this effect. Each Orb of Dragonkind bestows upon the wielder the AC and saving throw bonuses of the dragon within. These values replace whatever values the character would otherwise have, whether they are better or worse. These values cannot be modified by any means short of ridding the character of the Orb. A character possessing an Orb of Dragonkind is immune to the breath weapon—but only the breath weapon—of the dragon variety keyed to the Orb. Finally, a character possessing an Orb can herself use the breath weapon of the dragon in the Orb three times per day.

All Orbs of Dragonkind can be used to communicate verbally and visually with the possessors of the other Orbs. The owner of an Orb knows if there are dragons within 10 miles at all times. For dragons of the Orb’s particular variety, the range is 100 miles. If within 1 mile of a dragon of the Orb’s variety, the wielder can determine the dragon’s exact location and age. The bearer of one of these Orbs earns the enmity of dragonkind forever for profiting by draconic enslavement, even if she later loses the item. Each Orb also has an individual power that can be invoked once per round at caster level 10th.

Black Dragon Orb: Fly.
Blue Dragon Orb: Haste.
Brass Dragon Orb: Teleport.
Bronze Dragon Orb: Scrying (Will DC 18 negates).
Copper Dragon Orb: Suggestion (Will DC 17 negates).
Gold Dragon Orb: The owner of the gold Orb can call upon any power possessed by one of the other Orbs—including the dominate and breath weapon abilities but not AC, save bonuses, or breath weapon immunity—but can use an individual power only once per day. She can dominate any other possessor of an Orb within 1 mile (Will DC 23 negates).
Green Dragon Orb: Spectral hand.
Red Dragon Orb: Wall of fire.
Silver Dragon Orb: Cure critical wounds (Will DC 18 half).
White Dragon Orb: Protection from energy (cold) (Fortitude DC 17 negates).

An Orb of Dragonkind immediately shatters if it is caught in the breath weapon of a dragon who is a blood relative of the dragon trapped within. This causes everyone within 90 feet to be struck by the breath weapon of that dragon, released as the orb explodes.

The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

The statblocks of your class features

Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

Statblocks for your spells.

Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Character Sheet
