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Empowered Radiant Bronze Fist

In a flash of radiant light the fists and arms of the caster are coated in a layer of articulated bronze, which glows slightly.

Transmutation \ \ Good
Cleric 3-level
Save: none
SR: none

Casting time: 1 standard or free action (see text)
Range: personal
Duration: 1rnd/lvl
Targets: self
Domain: Traveler Ability
Componenent: V, S


This spell functions as Radiant Bronze Fist, but gains the following:   • +1d6 holy radiant damage, and +1 per 4 character levels beyond 5th (1d6+1 @5th, 1d6+2 @9th, 1d6+3 @13th, etc)   Special: This spell may be cast as a free action when initiating any martial maneuver or when assuming a martial stance.

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

