Super human attributes spells and more
She is good with weapons and fighting with her fist and she can make weapons and she is good with magic
Demigod physiology, magical items,spells
4 ( Appox Annual Income : $20,000)
( Appox Annual Income : $12,000,000,000)
Enchanted sword and shield and armor and spell book
To find the guy who killed her mom and her friends and to find where she belongsĀ
Benchmark <span class="attr_bench">(based on current attributes above)</span>
STR (Strength)
The individual could obliterate small celestial bodies. Lifting range: 6,553,600 - 13,107,200 tons
BODY (Body)
The individual's body can withstand most military weapons, such as high caliber automatic rifles.
INT (Intelligence)
The individual has the ability to process information on the level of an industrious college student.
WILL (Willpower)
The individual is resolute even in the face of universal destruction.
MIND (Mind)
This person's mind is equipped to deal with great stress as a part of daily life. Undercover agents, leaders of nations and most heroes are in this category.
INFL (Influence)
This individual's personality is strong enough to attract the attention of leaders and citizens of many separate nations.
AURA (Aura)
This individual can alter the opinions of various citizens across the world and is capable of generating a cult following within a region the size of a country.
SPIRIT (Spirit)
This person is so secure in his or her beliefs that he or she is willing to die for them.