Good Meals | Generic, Table | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Good Meals

1Mutton in a creamy almond sauce with a mixed green salad
2Steak and mushroom pie with green beans
3Honey glazed ham with cheesy potatoes and peas
4Lamb chops with redcurrant sauce, swede and leeks
5Roasted quail in a nest of rice and peas
6Spiced goat with apple and raisin oatcakes
7Pork medallions with apricots, almonds and cracked wheat pilaf
8Mushroom soup with good sausage and butter beans
9Salmon with peas, mushrooms and carrots
10Beef stew with roasted chickpeas and kale
11Good sausage, cheese, plums and honeycakes
12Roast goose stuffed with apple and raisins and served with potato and parsnip
13Duck pie with broad beans and sweet millet balls
14Roasted eggs with endive, raisins and cracked corn
15Roast pork with fried parsnip and sliced beet
16Baked pigeon in cream with leek and onion
17Good sausage with hardboiled egg, cheese bread and spring onions
18Cinnamon dusted mutton with roasted chestnuts and potato
19Turkey with raspberry sauce, green beans and mushrooms
20Roast chicken With pork and apple stuffing, carrots and peas

1White wine
2Red wine
3Rose wine
5Apple brandy
6Pear brandy
7Plum brandy
13Cherry brandy
14Apricot cordial
15Strawberry cordial
16Raspberry cordial
17Lemon cordial
18Peach brandy
19Spiced mulled wine
20Spiced mulled cider

1Lobster with mixed greens and rice
2Beef in red wine with potato, carrot and swede
3Partridge stuffed With eggs and mixed grains
4Baked hare stuffed with roasted eggs and creamed corn
5Veal in cream with spiced pilaf
6Pork and apricot stew with broad beans
7Peppered beef with corn, red cabbage and peas
8Minted lamb ribs with peas and potato
9Chicken stuffed with quail, with parsnips, green beans and spinach
10Goose in white wine with rice, peas and carrots
11Smoked salmon with parsley, peas and creamed turnip
12Pigeon pie with potato, butter beans and baked pear
13Mutton with mushroom sauce and mixed beans
14Gammon in cheese and parsley sauce with leeks
15Turkey with sliced good sausage, cabbage and broad beans
16Venison meatballs with apricot sauce, chestnut cakes and kale
17Mutton in onion gravy with a cracked wheat pilaf
18Steak and kidney pudding with potato, cabbage and peas
19Pork chop with sage and onion stuffing, peas and roast beet
20Perch in honey sauce with rice, fennel and raisins

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Statblock Type

Generic, Table
