Tali | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase +1 Wisdom or +1 Intelligence (based on sub-race), +2 Constitution
Size Small
Speed 25ft while in true form, 30ft while in Khet form


Tali have lifespans that range from 300 to 400 years.


Tali have a tendency towards Good alignments. Their goals usually involve the betterment of themselves or society, but seldom at the cost of others.  

Preternatural Existence

You have proficiency in the Arcana and Nature skills.  

Ancient Symbiosis

Racial - Tali (Both Sea-dweller and Landwalker)
  All Tali are born with an attached symbiotic being, known as Khet, which protects them from harm and acts as an extension of their bodies.
The symbiote can change its shape at will. Its size can be changed to small, medium or large over the course of one minute. The extremes of this spectrum grant bonuses and penalties to the Tali.
  While small, the Tali gains advantage on Dexterity-based saving throws and ability checks and disadvantage in Strength-based saving throws and ability checks, as well as disadvantage in Charisma-based ability checks when used against non-Tali.
  While large, the Tali gains advantage on Strength-based saving throws and ability checks and an additional 1d4 damage dealt with melee and ranged weapon attacks or unarmed strikes. The damage number from this bonus increases to 1d6 at 7th level, 1d8 at 11th level and 1d10 at 15th level. Additionally, you have disadvantage on Charisma-based ability checks and advantage in Intimidation when used against non-Tali while in large form.
  There are no bonuses or penalties associated with remaining in medium size.
  If you are not obscured by your Khet, you gain advantage on Charisma-based ability checks.
  The Tali can only shift shapes once per long rest. The number of times per day they can shapeshift increases to twice at 7th level and thrice at 13th level.

Sub-race exclusive:


Natural Swimmer

Racial - Tali (Sea-Dweller)   As a Sea-Dweller Tali, you have a natural affinity when it comes to existing underwater.
You have swimming speed equal to twice your walking speed and can breathe underwater indefinitely.  

Water Shaper

Racial - Tali (Sea-Dweller)   As a Sea-Dweller Tali, you can bend water to your will.
You can cast the Shape Water cantrip at will. This cantrip does not count against your list of known cantrips.  

Maritime Heritage

Racial - Tali (Landfarer)   As a Landfarer Tali, you have an ancestral affinity towards being in the water.
You can breathe underwater indefinitely.  


Racial - Tali (Landfarer)   As a Landfarer Tali, your Khet has adjusted to life on dry land and allows you to perform further feats of athleticism.
While you are in your Large or Medium forms, you can expend all your actions on a given turn to run at four times your normal walking speed.
Small objects in your way can be knocked out of your way without incurring a penalty to movement, but you must otherwise run in a straight line to your objective.

Languages. Common, Lochian

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