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Pequil are a calm and calculated race that seek to further their knowledge and specialize in a field that interests them.
ability score increase: Intelligence +1
age: Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
alignment: Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common
parent race: Human
race features:
Wealth of Knowledge
Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check on an item or subject that is related to your area of expertise, you are considered proficient in the History skill and may double your proficiency bonus for the check.
Pequil have an innate thirst for knowledge. They are known for creating large libraries where they record their knowledge and history quite concisely. However, each Pequil typically focuses on just one area of expertise. A Pequil is far from a jack of all trades. An individual Pequil will know just about everything they can and is to know about their chosen topic. Consequently, they might be unknowledgeable about a topic similar to theirs. Pequil are specialists, devoting their lives to perfecting their craft. Their banner is a quill.   Pequil are numerous and fit in everywhere. They are not innately violent and have a natural curiosity about them. Their calm demeanor allows them to fit in almost anywhere with almost anyone. As such, they can be found just about anywhere there is life. Pequil do form villages in forests, usually close to a water source. These villages they form are rather self-sufficient. Each member of the village covers a particular need that the village may have. Pequil are quite versatile.   Pequil can have diverse clothing choices based on where they are inhabiting. They are naturally pale and have white hair from birth. They wear their hair in a variety of styles. Their eyes are always a deep amber. Pequil are also small compared to most humans. Their height ranges from 4'8" to 5'6" and they typically only weigh between 80 and 110 pounds.   Pequil Names: (Male) Aaron, Benjamin, Hiram, Jacob, John, Mayer, Raphael, Tobias; (female) Asia, Bess, Hinda, Jael, Karmel, Laela, Madeline, Naomi, Sarah, Yenta ; (surnames) Agmon, Barak, Dahan, Gadot, Kasher, Melamed, Oz, Sapir, Zadok

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