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You grew up in the Shivering Isles after disappearing from your home plane as a child. Perhaps you were spirited away by Sheogorath who thought you were destined for great things. Perhaps you stumbled through a crossing by chance during a twilight stroll in the woods. Perhaps you were kidnapped by evil Daedra but escaped from their clutches. Whatever the manner of your disappearance, you gradually fell under the Isles's spell and learned a little about the nature of the mercurial tricksters that dwell there.   When you finally returned to your home plane, you did not come back unchanged. You are haunted by the fact the Shivering Isles-a mirror world hidden behind a mere twist of perception-is only a hair's breadth away. Although your memories of the Shivering Isles grow fainter with each passing day, your heart swells with a mixture of fear and joy at the prospect of one day venturing back to the Realm of Madness-your home away from home.

Skill Proficiencies Deception, Survival
Tool Proficiencies One type of musical instrument
Languages Daedric
Equipment A musical instrument (one of your choice), a set of traveler's clothes, three trinkets (each determined by rolling on the Trinkets table), and a pouch containing 8gp


Mad God's Mark You were transformed in some small way by your stay in the Shivering Isles and gained the mad god's mark, determined by rolling on the Mad God's Mark table.

d8 Mad God's Mark
1 Your eyes swirl with iridescent colors.
2 You have a sweet scent, like that of nectar or honey.
3 Your ears are covered with soft tufts of fur.
4 Your skin sparkles in moonlight.
5 Flowers either bloom or wilt (your choice) in your presence.
6 Your hair is made of vines or brambles and grows back to normal length within 1 hour of being cut.
7 You have a tail like that of a dog or another animal.
8 You have long whiskers like those of a cat.
Madhouse Visitor Whenever you're sound asleep or in a deep trance during a long rest, a daedra of the Shivering Isles might pay you a visit, if the DM wishes it. Determine the spirit's form by rolling on the Madhouse Visitor table. No harm ever comes to you as a result of such visits, which can last for minutes or hours, and you remember each visit when you wake up. Conversations that occur with a visitor can contain any number of things, from messages and insights to nonsense and red herrings, at the DM's discretion. Such conversations are always conducted in a language you can understand, even if the Madhouse visitor can't speaking that language normally.
d8 Madhouse Visitor
1 Awakened creature (a Beast or an ordinary plant that has had the Awaken spell cast on it)
2 Gnarl
3 Baliwog
4 Grumminte
5 Flesh Atronach
6 Dark Seducer
7 Golden Saint
8 Sheogorath
Daedric Connection Your mannerisms and knowledge of daedric customs are recognized by natives of Oblivion, who see you as one of their own. Because of this, friendly daedra are inclined to come to your aid if you are lost or need help in Oblivion.

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