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Giant Foundling

Though you aren’t a Giant, you grew up among giants. Maybe you were an orphan taken in by a sympathetic family of giants who raised you as one of their own. Or perhaps you lived in a lost pocket of the world, surrounded by giants and fearsome predators. Something about your environment—perhaps the food or water that sustained you, elemental magic inherent in the site of your home, or some verdant blessing of growth placed on you—caused you to grow to a remarkable size for your kind. With the aid of this magic, you have learned how to embody the might of giants. You are used to moving through a world much bigger than you, and that is reflected in your skills, attitude, and perspective on life.   How you came to live among colossal creatures is up to you to determine, but the Foundling Origin table suggests a variety of possibilities.

d6 Foundling Origin
1 You were found as a baby by a family of nomadic giants who raised you as one of their own.
2 A family of Blackreach giants rescued you when you fell into a mountain chasm, and you have lived with them underground ever since.
3 You were lost or abandoned as a child, you found an equally lost and alone giant; together, you survived.
4 Your farm was crushed and your family killed in a battle between warring groups of giants. Racked with guilt over the destruction, a sympathetic giant promised to care for you.
5 Painted with the customary blue markings, your family of poor farmers gave you as an offering to the nearby giant camp when they had no more livestock to give.
6 While playing hide-and-seek with your friends, you stumbled into a camp of giants, who immediately adopted you against your will.

Skill Proficiencies Intimidation, Survival
Languages Giant and one other language of your choice
Equipment A backpack, a set of traveler’s clothes, a small stone or sprig that reminds you of home, and a pouch containing 10 gp.


Strike of the Giants You gain the Strike of the Giants feat.

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Statblock Type

