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Vinatari are a tranquil race of humans that seek to achieve balance between life and death. They are strict but fair.
ability score increase: Wisdom +1
age: Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
alignment: Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common
parent race: Human
race features:
In All Things, Balance
When an ally has to make Death Saving Throws, you can touch that ally to automatically stabilize the target with 1 HP. This ability can be used once every long rest.
The Vinatari are a tranquil race. They seek peace and balance in all things, typically inhabiting mountainous areas all over Davarol. Their mountains ranges are named after colors and they always refer to their biggest mountain peak as "Mount xpetra", with "x" being its color. They can be found in icy conditions or more temperate conditions, depending on where their mountain range is located.   Vinatari are naturally accepting of others and ideas. They have a natural understanding about them. They attribute everything to their idea of the "life cycle." This is the understanding that life will die and continue forever; nature governs itself. Vinatari are almost exclusively known to worship the Seven of Life and Seven of Death because of this. Their banner is that of a balanced scale.   Most Vinatari shave their heads, but their hair is naturally brown. Their eyes are varying shades of grey and they have slender builds. Most commonly, they are between 5'4" and 6', but they do not weight much more than 140 pounds. They have a tendency to be fit and stronger than their build would indicate. They also tend to tattoo their bodies with various symbols or animals.   Vinatari Names: (Male) Accius, Babak, Cade, Faas, Jabez, Lael, Pace, Radburn, Tad; (female) Aaliyah, Cadence, Dabria, Gabby, Jacey, Octavia, Rae, Sabina, Tabitha, Wanda; (surnames) Benzelius, Caroli, Faber, Gallus, Jacobi, Modesto, Petri, Rex, Sartorius, Vladimiri, Wegelius

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