
Table of Contents

Preface Chapter 1 Chapter 2

In the world of Sebelum

Visit Sebelum

Ongoing 516 Words

Chapter 2

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Tieflings were human-based planetouched, native outsiders that were infused with the touch of the fiendish planes, most often through descent from fiends-demons, Yugoloths, devils, evil deities, and others who had bred with humans. Tieflings were known for their cunning and personal allure, which made them excellent deceivers as well as inspiring leaders when prejudices were laid aside.[10]

Although their evil ancestors could be many generations removed, the taint lingered. Unlike half-fiends, tieflings were not predisposed to evil alignments and varied in alignment nearly as widely as full humans, though tieflings were certainly devious. The celestial counterparts of tieflings were called aasimar which we will follow into with the next chapter.

As many tieflings acquire similar abilities from their fiendish ancestors (resistance to fire, charismatic personalities) I will be focusing on outliers and sub-species that break that mold.

Cantian Tieflings resided on an island far to the north of Sebelum. Their fiendish ancestry seems to have been lost to the ravages of time but through many expeditions from the northern forests of Ro'nia to the southern deserts of Knasar I was able to piece together what I believe to be an accurate telling of their heritage. Cantian Tieflings take their name from Canti God of the Eternal Black Flame (sometimes told as God of Flame/ God of the Eternal/Dark Lord of the Eternal Flame) the only semblance of godhood across their entire island (despite being described as an island it verges on the size of a small continent). I hired several mercenaries from an organization by the name of the Desert Rose to help me uncover the remains of a tomb within the Knasar desert. Inklings of information from old manuscripts led me to believe ancient texts from before the Calamity may have still remained within its hallowed rooms, any information I uncover I will leave for future researchers. I was able to uncover several documents suggesting Cantians were not a true (text illegible) but (much of the text is stained by a dark brown liquid). Following this logic Cantians seem to be the only known race to consistently birth children with sorcerous connections to the weave, nearly 1/3 of their population had some level of untapped innate magic. Those who had th (further lines ruined).

(several paragraphs seem to be ruined by stains)

Beshaba Tieflings were derived from fiendish ancestry and the goddess Beshaba. These tieflings lacked the horns common of traditional tieflings and instead grew antlers, snow white hair was quite common as well. The charismatic aura that surrounded tieflings is believed to be a minutely magical charm that derives from them, for Beshaba Tieflings this charm was replaced with a curse. Those around them were statistically shown to have unfortunate circumstances happen to them as if cursed with bad luck. Through much testing and self testimony Beshaba Tieflings were quite clear this was an unfortunate curse of their bloodline and to what length it will go is unsure.

Writers note: Unfortunately much of these pages of been ruined due to spilling my morning tea on to the pages during my research on Beshaba Tieflings. Further cautionary measure will be taken to protect master copies.


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