Dracaenae | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase +1 Strength, +2 Wisdom
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft. Walking; [Dragon Form] 15ft. Walking, and 30 ft. Flying

Devoted Worshippers

  The first Dracaecae were formed by the Dragon Goddess Yntis upon her creating her own plane with three magical artefacts. The worship of Yntis is almost universal among the Dracaecae, and those who do not worship the goddess are severely ostracized, and often exiled from their community. An integral part to the worship of Yntis is to grow the religion, and having large families, and when a Dracaecae pair bond, they often do not stray, although some will form polyamorous grouping to help take care of the rearing of the young while producing more children. While if a Dracaecae does not desire to reproduce, it is not an exile-able offence, they will be severely snubbed, and often will be slowly run out of the community with gossip, if those who surround the person do not force them to change their mind. While reproducing, most Dracaecae will take their dragon form to produce eggs over incubating a child within them in their human form, as they can create more children that way. A pregnant Dracaecae cannot shapeshift out of their human form while carrying a child.   In their human form, Dracaenae are almost distinguishable from humans, save for their reptilian eyes, which remain the same in all their shapes, and the small patch of scales in which their dragon form expands from. Their hair often reflects the colour of their scales from their dragon form. Once matured, their human build will become tall and muscular.  


  Dracaecae, although they do have genders, do not name based on that bias, as you are unable to tell genders apart until they have fully matured, and become an adult, in dragon form when the females begin to produce eggs. Outside of reproduction, gender is close to meaningless to the Dracaecae. Although, the fastest way to determine someone's gender is by their human form when they achieve it.   Because of the late determination of gender within the Dracaecae communities, there is no "feminine" or "masculine" names, although many of them have similarities to the sounds found in Yntis' name, as well as those close to her in her legends.   Names. Aethose, Atatish, Balath, Caeddon, Ilrin, Mynirr, Rheste, Syllones, Threshe, Tyffin, Yva.     Find more names here; https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/dracaenae-names   

Dracaecae Traits

  Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1.   Age. Dracaecae don't often keep track of their age, as it depends, mostly on the development of their bond between both of their Dragon and Human forms. Dracaecae are considered children as long as they do not have access to their human form, and successfully become teenagers when they manage to find their human form, which often occurs around the 70-year mark. From there, the dragon form will grow, and by Young Adulthood, the dragon form will be bigger than their human bodies. This tends to be accomplished within 25 years of becoming a teenager. To be considered an adult, one's dragon form must be as big as a bear, and as big as a carriage to be considered an elder--a near-impossible feat, that takes most all 320-400 years of life.   Alignment. Dracaecae are often some sort form of Neutral, and those who worship Yntis will often be lawful, living by her rules, but only her rules.   Size. While in their dragon form, Dracaecae start out as medium during childhood through to Young Adulthood but will become large by the time they are an adult. In human form, they are medium and only a slight taller and heavier set than normal humans.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 ft. as a human; While in dragon form, your base walking speed is 15 ft., and you have a flying speed of 30 ft. as well.   Dragon Shape. Taken as a Dracaecae's initial form in childhood, one can choose to switch between their forms at will, according to their level. You can use your Dragon Shape twice per long rest while at level one. While in dragon form, you have an AC of 17, keep your modifiers from your human form, cannot cast spells, although you are able to rage. There is no time limit while being in this form. You cannot use weapons, shields, or any armour, as the magical heat of Yntis' flame within your dragon body will melt any metal you come into contact with. In the case that the said weapon is magical, roll a D20 with DC10 to see if the weapon survives being held by you--if you succeed, it is still useless to fight with until it is repaired. While in this form, you can make a multi-attack with your claws, dealing 2D6 + your proficiency bonus damage with each successful hit. You gain an additional shapeshift at level 5, a forth at level 12, the fifth at level 17.   Zemnis' Hide. When shifting into human form, the hide of your dragon form folds together and creates a small path of scales that rests above the heart, but can be moved to protect against damage. This trait must be used before damage is rolled, but it can be implemented after the attack roll has been made. Once used, damage taken from the hit is halved, and this trait cannot be used until the scales have healed from the damage, over the next short rest. A natural 20 will destroy the scales, and you must roll a D4 to determine how many long rests are needed before your scales are functional again. You will be unable to shapeshift into your dragon form until the patch is halfway through its healing process. You are able to take an additional hit with your scales at level 3, a third at level 6, the fourth at level 11, and the fifth and final one at level 17.   Dragon's Heat. While in human form, metal still can not be used. No metal armour can be worn, and any metal weapons must have a hilt and guard made of natural materials to prevent the weapon from being melted by the magic flame gifted to the Dracaecae by Yntis.   Yntis' Flame. Starting at level 2, you can shoot an arrow of firey breath at an opponent, making a D20 roll, with your dexterity modifier and proficiency bonus. On a successful hit, you do 2D6 fire damage to your target. Once you use this trait, you must recharge the fire in your belly a D4 of turns. As a bonus action after level 8, you can let the flame build, rolling a D4 to determine how long it needs to build, and release two arrows as a multi-attack. To recharge after a multi-attack, you must wait for D6 turns to use this trait again. Holding Yntis' Flame past the second charge will not produce a third fire arrow or additional damage. You can do 3D6 fire damage at level 6, 4D6 fire damage at level 12, and 5D6 at level 19.

Languages. Can speak, write, and read Common and Draconic. While in Dragon Form, you can only speak Draconic, whilst understanding Common, and any other languages you know.

10Dragon Shape
10Scaled Hide
21200Yntis’ Flame
33500Scaled Hide Upgrade
56500Yntis’ Flame Upgrade
614000Scaled Hide Upgrade
614000Dragon Shape Upgrade
834000Yntis' Flame Multi-Attack
1185000Scaled Hide Upgrade
12100000Yntis’ Flame Upgrade
12100000Dragon Shape Upgrade
17225000Scaled Hide Upgrade
17225000Dragon Shape Upgrade
19305000Yntis’ Flame Upgrade

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