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Rodrim are nimble and clever humans who live in port towns. Some are merchants and shippers while others prefer the life of a sellsword.
ability score increase: Dexterity +1
age: Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
alignment: Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common
parent race: Human
race features:
Natural Athlete
You are either proficient in Acrobatics or Athletics.
Rodrim are most commonly found in port towns as they gravitate to being merchants or shippers. They have a natural dexterity to them that makes them suited for life at sea or for the life of a sellsword. Rodrim live by a pirate codes of sorts, a gentleman's agreement. They don't steal from each other and have integrity amongst themselves. However, they can be very cold to other races when it comes to making a deal.   Rodrim can be rough. They don't have the sophisticated manners of some races. They prefer to get their hands dirty and the job done. Rodrim don't have time for social graces and prefer to be as efficient as possible. They can be found wherever there is business to be had and will deal with any type of item. Rodrim feel most at home on the sea, however. The salty sea air has a tranquilizing effect on them that they all seem to love. They also have an overwhelming love for grog. As such, their banner is a Kraken.   They are average sized, being between 5'2" and 5'10", while typically weighing around 130 to 165 pounds. They have either blond or dirty blond hair with sunkissed skin. They tend to tan very easily. Their eyes are shades of green or blue. Their appearances and attire vary wildly among them.   Rodrim Names: (Male) Aleixo, Carmo, Ebu, Heitor, Jaco, Marco, Roque, Vicente; (female) Amanda, Bia, Diana, Iria, Luzia, Marina, Rita, Tatiana; (surnames) Alto, Baros, Dias, Fonte, Gale, Hilario, Janota, Naves, Silvas, Vento

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