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Eneb are snobby, stingy, and quick to gain an advantage over others. They are cunning and often benefit from any situation.
ability score increase: Charisma +1
age: Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
alignment: Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common
parent race: Human
race features:
You are not easily fooled. You have advantage on any saving throws against Charisma (Deception) checks.
Eneb are equal parts snobby and stingy. They do not involve themselves in any situation that does not benefit them directly and quickly. Their society constantly pushes them into learning the value of money and how to acquire as much of it as they can. Fittingly, they Eneb often settle in larger cities and serve as loan brokers. They are never found isolated and always mix with other races. Their banner is a coin.   Eneb are not necessarily evil or bad. They are greedy but they go out of their way to prop up the economy of wherever they are and constantly push for coffers being filled to the brim. They have a natural cunning about them and they are very seldom deceived. Eneb are able to talk their way out of most situations and have a way of making it seem like their opinion is the only correct one.   Eneb are gaunt and looming in appearance. They are quite tall, often being between 6' and 6'8". However, to contrast their tall stature, they typically only weigh between 140 and 180 pounds. Their eyes are shades of pink and their hair is a natural gray that they often wear slicked back. Curiously, their skins is typically a tint of yellow-brown.   Eneb Names: (Male) Aldrick, Caine, Edgard, Gaspar, Javier, Octave, Rainier, Zacharie; (female) Bella, Danielle, Ella, Gemma, Holly, Katriane, Lucille, Nadine, Odila, Simone, Valerie; (surnames) Angier, Berges, Dant, Golay, Lacroix, Marcel, Oris, Sacre, Voisine

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