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Arcane Student

You are a budding mage, and you have been preparing to hone your craft according to the traditions of an ancient College of magic where you are an initiate, this can be Skyrims own College of Winterhold or another college of Tamriel such as the Arcane University of Cyrodiil, the Crystal Tower of the Summerset Isles or Sadrith Mora in Morrowind. Whether it is as an intitiate or by exchange you have a standing invitation to study at the presitgious College of Winterhold and wish to journey there, whether it is for learnings own sake, personal power or enrichment your goal is clear.   Variant: Bardic Student Instead of a budding mage, you are practicing to become a bard and have travelled to Skyrim with intent to join the Bard's College in Solitude. With this variant you get proficency with Performance instead of Arcana and must choose musical instrument instead of Artisan's tools for proficency annd equipment.

Skill Proficiencies Arcana, History
Tool Proficiencies One type of musical instrument or artisan's tools
Languages One of your choice
Equipment A bottle of black ink, an ink pen, a set of artisan's tools or a musical instrumet (one of your choice), a school uniform, and a pouch containing 10 gp.


Magic Initiate Learn the Prestidigitation cantrip, this will not count against the number of cantrips available to you from class or other features.   Standing Invitation You have a standing invitation to study at ethier the College of Winterhold or Bard's College.

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