Corrupted (Leviathan) | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Corrupted (Leviathan)

Ability Score Increase +2 Con, +1 Str
Size Huge
Speed 40ft

Age: Leviathan-class Corrupted tend to mature at the same rate as a Dragon, reaching childhood by the age of 20, they reach adulthood around the age of 75. However unlike Dragons, Fully-Developed Corrupted can exist for as long as they can feed themselves.   Size: Leviathan-class Corrupted tend to be about the same size as a Dragon, standing well over 8 feet tall and averaging almost 3500 pounds. Your size is Large.   Corrupted Resistance: you are resisted to acid, but are vulnerable to psychic.   Corrupted Breath: You can use your action to exhale corrosive astral energy. Each creature in the area of the exhalation must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save creatures in the area take 3d6 acid damage, on a successful save they take half.   Corrupted Adaptation: Every time you take damage you can temporarily grow your corruption, allowing you to gain temporary immunity to the damage taken (with the exception of psychic damage), in exchange for taking 1d6 psychic damage every turn it is active. However every 2 turns this ability is active the recoil increases by 1d6. You can only have resistance to one damage type at a time. When this ability cancelled, you become vulnerable to the damage type adapted to. This ability requires a short or long rest before being used again.

Languages. Corrupted cannot communicate in intellegent sentences and can only speak in singular words

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