Iron Golem | Race/Species | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Iron Golem

Out of the four kinds of golems, iron golems are both the most expensive and most powerful of them all. Their metallic bodies are amazingly expensive, and it takes up to three months just to create one, but they are almost unstoppable war-machines.
ability score increase: Your Strength (STR) score increases by an additional two.
age: See Golem.
alignment: See Golem.
Size: Medium
speed: See Golem.
Languages: See Golem.
parent race: Golem
race features:
Fire Resistance. You have resistance against Fire damage.   War Machine. You have proficiency with two martial weapons of your choice.   Iron Filings. Created for war, the Iron Golem may shed some of the Iron from itself to send forth an attack of Iron filings. During combat, as an action, you may shed Iron from yourself, taking 1D4 damage. You send forth these filings in a 60 feet line. Anybody in the line must make a DC 16 DEX saving throw, or else take 3D6 piercing damage.

Created by

A Chris.

Statblock Type

