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CR 1/4

Creeper Ivy

N Tiny Plant
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision; Perception +0

The creeping tendrils of this plant creature guide its way up tree trunks and walls.


AC: 15, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +2 size)
HP: 4 1d8
Fortitude: +2 Reflex: +2 Will: +0
Immune: plant traits


Speed: 15 ft., climb 15 ft.
Melee: slam +0 (1d2–2 plus grab)
Special Attacks: Constrict (1d3–2) , grab (Medium)
Space: 2-1/2 ft. Reach: 0 ft.


Str 7, Dex 14, Con 10, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 5
Base Attack: +0 CMB: +0 CMD: 8 (can't be tripped)
Skills: Climb +6


Environment: temperate forests and urban
Organization: solitary, pair, or tangle (3–10)
Treasure: none

Special Abilities

Familiar The master of a creeper ivy familiar gains +3 bonus on Climb checks.  
Climbing ivy thrives in dense forests and urban landscapes, where it can easily relocate to maximize its exposure to the sun. Surprisingly fast for a plant, creeper ivy is territorial and lashes out at creatures that threaten or shade it. It also scavenges when the opportunity presents itself, sometimes drawing nutrition from carrion or even unguarded eggs.

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
