Flesh Golem | Race/Species | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Flesh Golem

Favored more so by necromancers than by the typical artisans that create golems, flesh golems are constructed out of a multitude of corpses instead of the typical minerals used to craft golems. The elemental spirit bound inside flesh golems is the most willing to escape, causing them to go berserk from time to time.
ability score increase: Your Constitution (CON) score increases by two.
age: See Golem.
alignment: See Golem.
Size: Medium
speed: See Golem.
Languages: See Golem.
parent race: Golem
race features:
Lightning Resistance. You have resistance against lightning damage.   Necromantic Surge. Once per day, the golem may utilize the Necromantic forces used in its construction against its enemies. The flesh golem may, as an action, call forth a surge of necromantic power to disfigure and weaken an opponent. Make a ranged spell attack, using your CON modifier in place of a spellcasting modifier, and on a hit, the target takes 4d6 necrotic damage, but the golem loses 2d4 maximum health until their next rest.

Created by

A Chris.

Statblock Type

