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Star Cobra
Craft :
Star Cobra

Type :
Corellian MT-220 Medium Transport (Modified)

Length :
54.8 m

Crew :
2 and 2 Gunners

Passengers or Troops :

Cargo Capacity :
800 metric tons, in 4 cargo bays

Consumables :
3 months

Hyperdrive Multiplier :
[x .5]

Nav Computer :

Hyperdrive Backup :

Sublight Speed :
[Space: 7
Atmosphere: 400; 1,150 kmh]

Maneuverability :

Hull :

Shields :
Weapons :

2 Pulse Laser Cannon (fire linked)
Fire Control: [2D]
Damage: [4D]

1 Double Turbolaser Cannon (Capital Scale)
Fire Control: [4D]
Damage: [4D+2]


2 Proton Torpedo (fire linked)
Fire Control: [2D]
Damage: [9D]


1 Tractor Beam Projectors
Fire Control: [3D]
Damage: [None; target captured if hit]

Notes :

Passive: 10/0D
Scan: 25/1D
Search: 40/2D
Focus: 2/3D

Cloaking Device
Adds +4D to all difficulties in detecting the vessel and reduces all fire control and maneuverability bonuses to 0D while in use. Navigation computer and hyperdrive systems cannot be used while cloaking device is engaged.
Star Wars d6 Sheet v1.5, made by Kummer Wolfe#7798 ( Kummer Wolfe Profile ) - Updated 10.9.2021


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