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Ability Score Increase +1 Con, +1 Str
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft

Bite: The Sergal may make a strength-based bite attack on an enemy to deal 1d6 piercing damage.
This bite attack can be made as a free action during a grapple, which is termed a "biting grapple". If the grapple is successful, the grappled foe will gain a penalty to all attempts to free themself from the grapple equal to half the damage dealt rounded up. This penalty does not count as an effect of the grapple. The biting grapple is subject to/triggers grappling rules/effects and not attacking rules/effects. When resolving a bite attack or releasing a biting grapple, the Sergal must roll a Constitution save vs the target's AC. If the save fails, they lose teeth painfully and cannot make a bite attack or a biting grapple again until they complete a full rest.   Claws: If they have a constitution bonus greater than 0, Sergal add their constitution bonus to unarmed damage. The bite is not considered an unarmed attack and this bonus does not apply to it.   Overbreathing: Once per full rest, the Sergal may begin Overbreathing in order to add their Constitution modifier to attack and spell hit rolls (not damage rolls), as well as saves and skill checks involving Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity. Overbreathing lasts 30 seconds and can be used while under the influence of any status effect except Petrification. When Overbreathing expires, the Sergal may immediately suffer 2 levels of exhaustion to extend their overbreathing.   Battlith: Sergals proficient in martial weaponry gan proficiency with the Battlith (Sergal) and Battlith (Elven).  

Choose one Subrace From Below:

Northern Sergal

Choose one Stat Bonus from below:

Cadre Leader: -1 Str and +2 Cha
Grunt: +1 Str  

You gain the following Ability:

Disciplined Warrior: Military service is mandatory for Northern Sergal, and they have developed a way to use their unique biology to steel their nerves in combat. Once per Overbreathing, the Sergal may reroll a roll result affected by Overbreathing. The Sergal must take the second roll. This effect can not be used again when Overbreathing is extended.  

Choose a Sergal Dialect:

Choose a language group from Northern Sergal Language Groups  

Southern Sergal

Choose one Stat Bonus from below:

Devout: -1 Str and +2 Wis
Grizzled: +1 Con  

You gain the following Ability:

Divine Wisdom: The Southern Sergal have a keen and intuitive understanding of others and a special connection with the divinity. Once per long rest, you may gain advantage on one Insight, Perception, Handle Animal, or Religion check.  

Choose a Sergal Dialect:

Choose a language group from Southern Sergal Language Groups  

Hybrid Sergal

  Third Culture Cassiter: Choose a stat bonus and ability from one of the Subrace options listed above as normal and choose a non-Sergal language in place of a Sergal dialect. If you can choose an additional language as part of your character generation, you may also choose the regional dialect corresponding to your chosen subrace.  

Languages. Common, Sergal Common, One Sergal Dialect ( or  language groups).

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