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Estadjuloin Shapeshifting

The various species of Estadjuloin are often capable of chaning their shape, typically with three ”stable“ forms:

  • A totally normal-looking form of their base animal stock (raven, fox, etc.), though it may be somewhat or significantly larger than that base animal;
  • An intermediate form, roughly half way between their base animal form and their nearly-human one; and
  • A nearly-human looking form, perhaps with some animal traits (feathers, red fur, etc.).
Note: The Stunt granted by this Extra occupies one of the character’s normal Stunt slots, and that Stunt persists across all the character’s forms.

A relevant Species Aspect (see the species on the Estadjuloin page)
1 Refresh


TODO: Write up an Animal Form Species-aspect template — Estadjuloin characters can effectively switch out their species aspect when they shift, or maybe switch out their character sheets. TBD!


TODO: create a Stunt stat-block and write up the shapeshifting Stunt

Basic thoughts/structure as discussed on the game Discord server:

  • The character gets a "Shapeshifting" stress-track.
  • Shifting voluntarily requires spending a stress, and that can "bleed" into consequences if it's overused in a scene.
  • Consequences resulting from shifting might include being stuck in a form, or maybe a "permanent" glitch in appearance (always having a tail, even in human form) until the consequence is resolved. Others may occur as well.
  • While in a given form (bird, fox, whatever), there may be "scale" differences that make taking damage more dangerous, but the trade-off for that is that form's natural abilities -- flight, keen senses, etc.


Characters with this Extra gain a Shapeshifting stress-track, with two boxes to start with. Shapeshifting is a physically demanding process, and this stress track gains the same benefits as the normal Physical Stress from the Physique skill.

Effects of Stress and Consequences

When a shapeshifter takes Stress or Consequences, they must make a Will roll against a difficult of the number of Stress taken or revert to their ”natural“ (base animal) form. If a Consequence is taken, that difficulty increases by 2.


Created by

Brian Allbee.



Statblock Type

Fate Core Extra - BDA
