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Rune Carver

You’ve dedicated your life to studying runecraft. Whether you were taught by a master rune carver or learned by poring over ancient engravings, you can tap into the supernatural power held within runes.   The art of runecraft has been adopted by many peoples. Choose one type of Rune's you know, ethier Ancient Nord, Dwemer, Giant, Daedric or Old Aldmeric. This will affect the language you know.   Rune Styles Each rune carver has a unique style and preferred medium. To determine how you make your runes, you can roll on the Rune Style table.

d6 Style
1 You inscribe runes in wax or clay with a fine metal needle.
2 You whittle pieces of wood into small figurines you mark with runes.
3 You engrave runes onto glass beads and thread them onto necklaces and bracelets.
4 You stitch your runes into the hems of clothing.
5 You carve runes on a set of animal bones you can throw in different formations.
6 You draw your runes into candles, melting the wax to smooth over the engravings.

Skill Proficiencies History, Perception
Tool Proficiencies One set of artisan's tools
Languages One exotic language, written only, choose either Ancient Nord, Dwemer, Giant, Daedric or Old Aldmeric
Equipment A set of artisan’s tools (one of your choice), a small knife, a whetstone, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp.


Choose one of the following three features:   Rune Shaper You gain the Rune Shaper feat.   Runic Codex Alternatively, gain the ritual spell Illusory Script and always have it prepared, this will not count against your known or prepared spells. Though the secret message must always be written in the runic script you know, and will remain readable to others who know this script and pass an Insight check against your Spell Save DC.   Arcane Rune Alternatively, and instead of choosing a Runic Style you inscribe them onto the ground as an action. The sigils disappear if you later inscribe them in a different place. The sigils otherwise last indefinitely. You can use the area bearing these runes as a spellcasting focus for your spells, so long as it is within 30ft of you.

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