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Celica Bermire LN
Character Name Alignment
Harbinger 10 , Transcendent 10
Character Level
Human M
Race Size
F 25
Gender Age
5'9" 140
Height Weight
Red Blue
Hair Eyes
Mrtyu -
Deity Homeland
- 0
Domain/Oath/Patron/School XP

Ability Score Mod T.Adj T.Mod
28 +9 N/A +9
10 +0 N/A +0
22 +6 N/A +6
18 +4 N/A +4
10 +0 N/A +0
10 +0 N/A +0
 Change in tracker!
HP Total
Dam Red
Spell Res
Total AC
Flat Footed
Flat Footed + Touch
Save Total Base Ability Magic Misc Temp
Fortitude +13 +7 CON +6 +0 +0 +0
Reflex +7 +7 DEX +0 +0 +0 +0
Will +7 +7 WIS +0 +0 +0 +0
Combat Maneuver Bonus CMB
CMB BaB STR Size Misc
+16 +7 +9 +0 +0
Combat Maneuver Defense CMD
CMD Base BaB STR DEX Size Misc
26 10 +7 +9 +0 +0 +0

Common, Celestial, Auran, Aklo

Adventuring Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
Acrobatics +0 (DEX)  +0 +0 +0
Bluff +0 (CHA)  +0 +0 +0
Climb +22 (STR)  +9 +10 +3
Diplomacy +0 (CHA)  +0 +0 +0
Disguise +0 (CHA)  +0 +0 +0
Escape Artist +0 (DEX)  +0 +0 +0
Fly +17 (DEX)  +0 +10 +7
Heal +0 (WIS)  +0 +0 +0
Intimidate +4 (INT)  +4 +0 +0
Knowledge: Arcana +21 (INT)  +4 +10 +7
  Knowledge: Dungeoneering +4 (INT)  +4 +0 +0
Knowledge: Local +17 (INT)  +4 +10 +3
  Knowledge: Nature +4 (INT)  +4 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Planes +4 (INT)  +4 +0 +0
Knowledge: Religion +17 (INT)  +4 +10 +3
Knowledge: Martial +17 (INT)  +4 +10 +3
Perception +15 (WIS)  +0 +10 +5
Ride +0 (DEX)  +0 +0 +0
Sense Motive +13 (WIS)  +0 +10 +3
Stealth +13 (DEX)  +0 +10 +3
Survival +13 (WIS)  +0 +10 +3
Swim +22 (STR)  +9 +10 +3
Background Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
  Appraise +4 (INT)  +4 +0 +0
Craft: Weapons +17 (INT)  +4 +10 +3
  Knowledge: Engineering +4 (INT)  +4 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Geography +4 (INT)  +4 +0 +0
Knowledge: History +4 (INT)  +4 +0 +0
Knowledge: Nobility +17 (INT)  +4 +10 +3
Custom Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
Autohypnosis +0 (WIS)  +0 +0 +0

* only usable when trained (rank 1 and higher)


Human B:Dark Presence
Creatures Claimed by you provoke an attack of opportunity from you whenever they make a 5-foot step into or out of one of your threatened squares.

Drawback Bonus:Extra Essence
You gain 2 points of essence.

Flaw Bonus:Flow of Battle
Benefit: Whenever you initiate a maneuver as a swift action, or enter a stance, you may reallocate your essence as part of the action taken to do so.

You gain 1 point of essence.

Special: If you possess the Clashing Essence feat, then you may reallocate your essence as though you had used Clashing Essence whenever you initiate a maneuver as an immediate action.

Lvl 1:Enhanced Capacity
Benefit: Choose one of your essence receptacles such as a veil, magic item designed to contain essence, or class feature. Your essence capacity for that essence receptacle is increased by 1. You may change the chosen receptacle when you shape your veils each day.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. You can’t apply the feat’s effects to the same essence receptacle more than once.

Lvl 3:Veiled Moon Style
Benefit: Whenever you move, you can treat up to 10 feet of that movement as teleportation. This teleportation may be taken at any point during your movement, and cannot exceed the total movement you would normally be allowed to make. You must have line of sight to your destination, and cannot teleport into an occupied space. This is a supernatural ability.

Special: You can use this feat to bypass a 5 feet worth of obstacles when making a charge; you treat a square you bypass as empty for the purposes of determining if you can charge your target.

Lvl 5:Muscular Reflexes
Benefit: You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Strength bonus. With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.

Normal: A character without this feat can make only one attack of opportunity per round and can’t make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.

Special: The Muscular Reflexes feat does not allow a rogue to use her opportunist ability more than once per round. The attacks of opportunity from this feat do not stack with those granted by Combat Reflexes or similar feats, but Muscular Reflexes counts as Combat Reflexes when meeting the prerequisites for feats.

Lvl 6B:Advanced Study
Prerequisites: 4th level or higher in a martial disciple class (a class that has the maneuvers readied class feature).

Benefit: Choose one martial disciple class you have at least 4 levels of. You add two maneuvers or one stance from that class’ available disciplines to that class’ maneuvers or stances known. Alternatively, you can instead choose a single maneuver or stance to learn from disciplines that are not available to you from that class. You must meet the prerequisites for maneuvers and stances gained with this feat as normal.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you may choose a different class and different maneuvers. Levels in prestige classes that progress maneuvers stack with your class levels for determining how many levels you have in a martial disciple class.

Lvl 7:Weapon Group Adaptation(Shields)
Benefit: Choose a weapon group (excluding siege weapons and siege firearms). That weapon group is considered associated with disciplines you have access to.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you choose a different weapon group to gain its benefits for. In addition, once you reach base attack bonus +5, this feat counts as the weapon training class feature with the chosen fighter weapon group for the purpose of weapon mastery feat prerequisites and what weapons you can use with weapon mastery feats.

Lvl 9:Twinveil(Hands)
Prerequisite: Veilweaving level 9th.

Benefit: Choose a chakra slot which you can shape veils to. Two of your shaped veils can occupy that chakra simultaneously. Both of these veils count against your number of shaped veils, as normal. If you have the ability to bind veils to the chosen chakra, you may bind both of the veils to it. When you shape your veils each day, you may change the chakra slot chosen with this feat to another.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. You cannot select the same chakra slot using this feat multiple times

Special Abilities


Runic Breastplate
Descriptors: Enhanced (breastplate)

Class: Daevic, Huay, Kheshig

Slot: Shoulders, Body

Saving Throw: none

This breastplate is covered in strange runes that glow softly in the presence of magic.

Shaping this veil forms a breastplate over your body. This armor grants you a +6 armor bonus to AC, has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +3, an armor check penalty of -4, and confers a 25% arcane spell failure chance. Wearing this breastplate does not reduce your movement speed.

The armor bonus granted by this veil applies to your touch AC. You gain spell resistance equal to 6 + your veilweaving level. Your spell resistance is selective -- You may choose whether or not your spell resistance applies to each spell as it affects you. Choosing does not take an action, but you must be conscious to do so. This veil grants no additional insight on the spells cast upon you.

Essence: Each odd point of essence invested in this veil increases the armor bonus to AC by +1. Each even point of essence invested in this veil increases spell resistance by +1.

Chakra Bind (Shoulders): [D10, Hu10, K8/11] Whenever you successfully save against a spell, or whenever a spell misses you or fails to overcome your spell resistance, you gain temporary hit points equal to twice the spell’s level. These temporary hit points stack with other hit points granted by this veil and last for 1 minute or until otherwise used.

Chakra Bind (Body): [D12/20, Hu20, K18] You gain the benefits of this veil’s Shoulders bind. Whenever you successfully save against a spell, or whenever a spell misses you or fails to overcome your spell resistance, the runes of this breastplate drain the spell’s power, increasing your armor bonus to AC by the spell’s level for a number of rounds equal to your veilweaving level.
Rapture of the Gods
Descriptors: Sonic, Enhanced (heavy shield, see text)

Class: Daevic, Guru, Nexus, Soulforge, Stormbound

Slot: Hands, Wrists

Saving Throw: See text

A shield of hardened silvery akasha forms upon your arm, inlaid with gold and silver imagery of a raging storm. It hums and whistles when moved, and when struck it rings true.

Shaping this veil grants you a heavy shield that vibrates with devastating sonic energy. This veil acts as a heavy steel shield sized appropriately for you. When used to make a shield bash it is treated as a light weapon and has a damage die of 1d8 (1d6 for small creatures, 2d6 for large). While you have this veil shaped, you gain the benefits of both the Two-Weapon Fighting and Improved Shield Bash feats, even if you do not meet their prerequisites.

This veil is enhanced as if it were a weapon, rather than as a shield. The heavy shield created by this veil gains an enhancement bonus to its Shield AC equal to its enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls (maximum +5 bonus).

Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil, shield bashes made using this veil deal an additional 1d4 points of Sonic damage.

Chakra Bind (Hands): [D4, G2, N2, So2, St4] : Binding this veil to your Hands chakra lightens the shield dramatically, allowing it to be wielded with even greater finesse and skill. Whenever you make an attack with a different one-handed or light weapon as part of an attack action, you make a shield bash using this veil as a free action. In addition, when your base attack bonus reaches +6 you gain the benefits of the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat when making a full attack using this veil, and when your base attack bonus reaches +11 you gain the benefits of the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat as well.

Chakra Bind (Wrists): [D7, N8, So6, St8] Binding this veil to your Wrists chakra grants you all the benefits of the Hands chakra, and grants you the ability to counterattack foes who attack you. Once per round when you are attacked by a melee weapon or natural attack after the attack is resolved you may make a shield bash using this veil against that creature if it is within your reach. If you hit the creature and they take sonic damage from this veil, you may take a point of essence burn to force that creature to make a Fortitude saving throw. On a failed save, they are deafened for 1 minute and dazed until the beginning of their next turn. On a success, they are instead deafened for 1 round. If the creature is dazed in the middle of a full attack, they lose any additional attacks they have not made.
Armaments of Faith
Descriptors: Enhanced (longsword, heavy steel shield), Paired (heavy steel shield (shield))

Class: Daevic, Helmsman, Kheshig, Radiant

Slot: Hands

Saving Throw: none

This veil calls forth a unique shield that houses a longsword. The engravings on both match to tell a story that changes each time they are called.

You can only enhance this veil as a weapon. This veil creates a longsword and a heavy steel shield.

You do not lose your shield bonus to AC when shield bashing.

Whenever you deal damage with a weapon created by this veil, your shield gains a charge. Whenever you make an attack with a shield bash, you may discharge these charges to gain an insight bonus to attack and damage equal to twice the amount of charges discharged. You may not have more than 1 charge at a time. Charges last for 5 minutes or until otherwise discharged.

Once per round, when you deal damage with a shield bash that you expended charges on, you gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt. These temporary HP last for one minute or until initiative is rolled. Attacks that spend charges cannot generate charges on hit.

Essence: Each point of essence invested in this veil increases the amount of charges you may have by 1.

Chakra Bind (Hands): [D4, He2, K2/5, R3] Whenever an ally adjacent to you is hit with an attack, as an immediate action, or by burning 1 point of essence as a free action that can be done even when it is not your turn, you may choose to be hit by that attack in their place. If the attack deals damage, you reduce the amount of damage you take from that attack by 1 for every point of essence invested in this veil.
Armory of the Conqueror
Descriptors: none

Class: Daevic, Helmsman

Slot: Hands, Wrists

Saving Throw: none

A gleaming band of hardened akasha wraps around your weapons, thrumming with power.

When you invest essence in this veil, choose one manufactured weapon you are wielding, unarmed strikes, or a single natural weapon. As long as this veil is invested with essence, at the beginning of each turn you may select a different weapon.

Investing essence in this veil causes the selected weapon to grow in power as if you had increased in size, as detailed in the essence section below. Ranged weapons confer this property to their ammunition, and thrown weapons retain this size increase until after the attack made using the thrown weapon is resolved.

This effective increase in size does not stack with any other size increases, such as the enlarge person spell, the impact special property, the Encompassing Light talent, or the Size Change talent. If you or your weapon would be affected by such an ability while you are benefiting from the powers of this veil, use the higher of the size increases when determining your weapons damage dice.

Essence: A weapon affected by this veil is treated as though it is one size category larger than it actually is when 1 point of essence is invested. For every 2 points of essence invested beyond the first, this size bonus increases by an additional category.

Chakra Bind (Hands): [D4, He2] Binding this veil to your Hands chakra makes the weapon extremely difficult to pull from your grasp, granting you a +1 insight bonus to CMD vs. Disarm attempts per point of essence invested.

Chakra Bind (Wrists): [D7, He8] The veil wrapping your weapon protects it from harm. In addition to granting the same benefits as the Hands bind, your weapon’s hardness increases by 5 times the number of points of essence invested in this ability, and the weapon gains an insight bonus on all saves vs. any effects which target it (such as a rusting grasp spell) equal to the amount of essence invested.


Dimensional Strike
Level: 1

Initiation Action: 1 standard action

Range: Melee or ranged attack

Target: One creature

Duration: Instantaneous

By shifting slightly between two worlds, the disciple confuses the senses of his foe so he may land his attack more easily. The initiator initiating this strike causes his foe to be flat-footed to this attack.

Hungry Stillness Strike
Discipline: Unquiet Grave (Strike Level: 1

Prerequisites: None

Initiation Action: 1 standard action

Range: Melee attack

Target: Creature struck

Duration: Instantaneous


You infuse your weapon with negative energy as you strike your foe. Make a melee attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional 1d8 points of negative energy damage.

Red Zephyr's Strike
Discipline: Scarlet Throne (Strike)

Level: 1

Initiation Action: 1 standard action

Range: Melee attack

Target: One creature

Duration: Instantaneous

With swiftness born of skill, a disciple of the Scarlet Throne learns how to move through the battlefield as lord among warriors. The disciple makes an attack against a foe, and if successful, he may make an immediate 10-ft. movement which does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

xScything Strike
Discipline: Scarlet Throne (Strike)

Level: 1

Initiation Action: 1 standard action

Range: Melee attack

Target: One creature

Duration: Instantaneous

The principles of the Scarlet Throne teach its disciples that every swing must be made with precision and excellence; no movement is wasted and no attack should be fruitless. The disciple may make a single attack against two adjacent enemies using the same attack roll and applying it to each target.

Cursed Fate
Discipline: Veiled Moon (Strike) (Mind-affecting)

Level: 2

Initiation Action: 1 standard action

Range: Melee or ranged attack

Target: One creature

Duration: Instantaneous

The disciple can befuddle and bewilder his opponent with this strike, causing a grave imbalance in the psyche of the victim. The initiator must make a successful attack against the target, inflicting an additional 2d6 points of damage and the target must attempt a Will save (DC 12 + initiation modifier) or suffer a -4 to all d20 rolls until the disciple’s next turn.

xDarkened Axe Style
Discpline: Unquiet Grave (Boost Level: 3

Prerequisites: 1 Unquiet Grave maneuver

Initiation Action: 1 swift action

Range: Personal

Target: You

Duration: 1 round


You infuse your attacks with negative energy, draining the life of your victims. When you initiate this boost, your melee attacks deal an additional 2d8 points of negative energy damage for 1 round.

Dazing Attack
Discipline: Scarlet Throne (Strike)

Level: 3

Prerequisites: One Scarlet Throne maneuver

Initiation Action: 1 standard action

Range: Melee attack

Target: One creature

Duration: Instantaneous, or one round

The swiftness of the Scarlet Throne disciple’s blade is a thing of terrific power, and by initiating this strike he demonstrates this potency. The disciple makes a melee attack against a target which if successful inflicts an additional 3d6 points of damage and upon a failed Fortitude save (DC 13 + initiation modifier) dazes the opponent for one round

xStrike of Defeat
Discipline: Scarlet Throne (Strike)

Level: 3

Prerequisites: One Scarlet Throne maneuver

Initiation Action: 1 standard action

Range: Melee attack

Target: One creature

Duration: Instantaneous

‘A dead foe is a foe that can trouble you no more,’ is an old adage of the Scarlet Throne disciple. An injured foe is easy prey, but is still a foe nonetheless. By utilizing this swift executioner’s strike, the Scarlet Throne disciple removes a potential threat and obstacle from his path. The disciple makes an attack against a foe which if successful deals additional damage determined by the state of the enemy’s hit points. If the enemy has more than 75% of his total hit points, this strike does no additional damage. If the foe has less than 75% hit points, this strike inflicts an additional 4d6 points of damage. If the foe has less than 25% of his total hit points, this strike inflicts an additional 8d6 points of damage.

xFlicker Strike
Discipline: Veiled Moon (Strike) (Teleportation)

Level: 4

Prerequisites: One Veiled Moon maneuver

Initiation Action: 1 standard action

Range: Melee attack, movement speed

Target: One creature

Duration: Instantaneous

In a flickering blur of teleportation and movement, the Veiled Moon disciple may disappear, blink into existence to strike a foe, and then disappear again to appear a safe distance away. The initiator may teleport up to his movement speed to a target enemy, make an attack or a combat maneuver (such as disarm or trip) against the foe using its flat-footed armor class or CMD (denying the target his Dexterity bonus due to the surprising nature of the attack), then teleport away up to his movement speed, all without drawing attacks of opportunity for the movement or attack.

xWeeping Scarlet Razor
Discipline: Scarlet Throne (Strike)

Level: 4

Prerequisites: One Scarlet Throne maneuver

Initiation Action: 1 standard action

Range: Melee attack

Target: One creature

Duration: Special

Even the basest common soldier knows that there are places on a man’s body where if he were to be stabbed, then he would bleed out in minutes. The Scarlet Throne disciple takes this knowledge and arms himself with his superior skill to utilize this arterial strike against his foes. The initiator makes a melee attack against a target creature, and if successful, this attack inflicts an additional 4d6 points of damage and the target begins to bleed profusely, inflicting 4 points of bleed damage per round until a successful Heal check (DC 20) or a spell or effect that cures hit point damage has been administered to the target.

xWarp Worm
Discipline: Veiled Moon (Strike) [Teleportation, Force]

Level: 5

Prerequisites: Two Veiled Moon maneuvers

Initiation Action: 1 full round action

Range: Melee touch

Target: Up to three targets

Duration: Instantaneous

By creating temporary breaches between the worlds of the Material and the Astral, the disciple may teleport through a few enemies and emerge from the space between worlds having done his foes great internal harm. The initiator makes a melee touch attack against a target, and may teleport to another target no more than 20-ft. from the first (and do the same for a third target) making another melee touch attack on each subsequent target and inflicting 10d6 points of force damage to all affected. On a failed attack or after the final target, the disciple appears up to 15-ft. from the final target to finish his turn. The touch attacks themselves cannot be unarmed strikes or weapon strikes that inflict damage normally; the disciple must lay their hand against the target in a non-damaging way to initiate this maneuver (even if wielding a weapon in that hand, this can be used by simply touching the target with a fist or back of the hand).

Essence Shattering Strike
Discipline: Veiled Moon (Strike) [Force]

Level: 5

Prerequisites: Two Veiled Moon maneuvers

Initiation Action: 1 standard action

Range: Melee or ranged attack

Target: One creature

Duration: Instantaneous, 1d4 rounds

With a powerful strike, the Veiled Moon disciple attacks at the very spirit of his foe with his silver-blue light. The initiator makes an attack against a target creature, and inflicts an additional 6d6 points of force damage and dazes his foe for 1d4 rounds due to the disturbance on a failed Fortitude save (DC 15 + initiation modifier).


Leaping Spirit Dance
Discipline: Veiled Moon (Stance)

Level: 1

Initiation Action: 1 swift action

Range: Personal

Target: You

Duration: Stance

Light as a feather, the Veiled Moon disciple moves gracefully in combat, with the smooth and practiced grace of an incorporeal being. The disciple gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC and a +2 competence bonus to Reflex saves while in this stance so long as he moves at least 10 feet on his turn each round. This bonus increases by +2 at initiator level 9, and by an additional +2 at initiator level 17.

Scarlet Einhander
Discipline: Scarlet Throne (Stance)

Level: 1

Initiation Action: 1 swift action

Range: Personal

Target: You

Duration: Stance

By adopting this stance, the disciple presents a slim profile to his foes, holding his weapon low and one-handed, and leads with his blade in an elegant and graceful manner, his strikes strong and his profile aiding him in defense. When wielding a melee weapon in one hand, the initiator presents a slim profile with strong offensive and defensive ability. The initiator gains a +2 shield bonus to his Armor Class and inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage while in this stance. The shield bonus granted by this stance increases by +1 when the character’s initiator level reaches 6th, and increases again by +1 at 12th and 18th initiator level. Upon reaching 10th initiator level, the bonus damage increases to 2d6.

Formless Dance
Discipline: Veiled Moon (Stance) [Glamer]

Level: 3

Prerequisites: One Veiled Moon maneuver

Initiation Action: 1 swift action

Range: Personal

Target: You

Duration: Stance

The Veiled Moon disciple immerses himself in a sort of dimensional flux, causing him to be able to see what cannot be perceived and seemingly be in many places at once. While in this stance, the initiator gains the benefits of a see invisibility spell and the blur spell.

Stance of the Ether Gate
Discipline: Veiled Moon (Stance) (Teleportation)

Level: 5

Prerequisites: Two Veiled Moon maneuvers

Initiation Action: 1 swift action

Range: Personal

Target: You

Duration: Stance

By shifting his essence partially into the Astral plane, the disciple finds that moving through that plane as just as easy as moving through the Material plane. While the disciple is in this stance, he may teleport up to his movement speed as a move action, or twice his movement speed as a full round action, at will. He must see his destination clearly to be able to teleport to it. The initiator may not take any creatures with him when teleporting; only himself and the gear he is carrying plus up to an additional 20 lbs. This stance meets the qualifications for the Dimensional Agility feats, should the initiator wish to take them.



Priest Blessed(Faith)
You were guided to maturity by a trusted priest of an ecclesiastical tradition, who inspired you and made you understand that the authority exerted by a religious hierarchy is a blessing rather than a restriction, allowing the faithful to always feel confident in their direction and the righteousness of the guided actions. Now, your faith wells up whenever you are aided by divine magic, and you find it easy to open up to the magic and succor of any faith, seeing the similarities between all such traditions. Three times per day when you are the target of a harmless divine spell, you may increase its caster level by 1 for purposes of its effect on you alone.

Bruising Intellect
Your sharp intellect and rapier-like wit bruise egos. Intimidate is always a class skill for you, and you may use your Intelligence modifier when making Intimidate checks instead of your Charisma modifier.

You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against natural environmental hazards.

You are sentimental, and your thoughts often stray to the past at inappropriate times. You take a –2 penalty on Perception checks to avoid being surprised and on Reflex saving throws to avoid traps or hazards.

You suffer a -2 penalty against any effect that will cause you to be fatigued or exhausted, and any effect with cloud, dust, fog, or smoke in its name. You hold your breath for only half the normal duration. Additionally, sleeping in light or heavier armor fatigues you.

You are relatively poor at ranged combat.
You take a -2 penalty on all ranged attack rolls.

Racial Traits

+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain 1 additional skill rank at 1st level and 1 additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common and their ethnic language. Humans whose ethnic language is Common (or Taldane, in the case of Chelaxians or Taldans) do not receive an additional ethnic language. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

Name AB Critical Type Range Ammo Dmg
Longsword of Faith +18 {19-20}x2 Slashing Melee 0 1d8+12
Shield of Rapture +19 {20}x2 Bludgeoning/Sonic Melee 0 3d6+12+5d4
Name ACB Type Check Penality Spell Failure Weight Properties
Runed Breastplate(+2) +12 Medium Armor 0 25% 0kg Applies to touch attacks
Mythic Nonsense

Mythic Path: Champion
Fleet Charge

Path Abilities:
Ever Ready(Ex)

Whenever you make an attack of opportunity, you gain a bonus on the attack roll and damage roll equal to your mythic tier. You can make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed, even if you don't have the Combat Reflexes feat. At 3rd, 6th, and 9th tier, the number of attacks of opportunity you can make each round increases by one.

Always a Chance(Ex)
You don't automatically miss when you roll a 1 on an attack roll.

Mythic Feats:
Mythic Power Attack
When you use Power Attack, you gain a +3 bonus on melee damage rolls instead of +2. When your base attack bonus reaches +4 and every 4 points thereafter, the amount of bonus damage increases by +3 instead of +2. In addition, the bonus damage from this feat is doubled on a critical hit, before it’s multiplied by the weapon’s critical multiplier.

You can expend one use of mythic power when you activate Power Attack to ignore the penalties on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks for 1 minute.


Celestial Knight

Holy Resilience
As Celica delves deeper into her connection with divine energies, she learns to harness their power not only for offense but also for enhancing her own endurance and resilience. The divine energy she channels fortifies her body, making her more resistant to harm and more capable of withstanding the rigors of battle. Her aura pulses with a radiant light, signifying her growing mastery over holy power.
Celica can expend Divine Charges as a standard action to bolster her defenses. She gains temporary hit points equal to 5 times the number of charges expended up to a maximum of 4, which last for a number of minutes equal to her Constitution modifier. These temporary hitpoints are lost before any other temporary hitpoints, even ones that say they are lost first. Additionally, while these temporary hit points are active, Celica gains the following benefits based on the number of Divine Charges expended:
1 Charge: Celica gains DR 5/—.
2 Charges: Celica gains DR 10/—.
3 Charges: Celica gains DR 15/—.
4 Charges: Celica gains DR 20/—.
Additionally, while these temporary hit points are active, Celica gains resistance 10 to all energy types (acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic), and a +2 bonus on all Will saves against fear and mind-affecting effects. This energy resistance stacks with Protective Shield.

Divine Charge
Celica’s determination and inner strength allow her to tap into divine energies, turning them into a source of power for her righteous cause. As she fights, she builds up charges of this holy energy, which can be unleashed in devastating attacks or protective barriers.

Celica gains a Divine Charge each time she successfully hits an enemy with a melee attack or strike. She can hold a maximum number of Divine Charges equal to her Constitution modifier + 3. These are lost when combat ends.
Radiant Strike (Su)
Channeling the divine energy she has absorbed, Celica can unleash her Divine Charges in a devastating attack that purges the darkness from her enemies. Her weapon glows with a purifying light as she delivers the finishing blow, a testament to her power over evil.
Celica can expend up to 3 Divine Charges in a single attack to add extra damage. For each charge expended, she deals an additional 1d6 points of holy damage. If she expends the maximum number of charges (3) against an evil creature, the attack also causes the target to become frightened for 1d4 rounds (Will save DC 10 + 1/2 Celica’s level + her Constitution modifier to negate the frightened effect).
Protective Shield (Su)
The divine energies Celica commands can also form a protective barrier around her, warding off attacks and shielding her from harm. When she is in need, the divine responds, enveloping her in a radiant aura that deflects incoming blows and mitigates damage.
As an immediate action, Celica can expend 2 Divine Charges to gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC and resistance 10 to one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) for 1 minute. This resistance increases by 5 for every additional charge expended beyond the initial 2, up to a maximum of 20.

Divine Burden
The holy energy that Celica channels through her body, while powerful, is difficult to control and can sometimes backlash against her. This energy can disrupt her concentration, making it difficult for her to maintain her composure in battle. The divine power she wields is both a gift and a burden, constantly testing her limits.

Each time Celica expends Divine Charges, she must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 her HD + the number of charges expended) or be staggered for 1 round. If Celica fails this save by 5 or more, she is instead stunned for 1 round. This effect represents the overwhelming force of the divine energy momentarily overpowering her.

Arms & Equipment

Treasure Allocation

Orichalcum Gilding(Runic Breastplate)
This treasure must adorn a veil that produces armor or provides an effect that otherwise acts as and doesn’t stack with worn armor (such as the Chitinplate or Unyielding veils). The armor check penalty of the armor or effect produced by the adorned veil is reduced by an amount equal to your Strength modifier (to a minimum ACP of 0). If this reduces the ACP of the armor or effect to 0 (or if its ACP is already 0 before being reduced) and the armor or effect would normally slow your movement, it no longer does so. For every 1 by which your Strength modifier exceeds the armor or effect’s ACP, you gain a +1 armor bonus to your AC that stacks with other armor bonuses to AC you possess. This bonus doesn’t stack with any other ability that would allow you to add your Strength modifier to your AC (no matter the type of those bonuses).

Bronze Reinforcement(Rapture of the Gods)
You may draw the adorned veil in to a free hand and wield its magic as a shield, granting you a shield bonus to AC equal to 1 plus the amount of essence invested in the adorned veil when wielding it in this way. Wielding the veil in this way does not affect its normal abilities, and it is treated as a light shield for the purposes of abilities that require a shield. Unlike a normal shield, you may don or doff this shield as part of reinvesting your essence. It returns to its normal form if it leaves your hand, you do not need to be proficient with shield to wield it, and it cannot be used to make shield bashes. If the adorned veil is already able to produce a shield, this treasure instead increases the shield bonus granted by that shield by 1, plus 1 per two points of essence invested in the adorned veil.

Honed Edge(Armaments of Faith)
When you adorn this treasure, choose a single weapon in which you are proficient. You may draw the adorned veil into a free hand, altering its shape so that it can be wielded as the chosen weapon. It still retains its normal abilities and properties while in the shape of a weapon. This weapon counts as a magic weapon for the purposes of by passing damage reduction. Unlike a normal weapon, you may draw this weapon as a free action on your turn. If it leaves your hand, the veil returns to its normal form. If the weapon is thrown, it instead reforms in your hand as the chosen weapon after the attack is resolved. If the chosen weapon is a projectile weapon, it produces its own mundane ammunition but must be loaded as a normal weapon of the chosen type. If the chosen weapon is a firearm it cannot misfire. Wielding the veil in this way counts as a weapon produced by an [Enhanced (weapon)] veil for the purposes of your class features and abilities, however, it cannot be enhanced with magic weapon properties or upgraded with special materials as if it were such a veil. For every point of essence invested in the adorned veil, you gain a +1 insight bonus to attack rolls and a +2 insight bonus to damage rolls made with the weapon created by this treasure. If this treasure adorns a veil that can already produce its own manufactured weapon, when not using the weapon created by this treasure you gain a +1 insight bonus to damage rolls with weapons produced by the adorned veil per point of essence invested in it. This insight bonus stacks with any insight bonuses to damage rolls granted by the adorned veil. If the adorned veil has one of the following elemental descriptors, upon adorning this veil you can choose for the bonus to damage granted for essence invested in the adorned veil to instead match one of those types: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic. It is still treated as an insight bonus to damage rolls for the purposes of bonus stacking.

Lion's Fang(Armory of the Conqueror)
As a standard action, you may make a powerful roar that inspires your allies. Until the end of your next turn, you and allies that can hear you within Close range (25-ft. plus5-ft. per two veilweaver levels) gain a morale bonus to AC and CMD equal to the amount of essence invested in the adorned veil, a morale bonus to attack rolls and CMB equal to 1 + 1 per two points of essence invested, and a morale bonus on damage rolls equal to twice the number of points of essence invested. If this ability is active when you roll initiative, its effects end immediately.

Essence Allocation

13/13 (Max 4 in each veil)
Runic Breastplate: 3
Rapture of the Gods(extra +1 max essence): 5
Armaments of Faith: 1
Armory of the Conqueror: 3

Class Features


Weapon/Armor Profs
A harbinger is proficient with all simple weapons, martial melee weapons, light armor, and shields (except tower shields).

A harbinger begins her career with knowledge of five martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to her are Cursed Razor, Unquiet Grave, Scarlet Throne, Shattered Mirror, and Veiled Moon.

A harbinger can ready three of her five maneuvers known at 1st level, and as she advances in level and learns more maneuvers, she is able to ready more, but must still choose which maneuvers to ready. A harbinger must always ready her maximum number of maneuvers readied. She readies her maneuvers by meditating over the nature of malevolence, honing her killer instinct, dwelling upon grief and sorrow, or otherwise communing with her negative side for ten minutes. The maneuvers she chooses remain readied until she decides to meditate again and change them. The harbinger does not need to sleep or rest for any long period of time in order to ready her maneuvers; any time she spends ten minutes in communion with her darker urges, she can change her readied maneuvers.

A harbinger begins an encounter with all her readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times she might have already used them since she chose them. When she initiates a maneuver, she expends it for the current encounter, so each of her readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless she recovers them, as described below).

In order for the harbinger to recover maneuvers, she must tap into her sorcerous malice by activating her dark claim class feature; the harbinger recovers a single expended maneuver whenever she Claims a creature, and she recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to her harbinger initiation modifier (minimum 2) whenever a creature she has Claimed is reduced to 0 or less hit points. Alternately, the harbinger may concentrate on her inner negativity and recover a single maneuver as a standard action.

Stances Known
A harbinger begins her career with knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to harbingers. At 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th, 15th, and 18th levels, she can select an additional stance to learn. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and the harbinger does not have to ready them. All the stances she knows are available to her at all times, and she can change the stance she is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or discipline description.

Unlike with maneuvers, a harbinger cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one she already knows.

Accursed Will(Ex)
A harbinger is not an entirely physical being; the darkness within her supplements her body, impelling her to acts of stunning violence. Starting at 1st level, the harbinger gains an insight bonus on attack rolls equal to 1/2 her harbinger initiation modifier (minimum +1). At 10th level, she gains an insight bonus on damage rolls equal to her harbinger initiation modifier.

Dark Claim(Su)
Starting at 1st level, a harbinger gains the ability to reach out with her sorcerous malice, marking foes as her own. As a swift action, the harbinger may Claim an opponent that she can see (including with special senses such as blindsense or tremorsense) within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 harbinger levels) for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 her class level (minimum 1 round). A harbinger can have a maximum number of creatures Claimed equal to her harbinger initiation modifier (minimum 1), and may not Claim a creature she has already Claimed until or unless the Claim expires. Claimed creatures using the Withdraw action to leave a square threatened by the harbinger provoke attacks of opportunity from her.

In addition, the harbinger automatically knows the position of creatures she has Claimed. Any opponent the harbinger cannot see still has total concealment (50% miss chance) against her, and the harbinger still suffers the normal miss chance when attacking creatures that have concealment. The harbinger is still denied her Dexterity bonus to her AC against attacks from Claimed creatures she cannot see.

Ill Tidings(Ex)
Like unwanted news, the harbinger travels swiftly. At 1st level, a harbinger gains a +10-foot competence bonus to her movement speeds. At 10th level, this bonus increases by +10 feet. Apply this bonus before modifying the harbinger’s movement speeds because of any load carried or armor worn.

Dark Focus(Ex)
Though all Harbingers tap into violence and sorrow, they inevitably specialize in a method of combat that calls to them deep within themselves. At 2nd level, a harbinger selects one discipline she has access to from her harbinger levels to be her dark focus. She gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when initiating strikes and counters from her dark focus discipline. The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases by +1 at 5th level and every four levels thereafter. In addition, she gains a +1 bonus to the save DCs of maneuvers from her dark focus discipline. (Scarlet Throne)

At 6th level, the harbinger gains either Advanced Study or Discipline Focus in her dark focus discipline as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. In the case of Advanced Study, both maneuvers selected must be from her dark focus discipline. (Advanced Study: Dazing Attack, Strike of Defeat)

At 10th level, the harbinger selects a second discipline as her dark focus in addition to her original dark focus discipline. She does not gain an additional bonus feat, although the other bonuses from her dark focus class feature apply to the second discipline as well. (Veiled Moon)

At 14th level, the harbinger’s dedication bears violent fruit. She may expend a readied maneuver to spontaneously initiate any maneuver she knows from her dark focus disciplines that is one or more levels lower than the expended maneuver, regardless of whether or not she has the dark focus maneuver readied. The initiation action of the spontaneously initiated maneuver is unchanged.

At 20th level, the harbinger treats all maneuvers from her dark focus disciplines as being readied at the beginning of each encounter, in addition to her normal pool of readied maneuvers.

Grim News(Su)
Like a ghost or a rumor, the harbinger moves with supernatural acumen. Starting at 3rd level, a harbinger can move up to her speed as a swift action once per encounter. She can use this ability twice per encounter at 9th level, and three times per encounter at 15th level.

At 9th level and again at 15th level, the harbinger selects one of the following abilities. One made, her choice is permanent and cannot be changed.

Dark Wings: The harbinger gains a fly speed equal to her base land speed, with good maneuverability. This flight is supernatural in nature; though the harbinger may develop wings or another form of evident propulsion, she flies through supernatural acumen alone.
Omenwalk: The harbinger gains the ability to teleport up to her speed as a move action. The harbinger does not need line of effect or line of sight to her destination, although she still provokes attacks of opportunity for leaving a threatened square when using this ability.

Spider’s Boon: The harbinger gains a climb speed equal to her base land speed. In addition, she develops a sticky grip that aids her in battle, granting her a +4 racial bonus on grapple checks and to her CMD.
Water Dweller: The harbinger gains a swim speed equal to her base land speed. In addition, the harbinger no longer needs to breathe and becomes immune to inhaled poisons.

The scent of blood in the air and the gentle throb of fading life force impels the Harbinger to further heights of violence. Starting at 4th level, a harbinger can initiate one of her readied strikes against an adjacent creature as an immediate action when she reduces an opponent to 0 or fewer hit points. She can only initiate strikes with an initiation action of one standard action with this ability. The harbinger can use this ability once per encounter at 4th level, twice per encounter at 10th level, and three times per encounter at 16th level.

Ellusive Shadow(Ex)
The harbinger’s unnatural alacrity protects her from harm as she shies away from whirling blades and streaking spells alike. Starting at 5th level, a harbinger gains a +2 dodge bonus to her AC and Reflex saves during any round in which she has moved at least 10 feet (including by teleportation effects such as omenwalk).

Sorcerous Deceptions(Sp)
Having become adept at concealing the malice within, the harbinger develops the ability to allay the suspicions of those who investigate her with magic. At 7th level, a harbinger can use magic aura as a spell-like ability at will, with a caster level equal to her harbinger level. She may only target items and objects she is attending, carrying, wearing, or wielding.

Ill Intentions
Those cornered by the harbinger and her allies feel the weight of her malice pressing down against them. Starting at 8th level, whenever a harbinger and one or more of her allies flank a creature, that creature suffers a –2 penalty on saving throws and skill checks.


Essence Pool
At 1st level, the transcendent gains access to a pool of essence which can be invested into their veils and other essence receptacles to increase their power. The transcendent gains 1 point of essence at each class level.

Twice Folded Veils(Su)
The transcendent’s veils transcend the normal boundaries of akasha, allowing the transcendent to shape two veils which are folded into themselves. When the transcendent shapes their veils for the day, they select two loadouts of veils using their transcendent veil slots, folding them together. Each loadout of veils must be a valid group of veils for the transcendent to shape, and the transcendent binds these veils to their chakra as part of this ability. The transcendent chooses one loadout of folded veils to act as their primary loadout, and one loadout to place in reserve. Reserved folded veils are considered to be unshaped for all purposes and cannot be interacted with in any way.

As a full-round action, the transcendent can fold their veils; unshaping their primary loadout of folded veils and shaping their reserve loadout of folded veils in its place. The reserved veils become their new primary veils, and their primary veils become their reserved veils. Veils shaped in this way are bound if the transcendent was able to bind them as part of shaping their veils. The transcendent may also reinvest their essence as part of using this ability. The ongoing effects of any veils unshaped in this way end when they are folded (including the ongoing effects of any spells or other features granted by those veils). Any choices made as part of initially shaping their veils for the day and any daily use abilities of veils they shape in this way are maintained every time their veils are folded and unfolded.

If the transcendent shapes a veil in a reserved loadout that allows them to bind essence to it as part of shaping it, they may allocate essence to be bound to it as normal. That essence is automatically invested into and treated as bound to the veil while that veil is shaped as a primary veil. If the transcendent otherwise uses an ability to bind essence to one of their veils, while that veil is shaped as a primary veil that essence remains bound and invested to the veil. While such veils are in reserve, the transcendent may use that essence normally. When that veil becomes the primary veil again, it is automatically reinvested with non-temporary essence up to the amount bound to it. If the transcendent is suffering from essence burn that would cause them not to be able to reinvest that veil up to the bound amount of essence, the essence that was burned is automatically invested into that veil when the burn is recovered.

If the transcendent had veils suppressed or unshaped when they used this ability, they choose which of their reserved veils become suppressed or unshaped in place of the primary veil. If the effect of the suppression or unshaping has a duration, the reserved veil taking the primary’s place maintains the duration of those effects.

The sheer supernatural force of the transcendent’s soul wards them from harm, driving away blows aimed against them. When unarmored, the transcendent adds their veilweaver modifier (minimum 1) to their AC and their CMD. In addition, the transcendent gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter. These bonuses are halved when wearing armor, when carrying a medium or heavy load, or while wielding a shield.

These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the transcendent is flat-footed or unconscious.

In addition, the transcendent can meditate on the power of their soul to mend, clean, and repair their body and equipment, allowing their soul to return them to a pristine state. By meditating for 10 minutes, the transcendent recovers 1 hit point, repairs 1 point of damage to all equipment they are wearing or carrying, and cleans themselves and that equipment as if affected by the prestidigitation spell. Meditating for any abilities related to their akashic powers (such as meditating to shape their veils for the day, to restore burned essence, to bind are shaped veil, or as part of one of their veil’s abilities) counts as meditating for this feature as well.

At 7th level, the time required to meditate on this effect is reduced to 1 minute, and the amount of healing and repaired hit points are increased by 1. At 13th level, it is reduced to 1 round, and the healing and repaired hit points are increased by an additional 1. At 19th level, they recover and repair a number of points equal to their veilweaving modifier (minimum 4) instead.

Akashic Treasures(Su)
At 1st level, the transcendent gains the ability to augment their veils in various ways by weaving treasures of pure essence into their veils, known as akashic treasures . A transcendent has knowledge of all akashic treasures, and may adorn a single veil with one of them as part of shaping their veils for the day.

At 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, they may adorn an additional veil each day. They cannot adorn the same veil multiple times, nor can they place the same treasure on multiple veils (unless specified otherwise by the treasure).

If the transcendent adorns a folded veil, they may adorn both a primary and reserved veil. Each loadout may have different treasures adorned to them, but treasures you have adorned may not be duplicates of other treasures adorned to one of the transcendent’s veils shaped outside of their loadouts. They may adorn the same treasure to multiple loadouts if they wish to as long as it follows the above restrictions.

Low Chakra Binding
At 2nd level, the transcendent gains access to a low chakra bind. Each day when they shape their veils, they can choose whether they wish to bind veils to the Feet or Hands slot. At 4th level, they can choose two binds rather than one. At 5th level, they additionally can choose between the Head slot.

Transcendental Flow(Su)
At 3rd level, the transcendent has learned to effortlessly use the powers of their veils during the flow of combat. As a full-round action, the transcendent may move up to their speed and take the attack action with a weapon or use a single ability of a veil that could be used as a move or standard action at any point during the movement. If one of the transcendent’s akashic treasures grants them an ability that can be used as a standard or move action, it counts as a veil ability for the purposes of this ability.

After the transcendent attacks or targets a creature using this ability, their remaining movement from this ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity from that creature (even if the attack misses or the ability fails).

At 8th level, instead of taking the attack action the transcendent can choose to make two attacks with a weapon, one at their full base attack bonus and one with a -5 penalty to their attack roll. They can make both of these attacks in any order, and at any point during their movement. If the transcendent is wielding more than one weapon, they may make these attacks with different weapons if they wish. At 15th level, they can make a third attack at a -10 penalty when they take this option.

Improved Essence Capacity
Training and meditation has allowed the transcendent to improve the limits of their essence. At 3rd, 9th, and 15th level, the capacity for all of the transcendent’s receptacles increases by 1.

Body of Akasha(Su)
At 5th level, the transcendent infuses their body with akashic power, allowing them to resist and evade effects that would harm them. Each day, as part of shaping their veils, they may choose to gain one of the following effects:

Evasion: Whenever the transcendent makes a successful Reflex save against an attack or effect that normally deals half damage on a successful save, they instead take no damage.
Resolute: Whenever the Transcendent makes a successful Will save against an attack or effect that has a reduced effect on a successful save, they instead avoid the effect entirely.
Unfaltering: Whenever the transcendent makes a successful Fortitude save against an attack or effect that has a reduced effect on a successful save, they instead avoid the effect entirely.

At 9th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the transcendent may choose an additional option from the above list. If they select the same option twice they gain the improved version of the chosen ability, as listed below:

Improved Evasion: Whenever the transcendent fails a Reflex save against an attack or effect that normally deals half damage on a successful save, they instead take half damage from that attack.
Improved Resolute: Whenever the transcendent fails a Will save against an attack or effect that has a reduced or partial effect on a save, they instead suffer the reduced or partial effect instead of the full effect.
Improved Unfaltering: Whenever the transcendent fails a Fortitude save against an attack or effect that has a reduced or partial effect on a save, they instead suffer the reduced or partial effect instead of the full effect.

Transcendental Self(Su)
At 7th level, the transcendent’s body begins to transcend its mortal limits, slowly perfecting itself into their ideal state. By meditating for 10 minutes, the transcendent can alter their appearance to that of another creature of their same species. They cannot use this ability to take on the appearance of a specific creature, but they can alter any of their traits within the bounds of a member of their species (such as hair color and length, eye color, skin color, sex, voice, height and weight, and so on). If using this ability to disguise themselves as another member of their species, they gain a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to do so. The effects of this ability are instantaneous, and are not removed in an antimagic field and are not considered to be a polymorph or shape changing effect.

Additionally, they gain immunity to diseases and poisons, including supernatural and magical diseases.

At 13th level, they can now meditate to change their appearance to any creature of their type, as per alter self. Changing their shape in this way does not grant them a bonus to Strength or Dexterity, but grants the other abilities of the spell as normal (including size bonuses or penalties, if they change their size). This is still an instantaneous effect. If the transcendent is smaller than Small size or larger than Medium size, in addition to the above benefits they may still choose to change their appearance to another creature of their species. Additionally, the power of their soul allows them to attune to the cultures stored within the akashic record, allowing them to speak and understand any creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher, even if they don’t speak a language.

At 19th level, they gain spell resistance equal to their class level + 11. The transcendent can always choose to allow an effect to bypass their spell resistance with no action required on their part

Middle Chakra Binding
At 8th level, the transcendent gains access to a middle chakra bind. Each day when they shape their veils, they can choose whether they wish to bind veils to the Wrists, Shoulders or Headband slots. At 12th level, they choose two binds rather than one.

Possessions & Property


+2 Ehancement on 2 Weapon Veils
+2 Enhancement on 1 Armor Veil

90 gold unaccounted for in starting gear I forgot to reallocate

Backpack(Masterwork) (4 lbs)-- 50gp
Silk Kimono (5 lbs)-- 200gp
Scholar's Outfit (6 lbs)-- 5gp

The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

The statblocks of your class features

Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

Statblocks for your spells.

Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Character Sheet
