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Uncommon Because RPG's would be too unrealistic for this setting. Please ignore the cannons.

Ammo(Arrow) Heavy, Siege Weapon, Str 14, Two-handed

Weapon Art:

Shockwave. Ranged Weapon Art: All objects in a 10-foot radius of a point within 150ft you choose must make a Dex save.
On a fail, they take 3d10 Force damage and half as much on a success. DC is 8 + half your level.

Additional rules for Weapon Art's can be found here: Soulcraft Weapons

Complicated Properties

Siege Weapon. Deals double damage to objects and structures.

STR 14. You have disadvantage to hit unless you have 14 or more Str.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 1d12+1 / +1 to hit Piercing 125/500ft

Weight: 10 lb

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Statblock Type

