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CR 6

Loyal Ram of the Watch

Fighter 4, Paladin 3 LG M Humanoid, Human
Initiative: +2 Senses: Detect Evil, Perception +7


AC: AC 24, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+8 armor, +1 Shield) -8 Armor Penalty
HP: 56 7d10+14
Fortitude: +8 Reflex: +4 Will: +3
Immune: disease Aura: Good, Courage


Speed: 25ft,
Melee: +1 Bastard Sword +9
Ranged: Javalin +6
Special Attacks: Smite Evil Smite DMG , Lay on Hands ,
Space: 5 ft Reach: 5ft


Base Attack: BAB +8 CMB: +12 CMD: 24
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) Power Attack DMG , Cleave, Cleaving Finish, Improved Bull Rush , Great Cleave
Skills: Sense Motive
SQ: Bravery +1, Armor Training -1, Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Divine Grace, Aura of Courage, Divine Health, Mercy- Shaken


Organization: Solitary, Patrol 3-5
Treasure: Periapt of Health, cloak of charisma +2, +1 bastard sword, ring of protection +1, vest of resistance +1*, wand of cure light wounds (CL 1st, 10 charges), oil of bless weapon, full plate, heavy steel shield, lance, spiked gauntlet, dagger, 2 silver holy symbols of St. Cuthbert, 2 javelins, traveling gear, heavy warhorse with tack.

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
