
Table of Contents

Preface Chapter 1

In the world of Sebelum

Visit Sebelum

Ongoing 881 Words

Chapter 1

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In my time as a researcher I've come to realize a common occurrence within Sebelum. If something is considered a myth, then it by nature is no more than that. A story passed from one individual to another twisting and tainting an already unimaginable tale in to something more absurd. Although, if something is considered to be legend, then one should proceed with the utmost caution, for if you were to go galivanting off in hopes of uncovering another wonderful tale full of mystery and magical prowess then you'll most likely find yourself amongst company that is unfavorable to your overall well being. It's as if somewhere deep within our subconsciouses we are able to distinguish stories from forgotten memories. In magic specifically that of divination many masters refer to what they call the collective unconscious, an intermingled web of information derived from the beliefs of all across Sebelum. Some spells may tap in to the collective such as detect disease which would then provide you based on common knowledge information on the disease you wish to detect. I believe that there is something else hidden within this unconscious that forces us to deliberate between myth and legend. For every myth I've researched has been nothing but story, and every legend I've research has nearly taken my head off and I rather like it where it is. I cannot stress enough that this is nothing more than a hypothesis, for the information in this book has little more than word of mouth and forgotten scrolls to vouch for its legitimacy, but I cannot help but fear for what I have learned.

Sun dragons are one of the most benevolent and freedom loving of all dragons. They enjoy life to the fullest and show love to all sentient creatures they encounter, those who come across the sun dragons often describe them as playful.
    The small scales of the wyrmling are fiery red; as juveniles, burnt orange almost bronze; as mature adult, brilliant yellow sometimes golden; when ancient, bluish white. Finally, when a sun dragon becomes a great wyrm, it shrinks back down to tiny size and turns a flat white color. Some people confuse these sun dragons for very young moon dragons, at much risk to their health.
    Sun dragons lair in caverns on a fiery celestial bodies where they live and play. Most of these caverns they created themselves by scooping out the fiery matter of the fire body. It is in these caverns that they store what treasures they have and lay their clutch of eggs.
    Sun dragons are omnivores and will eat nearly anything except intelligent creatures, due to their respect for life.

Sun dragons have little interest in combat for the sake of combat and since few visit the hot surface of the fiery celestial bodies which they call home. When they do enter into combat it is found that few of the sun dragons have feats that take advantage of their size, this is due to the fact they are one of the smallest dragons and when they reach great wyrm they would lose any advantage with taking such feats. They do play with their opponents like a cat would a mouse. Knocking an opponent to the ground and pinning them is one of their favorite tactics

What little combat they did engage in was with those of the Moon Dragons. From a very young age the sun dragon has the mystical ability to sense any moon dragons that are found within its magic sphere (or for that matter any magic sphere it travels to).

There are musings of a clan of Dragonborn that worshipped a mighty Sun Dragon during the early days of Sebelum. Its possible that due to its distance from the planet it was able to survive the Calamity or perhaps it took refuge in the elemental plane of fire. I have uncovered nothing written on what may have allowed it to survive Mystra's gift.

Moon dragons inhabit caves on moons. Their alignment believed to be always evil, has mentions varying on occasion. The coloration of moon dragon's change every 30 days starting as white. Slowly the dragons scales change to black. This takes 15 days, then a small streak of silver appears on the dragon's side. Fifteen days later it is white again. When the dragon is black it is believed to be chaotic evil. When it is white it is believed to be lawful evil. 

The moon dragon consider melee combat beneath them and will use its breath-weapon, spells and other resources to defeat its meal. They are believed to be incredibly powerful casters and can even shape the stars around them. They are said to have complete control over all lycanthropes, forcing them to change despite the current phase of the moon or even during broad daylight.

There are musings of a clan of Dragonborn that worshipped a Moon Dragon during the early days of Sebelum as well. There is little information on either clan and what little I could find are the results you see before you. If anything remains of these dragons or their clans all we can do is hope that whatever powers are at play have away of preventing what could be another Calamity, simply resting above our heads.


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