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Orc Tribe Member

Though you might have only recently arrived in civilized lands, you are no stranger to the values of cooperation and group effort when striving for supremacy. You learned these principles, and much more, as a member of an Orc tribe. The vast majority of Orc tribe members are Orcs themselves, however they occasionally name a select few outsiders as one of thier own, perhaps this is the case for you. As an Orc born of the tribe, a foundling of another tribe or race, or an outsider of acclaim such as to be named one with the tribe, you spent much of your life calling the tribe your family and them the same to you.   Your people have always tried to hold to the old ways. Tradition and taboo have kept the Orcs strong while the kingdoms of others have collapsed into chaos and ruin. But for the last few generations, some bands among the tribes were tempted to settle, make peace, trade, and even to build strongholds. Other orcs led bands back to the old ways, and abandoned the soft ways of civilization.   You might have grown up in one of the tribes that had decided to settle down, and from a life in the walls of the stronghold you venture out. Or you might come from a segment of the Orcs that adheres to strict tradition, wandering the wilderness fighting for survival. Ethier way, perhaps you seek to bring glory to your tribe by achieving great things as a formidable adventurer.   Variant: Barbarian Tribe Member Instead of a tribe of Orcs, perhaps you come from a tribe of similar ideals of one of the other races. Similarly outcasted from society, such as the Forsworn or even one of the many roving tribes of bandits that call the wildernesses of Tamriel thier home.

Skill Proficiencies Athletics, Survival
Tool Proficiencies One type of musical instrument or artisan's tools
Languages One of your choice
Equipment A hunting trap, a totemic token or set of tattoos marking your loyalty to the tribe and your tribal totem, a set of traveler's clothes, and a pouch containing 10gp


Orc Strongholds of Skyrim Though this section details the Orc Strongholds of Skyrim specifically, either it or the Outlander background can be used for a character whose origin lies with one of the other barbarian tribes in Tamriel.   Dushnikh Yal Led by Chief Burguk, Dushnikh Yal is a prosperous Orc stronghold in the southwest of Skyrim, southeast of Markarth. With a temperate climate, a mine rich in ore and a fruitful trade relationship with both the ruling Nords and the rebellious Forsworn of the region. This stronghold is spared the worst of the trouble affecting the region and is respectfully left to its own devices by most.   Largashbur Led by Chief Yamaraz, Largashbur is an accursed Orc stronghold beset by giants in the southeast of Skyrim, west-southwest of Riften. Traditionally the centre of worship for the Orcish patron god Malacath, the tribe has fallen out of his favour, his shrine standing empty as the members of the tribe battle tirelessly to cling to life as thier tribe is rocked by the attacks of angry giants.   Mor Khazgur Led by Chief Larak, Mor Khazgur is an Orc stronghold in the far northwest of Skyrim, west of Solitude and north of Markarth. Renowned for thier talent in craftmanship even among the tribes of the orcs, with thier own mine. This stronghold remains somewhat less prosperous than their cousins to the South as they maintain closer ties to tradition. Prefering never to trade with outsiders other than fellow "blood-kin" and to stay as far from the affairs of the other races as possible.   Narzulbur Led by Chief Mauhulakh, Narzulbur is an Orc stronghold in the northeast of Skyrim, southeast of Windhelm. Despite also having its own mine and a fame in the art of Alchemy, Narzulbur struggles against the bitter cold of the region and the unfriendliness of thier Nord niebours. Despite this it finds plently of oppertunities to trade with the Legion presence in the area and survives despite it's challenges. Though its graveyard is as full as its coffers.  

Tribal Heritage You have an excellent knowledge of not only your tribe's territory, but also the terrain and natural resources of the rest of the Skyrim. You are familiar enough with any wilderness area that you find twice as much food and water as you normally would when you forage there. Additionally, you can call upon the hospitality of your people, and those folk allied with your tribe, often including members of druid circles, tribes of other nomadic peoples, and the priesthoods devoted to the god of the Malacath.   Bloodkin You are recognised as belonging to a tribe of Orc's and so are welcome in any of the Orc Strongholds of Skyrim.

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