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Unearthed Arcana

Arcane weapon

1-level Transmutation

Casting Time 1 bonus action
Range self
Duration Concentration, Concentration, up to 1 hour
Components V,S

You channel arcane energy into one simple or martial weapon you're holding and choose one damage type: acid, cold, fire, lighting, poison, or thunder. Until the spells ends, you deal an extra 1d6 damage of the chosen type to any target you hit with the weapon. If the weapon isn't magical, it becomes a magic weapon for the spell's duration.

As a bonus action, you can change the damage type, choosing from the options above.

At higher levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours.

Class(es): Artificer

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