typical non-adventuring human
Vehicles (Land Vehicles): 1
Area Knowledge: Neighborhood
Headquarters (confined)
Pet: Bella (might be a dog, a cat, a cockatiel, a snake, a hamster, a ferret, a chicken....)
Scholar: Favorite Hobby
Scholar: That thing I do at work every day
Public Identity
4 ( Appox Annual Income : $20,000)
( Appox Annual Income : $12,000,000,000)
- SmartPhone
BODY 02, Radio Communication: 04, Recall: 11, R#:5
Benchmark <span class="attr_bench">(based on current attributes above)</span>
DEX (Dexterity)
The person has normal agility and can perform activities associated with daily living.
STR (Strength)
A normal human that can lift 200lbs over their head.
BODY (Body)
A normal human who is susceptible to normal amounts of pain.
INT (Intelligence)
This person has the problem-solving abilities of the average high school graduate.
WILL (Willpower)
The individual possesses the will to face a new morning and confront the obstacles of a normal life.
MIND (Mind)
This person can endure the normal stress of daily existance.
INFL (Influence)
The individual recieves the normal attention accorded any living creature.
AURA (Aura)
At this level an individual can leave a basic impression on someone.
SPIRIT (Spirit)
The individual can withstand average life experiences with two or three major crises.