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A Day of Crimson tears

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A Day of Crimson tears

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It was a bright cold day in the month of Suns Seed, the ceremony bells rang and echoed across the capital. Leovald Harspund, his chin nuzzled into his coat and breath forming a heavy mist upon the morning air, stood anxious, for today he would have a great undertaking. Standing at the steps of the Church of Light he stopped for a moment and stared at the ornate stained glass depicting his god The High Father. Pulled almost from a trance while staring at the Church, his companion Sigismund, a grizzled old soldier that had seen his fair share of service and someone that Leovald might even call friend, nudged his arm and then motioned his Lord forward. Leovald reminded himself he had a task to complete and needed to focus. 

Following in foot behind his companion, one step at a time they ascended the steps, each one bringing forth a heavier beat to his heart. Doubt crept back into Leovald’s mind.  

“Should I truly be doing this?” He thought to himself. “Yes... even though I find myself in treacherous territory... a path untrodden... I must, I’ve come to far to turn back now.” 

The massive oak and metal hewn doors of the church swung wide open accompanied by two armored temple guards. The guard on the right raised a hand and welcomed Leovald and his companion, as they entered the guards shut the doors behind them. There in the hall, numerous Lords and Ladies from across The Northern Realms had gathered in the massive chamber for the grand celebration.  

Rose petals fell from the balconies up high, being tossed by the flower girls. Leovald and Sigismund joined the crowd on the right side with the other Lords and Ladies. He spotted numerous nobles he had come to know well over the course of his life, some friends to his family, and others labeled as foes. This surely would be a day to remember. 

It felt like an eternity to Leovald, but finally, the minstrels began to play their instruments, bagpipes, six-stringed viol, flutes, drums, and trumpets began to echo through the hall. The clergy of the church sang in unison with the minstrels creating a great harmonious tune. As the clergy reached their chorus, the doors opened.  

Turning his head and laid eyes upon her, the bride, fair features, pale skin, golden hair in a royal braid, and her eyes shining as bright as the sun itself, clad in the finest wedding gown gold could buy. Astrid Saunclair, the only child and daughter of the emperor. A woman he had been infatuated with since their childhood, he yearned for her more than anything in life. It seemed like only yesterday, but a year prior Leovald had proposed to the emperor to take her hand in marriage. Though it would not be so. Emperor Saunclair declined Leovald’s proposal and told the young Lord that he was not worthy of his daughter’s hand, and he was unworthy of the emperor's bloodline. 

Leovald watched Astrid strut down the aisle followed by her father getting nearer and nearer to the man she was sworn to, Godwin Ostrand Duke of Orivae. Godwin was a handsome man, black of hair with bold features and icy blue eyes. Leovald could never fathom why the emperor would promise Astrid to someone from a house lower than his station, after all he was the provincial governor of the province of Krest practically a king, and the Ostrands were mere Dukes. 

 As he eyed Godwin, Leovald muttered, “Lowly cur...” Sigismund nudged him again with his elbow, “Keep your thoughts to yourself Mi’lord, best not anyone here hear you say such things.” He whispered. 

Leovald knew Sigismund was correct and that it would be in his best interest not to speak ill during the ceremony. He resumed his focus upon Astrid as she began the ascent on the bottom of the steps leading to the High Sister, she was proceeding this holy union between the emperor's daughter and the lord of house Ostrand. Leovald only had moments to wait now.  

Astrid and Godwin grasped onto each other with their hands as the High Sister spoke to Astrid, “Wilt thee have this man to be thy wedded husband, to become thine keeper and protector to thee Emperess, to live together before The High Father’s ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thee obey him, and serve him, love, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?” 

Astrid responds, “I will.” 

The High Sister turns to Godwin and continues, “Wilt thee have this Woman to be thy wedded wife, to be thy Emperess, to live together after The High Father’s ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thy love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, in sickness and in health; forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?” 

Godwin replied, “I will.” 

“And thus ends the formal betrothal. The couple shall advance to the Altar, who then shall turn to the assembled company and drink from the bonding chalice.” The High Sister spoke to the audience. 

The High Sister led Astrid and Godwin to the altar beneath a massive stained-glass depiction of the High Father and his angels, there sat an ornate golden chalice with untold jewels adorned upon it. Within it was the sacred wine that the couple would drink to finalize the matrimony. But first they must complete their solemn vows to one another. 

“I Godwin Ostrand Lord of Orivae, take thee Astrid Saunclair, to be my wedded wife, to have and hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to be bonny and buxom at bed and at board, to love and to cherish, till death us depart, according to the High Father’s holy ordinance; thereunto I plight thee my troth.” Godwin spoke. 

Astrid spoke a similar vow to her future husband. Both groom and bride reached out and grasped the bonding chalice. As they both stared intently into one another's eyes the world seemed to stop and be solely focused upon them. Godwin raised the chalice to his lips first and drank. Licking his lips he intently stared back at Astrid completely absorbed by the moment and her beauty. Godwin handed Astrid the chalice and as Astrid began to raise the chalice to her lips the world came to a stop. 

Godwin begins to cough, and the coughing begins to grow worse. Godwin takes another gulp of from the bonding chalice in an attempt to quell the cough, though it does not work. His coughing becomes more and more violent and quickly becomes so severe that his throat closes, and he cannot breathe. Astrid begins to panic and grasps her betrothed by his collar. Godwin soon falls to his knees while Astrid grasps him, desperately gasping for breath and convulsing violently he vomits spewing bile and blood upon her elegant dress. Panic erupts amongst the wedding guests, Emperor Saunclair shouts commands at the temple guard to help Godwin and to clear the halls. By the time the temple guard gets to Godwin it is too late, his last breath leaving his ragged body as Astrid weeps holding him tightly. 

“Now my Lord!”, Sigismund says to Leovald. His sword sings as it is hastily drawn from its sheath amidst the chaos. Leovald follows in suit and draws his blade, both making their way down the main walkway to the stairs. With each step pressing forward Leovald’s heart races faster and faster like a pair of drums beating to an army's march. Sigismund begins to charge one of the temple guards and swings his blade overhand, hacking the guard's face and leaving a gaping wound. The guard lets out a momentary shriek before falling to his death. Astrid looks up in sheer terror at Sigismund and Leovald brandishing blades approaching her father and her. 

“What MADNESS is this? How dare you brandish arms here! ARE YOU BEHI-” Emperor Saunclair begins to yell, but his words sputter and end in an instant.  As Sigismund engages the remaining guard Leovald sprints forward and with one fell sweep he plunges his blade into the emperor’s gut driving his blade clean through. Emperor Saunclair lets out what breath remains in his lungs as he grasps the blade with his left hand and mutters to Leovald. “Y-You...” The emperor says dying. 

The panic of the crowd, blades ringing, and Astrids blood curdling screams fill the Church of Light. Leovald, staring into the eyes of the emperor rips his blade out, slinging blood across the red carpet and even splattering Astrid’s already soiled wedding gown. Slowly he turns to face Astrid as more temple guards surge into the main hall pushing aside the guests. Two dozen or so guards surround Sigismund and Leovald making a barrier between them and the remaining guests, blades drawn ready for a fight.  

 “KILL THEM, I ORDER YOU TO KILL THEM! HE SLEW YOUR EMPEROR!” Astrid screams at the top of her lung's tears raining down her face as raises a finger towards Leovald, the other still grasping the deceased Godwin. 

Silence follows aside Astrid’s crying and the heavy breathing of the soldiers. What remains of the wedding guests remain onlooking in shock and awe. A man that appears to be the captain of the Temple Guard holds his left hand in the air and makes a solid fist. “Hold and praise your new Emperor Leovald Harpsund!” He cries out. All of the guards fell to their knees in one fell swoop hailing their proclaimed Emperor.  

“Seems they came through...” Leovald mutters a smirk begins to form on his face. 

Leovald then shouts with ire, “Emperor Saunclair is dead, I Leovald Harpsund, Lord of Greywatch, Provincial Governor of Krest declare myself Emperor of the Sturnian Empire by ancient blood right, those of you that wish to stand with swear yourself to me now! Those that stand against me will meet the same fate as Saunclair has!” Pointing his bloodied blade at the emperor's corpse sprawled about on the marble floor. 

The proclamation echoes through the hall, soon nobles in the crowd begin to bicker and shout and yell obscenities at him, most denying him this treacherous rite. The Lord of Seven’s Hall Albert Bernhard a frail old man has the metal to step forward and yell, “We will not bow to the likes of you Harpsund, he who comes here to the sacred place of The High Father and commits such an atrocity in our gods sight and murders his own Emperor!” 

Before Albert Bernhard could speak any further a blade in a hand comes from behind and grips his mouth, soon followed by a short blade that slits his throat. Albert collapses and falls to the ground lifeless spraying blood on the floor. Ewald Mirador stands behind Albert staring down at the old man an eyebrow raised unconcerned with what he had just done, he proceeds to wipe it clean of blood with his cloak. “Praise Emperor Leovald Harpsund!” Ewald yells, raising his blade high.  

Chaos erupts again in the crowd, groups of nobles begin to fight, some not even armed fighting their opponents with their fists or whatever they can get their hands on. The captain of the temple guard signals his men forward, blades in hand they begin to cut down those that stand against them, it is a bloody confrontation. Blades clash, bodies fall, and blood pours forth on the marble floors of The Church of Light. 

Leovald watches the chaos ensue and of those whose lives he just wrought death upon. Doubt creeps back once more into Leovald’s mind, what had he just done? The slaying of his emperor and countless nobility of the empire? Is this truly what he wanted to happen? Sigismund moves and grabs Astrid by the arm, yanking her up from the floor she beats at his plate mail with her fist, still crying and screaming. Sigismund tosses her before Leovald’s feet, as she collapses against the marble she crawls forward and grabs Leovald’s surcoat that is coated with her father’s blood. 

“Y... You... MONSTER!” She lets loose with a blood curdling shriek. 

“Your father... Astrid would have brought about further ruin to Sturn. Many of the nobility and some of the senators have been gravely against your father’s politics ever since he allowed Tulaire to secceed from the Empire. If I hadn’t have taken his life and deposed him, someone else would have, and someone without the ancient blood right of our forebearers!” Leovald spoke with a solemn tone. 

 His voice cracking with anxiety and emotion he continued, “And you... I have loved... ever since our childhood... and your father denied me your hand. He even had the gall to insult me and even declare that my blood was not worthy of yours. So, I took it upon myself if I could not have you then I would become the emperor and take you as my prize. You may hate me for the rest of your days, but I am your Emperor now.” 

Astrid sat slumped upon her knees, tears streaming from her golden eyes upon the bloodied marble. She did not respond, her gasping cries, tremors, and tears spoke for her. Leovald knelt down and caressed her pale face with his bloodied hand, leaving a palm print upon her fine cheek. She stared back at him lifelessly, everything she had ever loved had been taken away in one fell swoop by him. Her childhood friend slew her father before her very eyes, poisoned her husband, and ordered the deaths of countless friends and family.  

“Mi’lord, it is best we leave this place before more of the capital is warned of what transpired here. We must take her and leave. Lord Mirador has transport for us to leave the city. And your contact with the Sisterhood of the Parish is awaiting to anoint you as emperor as we speak.” Sigismund informed Leovald. 

Leovald did not answer, he sat staring into Astrid’s eyes as she sat broken before him. Allowing doubt to cloud his mind further. His actions in irreparable stain on her life and his now. He would never be able to take back what he had done this day. The Empire would surely bleed for his actions, brothers would slay brothers and fathers would lose sons all for his ambitions and love of a woman he could not have. 

“Mi’lord. We must gather your forces for the coming conflict and leave immediately!” Sigismund rushed to Leovald and shook him from his trance again. “We must move now! Captain secure the courtyard and kill any rabble outside the Church that stand in our way, we make for the Gauntlet where our transport awaits!” he yelled. 

Leovald stood and brought Astrid up into a soft hold. She did not move, almost as if like a lifeless doll she allowed Leovald to pick her up and carry her out of the Church of Light. Stepping through the massive oak and metal hewn doors the cold of the morning was whisked away by the sun that caressed his face. He stared into Astrid’s sorrow-stricken face contemplating his actions. He must prepare for a war unlike any that had come before, the sons and daughters of Sturn would soil the ground of The Northern Realms blood red, and he would be responsible for them all now as The Emperor. 

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