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You were living a difficult life before your destiny suddenly changed through a miraculous turn of good fortune. Perhaps a benevolent deity gave you precisely what you most desired. You might have stumbled across a Standing Stone and drawn from it a potent, positive effect. Or maybe you inherited a modest fortune from a distant relative you didn’t know you had. Regardless, you left the daily miseries of your old life behind in favor of a life of adventure and excitement. Your old debts have been paid, responsibilities you thought inescapable are behind you, or you suddenly possess rare and unusual skills unknown to ordinary folk.

Skill Proficiencies Insight, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies One gaming set of your choice
Languages One of your choice
Equipment A bottle of black ink, an ink pen, five sheets of paper, a gaming set (matching your chosen proficiency), a signet ring, a set of fine clothes, and a pouch containing 18 gp.


Fortune's Favor Your unexpected good fortune is reflected by a minor boon. You gain the Lucky, Magic Initiate, or Skilled feat (your choice). Your choice of feat reflects the transformation that changed your life. An encounter with a genie who gave you three wishes might have resulted in magical powers represented by Magic Initiate. If you paid off all your family debts with a fortuitous round of three-dragon ante, you might be Lucky instead. Alternatively, you could use the Skilled feat to reflect whatever trial you endured to secure your new destiny and to model the knowledge and abilities imparted to you by whatever force transformed your life.   Standing Stone When you choose this background you may roll an additional two times on the Birthsigns Rules page to determine your characters birthsign.

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