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CR 2

Funia Duud (Sandworm)

TN Large Magical Beast
Initiative: -2 Senses: Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 60 ft.

"Dump yer white balls 'fore yer swallowed whole!"


AC: 18, touch 9, flat-footed 18 (-1 Dex, +10 Natural Armor, -1 Size)
HP: 23 3d10+8
Fortitude: +6 Reflex: +2 Will: +3
Immune: Trip, Mind-Affecting Effects


Speed: 20 ft., Burrow 40 ft.
Melee: Pincers +8 (1d8+6 plus Paralyzing Venom), Tail Slap +8 (1d8+6)
Special Attacks: Paralyzing Venom: After sinking it's pincers into a creature, the sandworm can inject venom into the creature. The creature must make a DC 14 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. When paralyzed, the target takes 1d2 Constitution damage per round. This can only be attempted once per day for every creature.
Space: 10 ft. (Width), 15 ft. (Length) Reach: 10 ft.


Str 22, Dex 9, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 6
Base Attack: +3 CMB: +4 CMD: 17
Skills: +3 Stealth
SQ: Tremorsense, Paralyzing Venom, Improved Natural Armor (x2)


Environment: Desert, Mountains, Tundra
Organization: Solitary, Couple
Treasure: Incidental

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
