Elf, Eladrin | Race/Species | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Elf, Eladrin

The rarest type of elf known as the high or summer elves the Eladrin for a time all but vanished from the world, recently they have been sighted again in civilisation.
ability score increase: +1 INT
age: Considered fully grown at 120 with a life span up to 600 years
alignment: Alignments are based on the individual
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft per action point
Languages: Common language of the area
parent race: Elf
race features:
Eladrin demonstrate many of the ideals the shorter lived races have for the cultured elves.  
Courts of the First Age
Eladrin civilisation goes back long into the shrouds of time, and their histories remain strong in oral tradition, and artwork, if not much in written record. Their histories tell of how they claim to have been the first peoples to have crossed the great sea, and settled lands along its coasts. In this oral tradition, is many tales of these times, events and happenings. When making intelligence based checks to recall information from the past. They roll two d20 and take the highest. This advantage is not undone by disadvantaging effects.  
Weapons of the First Age
Eladrin courts take the art of the sword almost of seriously as art of turning words, you have either profiency in Swordplay or one additional language.
Eladrin seem to stand apart, from others will their archaic mannerisms and systems – though many an Eladrin would just say the young races haven’t had time to understand yet.  
Eladrin tend to have bronze or tanned skin, with bright hair ranging from blonde, reds and more rarily even deep blues and greens.

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