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Weapon Light, Magazine, Mounted, Range Very Rare

A weapon painted in black-and-yellow caution stripes, made from re-claimed lightweight steel panels bent in to shape. While rather rough-looking when folded out in firing mode, it folds in against the forearm from elbow to wrist smoothly and with a much more polished appearance. The magazine also serves as the sight, and only the very tip of the bolt can be seen before firing, the rest enclosed with the line fed arrow coater nozzles that draw from locked-in vials on either side of the device.  

  • This weapon must be mounted to a forearm and cannot share this space with any other mounted item, such as a shield. Bringing it in to firing state or folding it back in to shape does not cost an action and can be considered a part of an attack action during initiative.
  • If sting vial is used, add 1d4 acid damage
  • If paralysis sting vial is used, on a hit the target must succeed on a DC 15 saving throw or be paralyzed for up to 1 minute. The paralyzed target may repeat their saving throw at the end of each of their turns. In the case of a critical hit the target automatically fails this saving throw and cannot repeat their saving throw until after their next turn.
  • Vials can be swapped as a bonus action.
  • Switching off one feed line and switching the other on counts as a single bonus action.
  • Reloading the magazine is a single bonus action, and this reloads all 3 bolts at once.
  • Full sting vial: 6 shots
  • Full paralysis sting vial: 2 shots

Type Damage Damage Range Properties
Martial Ranged 1d6 / 1d4 acid Piercing 30/120 Light, Magazine, Mounted, Range


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