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Rune Mage - Dedication 1

Rune Mage Dedication
Prerequisites: Trained in Arcana or Occultism.

Dedication Benefit:
You gain a basic understanding of rune magic, allowing you to inscribe and activate powerful runes. You learn two cantrips from the wizard or sorcerer spell list. You also gain the Rune Lore skill feat.

You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Rune Mage archetype.

Rune Mage Feats

Rune Mastery FEAT 4

Archetype: Rune Mage
Prerequisites: Rune Mage Dedication
Frequency: Once per day.
Effect: You can inscribe a single rune from the following list on a weapon, armor, or other item. This rune lasts for 24 hours or until activated. When activated, it grants the following effects:

Rune of Protection: Grants the wearer a +2 bonus to AC for 1 minute.
Rune of Power: Grants a weapon a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 minute.
Rune of Healing: Heals a touched creature for 3d8 Hit Points.

Advanced Rune Mastery FEAT 7

Archetype: Rune Mage
Prerequisites: Rune Mastery
Frequency: Once per day.
Effect: You can inscribe an advanced rune from the following list. This rune lasts for 24 hours or until activated. When activated, it grants the following effects:

Rune of Temporal Stasis: Stops time for a single target for 1 round (effectively holding them in place).
Rune of Disintegration: Deals 6d6 force damage to a single target.
Rune of Rejuvenation: Fully restores a single spell slot of up to 5th level to a touched spellcaster.

Rune Expertise FEAT 10

Archetype: Rune Mage
Prerequisites: Rune Mage Dedication
Effect: You gain expert proficiency in Arcana or Occultism (whichever you are trained in). Additionally, you can inscribe and activate two runes per day.

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Pathfinder 2e
