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Clockwork Mage

Clockwork Savant - 2nd Level
Beginning when you choose this school at 2nd level, the gold and time it takes to copy a clockwork spell into your spell book is halved. You also gain proficiency with clockwork tools
Clockworker's Charm - 2nd Level
Beginning at 2nd level, whenever you cast an Animate Construct spell, increase the duration by a number of minutes equal to your proficiency bonus. At 20th level, you can make the spell permanent until dispelled but cannot have more than one made permanent at a time.
Metal Shape - 6th Level
When you reach 6th level, you gain the ability to reshape metal with a touch. When you grasp a piece of metal of Small size or smaller, you can alter its form into any shape that suits your purpose. The item must be in your hands and under your control; you can’t, for example, reshape a piece of armor or a weapon that’s being worn or wielded by someone else. To create a specific object, such as a key or mechanical component, you must be completely familiar with it. Thus you could replicate a key that you had in your possession for an extended period of time, but you could not create a working key based on seeing the lock alone.   Objects you create can have up to two hinges and a latch, but finer mechanical detail is not possible. This effect can be used to repair metal as per the spell. You may use this feature once before completing a long or short rest.
Golem Form - 10th Level
Beginning at 10th level, you can transform yourself as an action into a living construct for up to 1 minute per level. You retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma and the ability to speak and cast spells. You can transform into a golem or a clockwork creature whose CR is less than or equal to your current level in this class. Otherwise, this ability functions as the druid’s Wild Shape ability.
Clockwork Mastery - 14th Level
Starting at 14th level, you can use magic to bring constructs under your control. As an action, you can compel one construct you can see within 60 feet of you to make an Intelligence saving throw against your wizard spell save DC. This is a magical effect. If the saving throw fails, the construct becomes friendly to you and obeys your commands for 1 hour, until you use this ability again, or until it takes damage from you or one of your allies. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the duration is extended to 6 hours or until one of the other conditions is fulfilled. When the effect ends, the construct is aware it was controlled by you.
Clockwork Familiars
Clockwork mages who use the spell Find Familiar substitute a small clockwork device in the form of an animal worth 10 gp for the spell's usual material components. It must resemble one of the allowable animals listed in the spell. When the ritual is complete, the clockwork animates. It has the statistics of the chosen form but is a construct. The familiar's form can be changed by rebuilding the clockwork device in the new form and casting find familiar again. If the familiar is destroyed, it can be rebuilt (in the same or a new form) with the same components, if they're recovered; otherwise, 10 gp must be spent on replacement parts. The familiar is never counted when determining the number of constructs a mage can control.

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