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Primal Bow-Blade


Legendary Dexterity score of 20 or higher and level 15. Requires Attunement

Ammo(Arrow), Lacerating(Katana), Prime, Relentless, Two-handed, Soulcraft

The longbow mode deals 2d10+3+prof+mod Psychic damage per shot. Damage type can be changed with ammo.

The twin katanas must be used as a pair. Each deals 1d8+5+prof+mod Psychic damage.

Complicated Properties

You have a +4 bonus to attack rolls made with this magic weapon.

Lacerating(Katana). When you deal max damage, the target must succeed on a con save or gain 1 level of exhaustion. DC 10 + 1/2 damage dealt

Prime. You can use any ability score as the modifier for this weapon.

Relentless. You can add your Proficiency Bonus to both attack and damage rolls.

Special. As a free action, switch between Longbow and Twin Katana mode.

Weapon art:

Anime Shot. Omae wa mou shinderu. Ranged Weapon Art:

You jump 15-feet in the air while drawing the bow with a cringe-charged arrow, shooting a creature within 200ft at the height of your jump.

+4+prof+mod to hit. On a hit, it deals 6d12 psychic damage. Damage type can be changed with ammo.

The Bow-Blade is switched to longbow mode as part of this action if in katana mode.

Weapon Arts Can be used a number of times per day equal to your proficiency modifier.

Weight: 8 lbs

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