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CR 13

Captain Harliss Javell

Swashbuckler 3, Rogue 3, Scarlet Corsair 7 CN Medium Humanoid, (Human) [Virgo]
Initiative: +4 Senses: Trapfinding


AC: 8 (110) [+12 base, +1 shield, +4 dex, +2 defl, +3 enh] Flat-footed. 8 (25)
HP: 236 3d10+9,3d6+9,7d8+21
Fortitude: +11 Reflex: +20 Will: +10
Defensive Abilities: Acid Resistance 5, Evasion, Grace +1, Trap Sense +1, Sailor's Step +2,


Speed: 40 ft
Melee: Rapier +2 +86%/81%/76% - (M) Dagger +79%
Special Attacks: Corsair's Feint, Earth Domain Spells, Scourge of the Seas, Sneak Attack (+1 Crit Grade, +25 crits)


Str 13, Dex 19, Con 17, Int 17, Wis 11, Cha 21, Com 22
Base Attack: +60% CMB: +66%
Feats: Combat Expertise, Flick of the Wrist, Improved Feint, Iron Will, Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Balance +15, Bluff +14, Climb +7, Diplomacy +15, Gather Information +13, Intimidate +13, Jump +9, Knowledge (geography) +13, Knowledge (local) +16, Profession (sailor) +16, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +12, Swim +17, Tumble +15, Use Rope +20
Languages: Common, Piras, Thorak, Dwarven, Ghukliak, Lesalian


Treasure: Leather Armor +3, Rapier +2, 4 (M) Daggers, Ring of Protection +2, Cloak of Resistance +2, Rope of Climbing, Boots of Striding and Springing, Pair of Marilith-shaped Earrings with each limb composed of different metal (1,200 gp pair), Jade Necklace with a shark’s tooth at center (600 gp)

Corsair’s Feint (Ex): Harliss may make a feint as a free action once every 1d4 rounds.   Flick of the Wrist (Ex): If Harliss draws a light weapon and makes a melee attack with it in the same round, she catches her opponent flat-footed (for the purpose of this attack only). She may use this feat only once per round and once per opponent during any single combat encounter.   Sailor’s Step (Ex): When aboard a ship and wearing nothing more than light armor, Harliss gains a +2 dodge bonus to her Armor Class.   Scourge of the Seas (Ex): When Harliss uses Intimidate to demoralize foes, the attempt affects all enemies within 30 feet who can see and hear her, and the effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier. This is a mind-affecting ability, and multiple uses of the ability don’t stack.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
