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Thalmor Inquisitor

As an Inquisitor of the Thalmor you are tasked with rooting out heretical Talos worship in the province of Skyrim, his birthplace and the province where his cultists remain most prevelent. In accordance with the White-Gold concordant, the provincal rulers and law enforement are prohibited from obstructing you in this duty, some may even aid you if it seen to be to thier benefit. However the peoples of Skyrim are also notoriously resistant to the Thalmor and most will look upon you with disdain in the performance of your duty. You may be a superior High-Elf yourself, or perhaps even one of the lesser races assigned this important mission due to exceptional talent uncharacteristic of your race. Your motivations may be rightful fanatical devotion to the true pantheon, or perhaps mere personal enrichment, whatever the case it is your task to uncover those who still dare to worship a mere man as a god and bring them to justice. Putting them to death yourself if circumstances warrant it, though the Thalmor would prefer to take them alive to extract information on other such heretics.

Skill Proficiencies Investigation, Religion
Tool Proficiencies Thieves' tools, one set of artisan's tools of your choice
Equipment A symbol of Thalmor authority, a set of traveler's clothes, and a pouch containing 15gp


Legal Authority As an inquisitor of the Thalmor, you have the authority to arrest those you suspect of Talos worship. In the absence of other authorities, you are authorized to pass judgment and even carry out sentencing. If you abuse this power, however, your superiors in the Thalmor might strip it from you.

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