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The Sihl are nomadic and zealous. They are tough people who are quick to act.
ability score increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
age: Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
alignment: Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common
parent race: Human
race features:
Flame Touched Hand
When you score a critical hit with an attack, the damage of the attack is changed to fire damage.
Sihl are often referred to as "children of the great blaze". Their banner is that of a great fire as they worship the Air and Fire Shaper. Sihl believe that the world is going to be reclaimed in a great blaze. All that have fallen short of the will of the Origin will be cleansed by the fiames. They occupy deserts with extreme conditions, traveling from location to location for water.
  Sihl wear neutral or bright colored clothing that covers their bodies and heads. Many of them prefer weapons that are suited to camel or horseback. Their skin color ranges from light browns to deep caramels and their eyes are always brown. Their hair is straight and a deep brown. They often wear their hair long and compliment it with cleanly shaped beards. They are light in build, measuring between 5' and 5'10" in height. They also weight between 120 and 165 pounds
  Sihl are nomadic out of necessity. They are forced to travel their deserts in search of one water source to the next. They live in tents and do not place great value on material possessions. They place great emphasis on their religion to the point of martyrdom or slaying "heretics" that blaspheme. In their minds, the world should have stayed as the Three made it. Outside of the Originals, they do not value or appreciate the lives of the other races. They also despise any Original that supports the other races in their endeavors.
  Sihl Names: (Male) Abdel, Basheer, Deron, Halil, Jiri, Mikal, Nasr, Saalim, Yael; (female) Ahava, Caasi, Eris, Hazine, Kadife, Mira, Nena, Rya, Samara, Tova, Xenia, Zareen; (surnames) Attia, Baz, Dagher, Essa, Harb, Naser, Rahal, Salib, Seif, Totah, Zogby

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