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Sou-se are travelers that seek to share information and better the world.
ability score increase: Wisdom +1
age: Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
alignment: Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common
parent race: Human
race features:
Wealth of Knowledge
You easily acquire and retain information. You have advantage on any Intelligence checks for recalling or retaining information.
Sou-se live in huts as they travel around frequently. They attempt to share as much information with the world as they can, believing knowledge will make the world a better place. Sou-se live off of the land and do not have many material possessions. They allow Davarol to provide everything they need. Sou-se are found everywhere and focus on a broad knowledge of many topics.   Sou-se are known for being understanding and helping travelers. They tend to travel in large groups and do not have an elected leader. Instead, they agree on what will be best for the tribe. Their banner is that of a deer.   Sou-se have all-black eyes. They have long hair that is always black and straight. Sou-se are unable to grow facial hair and have caramel colored skin. They are always within one or two inches of being 6 feet tall and they typically weight between 160 and 180 pounds.   Sou-Se Names: (Male) Achak, Cha'tima, Dasan, Hahnee, Kaga, Liwanu, Nawat, Shriki, Tyee; (female) Abey, Bly, Enola, Huyana, Koko, Mitena, Olathe, Wapeka; (surnames) Sou-se don't have surnames

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