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Small and lively, yordles tend to have mammalian features. They have a range of physical characteristics, with male yordles typically appearing more furry while female yordles appearing with smooth, brightly-colored skin. Yordles may be one of the most misunderstood beings across Runeterra. Some underestimate them as harmless little creatures without their own ambitions. Others drastically overstate the dangers that yordles pose. Somehow, yordles persist, chasing their aspirations, whether that be making technological advancements in the mortal world or causing ruckus in one's wake.
ability score increase: Your Intelligence and Charisma scores increase by 2.
age: Spirits age at a much slower rate than humans, and their lifespans are drastically higher, lasting millennia.
alignment: Yordles can be wily and unpredictable; as such, they are rarely of lawful alignments and tend towards good.
Size: Small
speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Languages: Va-Nox , Sylvan
race features:
Magic Mischief. Yordles are inherently magical. Once per long rest, you can use your bonus action to do one of the following:
  • Impose advantage on the next spell attack by a willing creature other than yourself.
  • Impose disadvantage on the next enemy spell attack.
  • Change the damage type of your next successful spell attack.
Yordle Ears. Yordles tend to have large, sometimes fluffy ears. As such, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.   Racial Feat Choose one feat from the Racial Feat List.
Yordles, with their unnatural appearance or their less-than-predictable motives, are frequently considered threats to some human societies. Some extremists have taken to hunting yordles without exception. However, some of these spirits have utilized their magic and ingenuity to create glamours. This allows them to appear much more palatable to society and continue interacting with the mortal world.

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