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Ring of Armon's Favor

Spellcasting Focus

Legendary 15th level spellcaster Requires Attunement

When used as a Spellcasting focus, you gain +4 to your Spell Attack Modifier and Spell Save DC.

Spell Boon

You can cast a variant of Lightning Spear (as detailed below) at 5th level without expending a spell slot.

You may do this a number of times per day equal to your proficiency modifier.

Fractal Lightning Spear. You create a spear in your empty hand out of the wind, crackling with lightning.

Upon hurling it, the bolt splits into 2, striking 2 targets within 90ft. The targets must make a Dexterity saving throw.

On a fail, they take 3d8 lightning + 3d8 force damage and become stunned until your next turn starts.

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